Chapter 209


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Ronald Adams was Kaleb’s cousin. He was two years younger than the king of Yurene and was the son of Kaleb’s brother. When Ronald’s father passed away, Kaleb’s father adopted the boy and raised him alongside his son, makin two like brothers.

Raven told me all of this information in a hushed tone as the two spoke in the distance. It seemed no one in the banquet hall dared to interrupt their talk. People around them maintained a certain distance and ensured they had the space and privacy for their conversation.

I studied them from across the room. I wished I could read l*ps so I could gather useful information, but I couldn’t. The only thing I could surmise was that Kaleb disliked Ronald. His b*dy language, which was usually relaxed and arrogant, was cold and off-put. His dark blue eyes had turned icy, and his expression was bored.

Still, the king didn’t protest when Ronald hugged him. He accepted the embrace, though he appeared nonchalant about it all

The Northern king’s cousin was nearly as tall as him and had similarly long brown hair, though his was darker and had less gold than Kaleb’s. Ronald’s cool blue eyes were far more eager as well, and though his smile was kind, I could sense a bit of desperation about it. It was evident he liked Kaleb more than Kaleb liked him,

“Does the king have other brothers?” I wondered, and Raven’s expression shifted immediately. Gone was the amused look of passing gossip. She now seemed panicked and nervous.

“Well, that’s a bit hard to explain-” she began to say, but before she could finish her sentence, Roxy cut her of


“Raven!” she uttered in annoyance, and her nostrils flared in irritation. That’s enough. Stop talking”

Raven, as if knowing something was wrong, pursed her full l*ps immediately and quit speaking. Meanwhile, Roxy stared at me with her cold eyes. Though she was nearly identical to Raven. I was unnerved by the differences between the two. Raven was so kind and bubbly, but her sister was mean and calculated. Even her dress, a slinky swath of black velvet, was much more severe and revealing.

I turned away from the sisters and looked around the hall. Strange, exotic music had started to play, and some of the werewolves had begun to dance. Their bodies moved and swayed against one another in such an indulgent, sensual way that it could almost be argued that it wasn’t dancing at all.

A few of the tall, male wolves started to approach us with eerily lustful smiles on their faces, but before they could get too close to us, Roxy shot them a death stare and Raven’s scarlet l*ps curled into a snarl. I was taken aback by the suddenly feral behavior, but when they backed down, I couldn’t protest much.

Those ugly dogs never learned their lessons.” Raven complained.

“They’re newcomers who haven’t learned any lessons,” Roxy countered, her voice full of contempt. Her sister simply shrugged at the remark and then turned to me as if she’d remembered something.

“Can you tell that Roxy has a crush on Kalebe Raven whispered my car.

When I blurted out, and when I glanced over at lier sister. I watched Roosy frown. It was clear that Raven wasn’t used to whispering and had asked her questions a intle too loudly Roxy hat heard what she said and looked vexed by the question

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11:45 Fri, Feb 23.

Chapter 209

Raven grimaced. “Why do you always need to pretend? We’re identical twins, sister, and I know what you’re thinking about Your st upid loyalty to the king could only be explained as a crush-

“That’s nonsense,” Roxy hissed, and Raven chuckled.

“You’re a wimp. she teased, and Roxy’s hands curled into fists at her sides.

“At least I know what to do with my life,” she countered. “Unlike you, who’s utterly incompetent but too afraid to admit it

Raven seemed hurt by the remark, and her lower l*p trembled. “It isn’t my fault that the research hasn’t made any progress. I don’t know why you need to be so harsh. Roxy, since you know how difficult it all is. Besides, it’s a waste of time to stay cooped up in the lab.”



What were they talking about?

What kind of research made Raven so desperate? It was clear that whatever the sisters were talking about, Raven was passionate about it. I tried to study her face and waited for her to speak more on the subject, but the conversation concluded before I could learn more.

Just as the talking ceased, Ronald and Kaleb approached. The king of Yurene’s cousin appeared much softer than he was, and when he smiled at me, the gesture seemed genuinely warm.

“Ronald, this is Cas sandra Keller, Kaleb introduced us, and then, much to my surprise, Ronald lifted my hand and placed a gentle k*ss on it.

“A pleasure to meet you,” he said in a smooth, silky voice. “It’s an honor to have a marvelous lady here in Yurene. Would you do me the pleasure of dancing with me?”

Before I could answer, Kaleb spoke up again.

“I think it would be more proper if I danced with Miss Keller first,” he insisted, and before another word could be said, he took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

My heart pounded in my chest in anticipation, but before I could panic too much, we began to dance. Thankfully, our dance was more Southern than Northern, so there wasn’t anything unsavory about it. Kaleb remained silent, and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but he was conducting himself like a gentleman.

Once the dance concluded, there was applause, and Ronald was one of the clappers. He seemed completely enthusiastic about our dance, and when we returned to where we’d left him, be gushed about us.

“That was the most beautiful dance I’ve ever seen,” he remarked, and then be procured a soft pink rose from behind him and held it out to me. “I would be grateful if you would honor me with a dance next, Miss Keller.”

I glanced at Kaleb, who made no comments and had an expressionless face. I’d half-expected him to deny his cousin the request outright, but to my surprise, he didn’t speak a word about it. Though I didn’t want to do any of this and wished I could go back to Erika and Finnick, I couldn’t find any reason to decline, so I nodded and took the rose from his hand.

The moment I touched the beautiful, pale pink flower, its petals fully bloomed. I widened my eyes in complete and utter surprise and stared at Ronald in disbelief.


The rose had been magic?

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11:45 Fri, Feb 23

Chapter 209

“How did that happen?-I asked in shock.

Ronald flashed me a warm, pearly white smile. “It was your beauty that made the rose bloom”

While the line was smooth and kind, I knew it was

total nonsense.

Was it an act of sorcery?

Was Ronald, the king of Yurene’s kind and handsome cousin, a sorcerer?




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