Chapter 207

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The prison tower stood half a mile away from the castle. It wasn’t an easy walk, but the crisp, familiar air of Vurene felt good after being away for so long, I inhaled deeply as the breeze caught my hair. While normally, that kind of thing would have annoyed me, I didn’t mind it too much today. It was good to be home and good to be far away from Anemond and its feigned niceties. For a place full of so much ugliness, there were so many ordinances and pretending of manners and politeness. It disgusted me.

While the North was more brutal, it felt much more honest. I’d missed that greatly.

Anubis followed alongside me, though I wished he hadn’t. His mere presence was an annoyance, and after his snide remarks, I wanted him to go away. But at the end of the day, he was my right-hand man for a reason. I needed him to keep things going around here.

Our walk thankfully continued on in silence, and we soon passed the training ground. It was an open space where young werewolves were trained to be qualified warriors for Yurene. They worked long hours to prove their loyalty to their country.

And to me, of course.

With how much turmoil was happening. I needed the most dedicated, hard-working warriors in my fleet.

Roxy was in charge of leading these training sessions.

She managed to spot us as we walked by, and after she thumped her fist against her chest in respect, she halted the training session and pulled one of the trainees aside. They conversed for while, and then she ran over to us with long strides.

“Your Majesty,” she greeted me kindly, and she offered me a small bow. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon. I hope you had pleasant trip.

I smiled at her. Roxy had been orphaned during the war with Dark Abyss. Her father, a formidable sorcerer, had passed down his magical lineage to her. Known for her exceptional combat sorcery skills, she was among one of the top sorcerers in Yurene.

“It was fine,” I said simply, and then I glanced out at the field of trainees. “How are things going?”

“The trainees are quick learners,” she replied, and she ran her hand through her wavy black hair. “We’ve been working on mastering basic fighting sorceries. They’re doing great.”

I nodded in response. I’d never doubted Roxy’s competence. Though she was young, she was the ultimate victor in intense combat and the epitome of fighting prowess.

“Will you accompany us to visit the prison?” I requested, and without hesitation, she nodded, and we left the training field.

The tower was.

The prison tower wasn’t too far away from the grounds, so it only took us a few minutes to get there. immense structure that rose high into the air Constructed of the same white stone as the rest of the castle, the tower had ten floors, each designated for prisoners based on the severity of their crimes, with more severe punishments assigned to higher


The tenth floor cmitted a foul, putrid stench that assaulted my senses upon entry. It was the most pungent of smells, the kind that nearly brought one to their knees upon inhaling. My hand flew over my nose instinctively, and Roxy and Anubis

did the same

Unlike the lower floors, this one was eerily quiet, permeated by the smell of death Guards hurriedly carried a lead corpse past us offering small bows as they passed by Cell on both sides of the aisle houses three prisoners each, or rather. experimental adjects affectionately known arour guinea pigs. Thankfully, they rarely cried and were scarcely conscious.

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11:44 Fri, Feb 23.

Chapter 207

At the end of the aisle sat the laboratory, much larger than the one Asher had confined his prisoner, Sp ik e, in Wegalla. Part of me contemplated showing it to Cas sandra and suggested its use, but as the thought entered my mind, I realized she might not be prepared for it yet. She was strong, but there was a certain delicateness about her that would be sensitive to the sight and idea of this.

Two sorcerers were engrossed in their tasks as we approached. They greeted us respectfully, offering us bows and thumps against their chests. In the center of the room, a man lay on a có connected to numerous tubes. Despite appearing pale and utterly lifeless, the beating monitors indicated that he was alive.

As I glanced around the room. I realized the two sorcerers, researchers, were missing their leader.

“Where is Raven?” I inquired with a raised eyebrow. The sorcerers cheeks went pale, and they glanced at one another. “We-we aren’t sure. Your Majesty,” one answered, clearly embarrassed. “We haven’t seen her in a while.”

Just as I was about to reprimand them, Roxy stepped in and gently touched my arm

“I apologize for my sister’s negligence,” she said as she dropped her hand back to her side. “I will reprimand my twin later.”

Her large, blue-green eyes were wide with sincerity, and I gave her a nod. It wasn’t a big deal. If Raven could be disciplined, that would be ideal, but I wondered if Roxy was capable of changing her twin. This wasn’t the first time Raven had disappeared without leaving word of her whereabouts.

I turned back to the researchers. “Is there news’ of any progress?”

The two glanced at one another and then shook their heads. They immediately brought over their research but could only provide mundane figures and reported no tangible advancements.

As irritation bloomed within me, I glanced at the “guinea pig” on the cot and sighed. “What’s the remaining count?”

There are fewer than thirty left,” one of the researchers spoke up after a moment of hesitation.

I frowned. This wasn’t g


The researchers appeared intimidated by my expression, as they should have been. I’d expected much more progress in my absence, and with so few of them left… we needed to get further. But there was no way to produce results if it just wasn’t happening

So, I decided to temporarily halt the research. I retrieved a n*ecklace from my pocket and passed it over to the researchers. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry, a diamond and moonstone pendant on a white gold chain. Anubis had uncovered it in Cas sandra Keller’s house in Wild Crawler.

“I need you to study this, I commanded, and when I was met with strange expressions, I clarified my words. “I think it might

be a talisman, but I want to be sure.”

I then turned to Anubis. “Meanwhile, I want you to return to Wegalla and trace the origins of the n*ecklace.”

The dark-haired man seemed agitated by this idea “It might just be some ordinary market-bought accessory” “Sure” I at hom off. “But then again, it has the potential to be something more. I have my own suspicions.”

“What do you mean” he asked as his eyebrows creased together

I marked in all of the eyes to the room fell upon me in curiosity Anubis. I want you to investigate if the n*ecklace is Congrated to lie vanushed Felix Tamily

11:45 Fri, Feb 23.

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