Alpha King Versus Vampire King
5.How did they find me?

The doctor’s advice was to rest and avoid excessive thinking, yet I found myself unable to cease pondering over my previous life. This internal struggle is tormenting me, as I am utterly clueless about my own identity. Beyond my name, I possess virtually no knowledge about myself, and I’m hesitant to accompany these unfamiliar individuals. In fact, the entire world now appears as an enigma to me.

I am in a state of helplessness, relying solely on the generosity and kindness they extend. I count myself fortunate to have crossed paths with them, for without their intervention, I would not be sitting comfortably in this car right now.

I am haunted by thoughts of what might have occurred had they not discovered me. Imagining scenarios where I could have become prey to wild animals sends shivers down my spine.

All I can do is hope that my family will soon locate me and lead me back home. Until that moment arrives, I must depend on Cresel, the young woman seated beside me, and the three men who have chosen to assist me.

In this unfamiliar world, where my past life remains a blank slate, these individuals appear to be compassionate enough to tend to my injuries and provide me with shelter.

However, a persistent sensation of fear grips me - the fear of never unraveling the true depths of my own identity. This overwhelming aspect of having lost all memory is a substantial burden to bear, and I find myself at a loss for how to react. A central concern is the possibility that no one will come to reclaim me and take me back home. What if I am abandoned, left to fend for myself like an orphan?

Dark thoughts swarm my mind, prompting me to draw in a deep breath in an attempt to steady myself.

Seated in the backseat by the window, I am accompanied by Cresel and Tan. Since departing from the hospital, a palpable silence has settled upon the car; each person appears lost in their own contemplations.

It’s not that I resent their lack of attention, in fact, I’m appreciative of their presence. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the individuals sharing this car with me are the compassionate strangers who aided me and are now providing me with a place to live.

Then I catch a glimpse of the Greek man, Anord, gazing at me through the rearview mirror. I take a second look to confirm my suspicion, and indeed, his eyes are fixed on me. Yet, when our gazes meet, he quickly averts his eyes and feigns indifference.

What could be going on with him?

I shrug my shoulders, turning my attention from his head and diverting my gaze out of the window, deciding to shift my focus elsewhere.

The sun had already descended beyond the horizon, casting a deepening darkness upon the surroundings. Amidst the thick trees, my vision was limited, and after traveling for a while, some buildings gradually came into view.

“What’s the time?” I inquired, turning to Cresel, who had shifted her gaze towards me. She then glanced at her wristwatch and conveyed the current time to me.

Subsequently, the car passed through an expansive metal gate, revealing a collection of modest houses. The majority of them were illuminated, and the distant murmur of people’s voices reached my ears.

The vehicle came to a halt in front of a larger house compared to the ones I had observed during the ride.

“We’ve arrived,” Cresel declared, her face adorned with a wide smile as she assisted me in exiting the car.

“Cresel, take her inside,” Anord’s voice sounded just as my feet touched the ground. I looked up to witness him, accompanied by Tate and Dan, entering the house.

“Shall we?” Cresel inquired, her gaze expectant. I nodded, my attention focused on the entrance.

With Cresel supporting my arm, we began our unhurried journey indoors. I had a minor foot injury that caused discomfort as I walked, prompting us to proceed slowly. Cresel guided me up a flight of stairs.

Upon reaching the top, we turned left and entered a room. The space was simple, furnished with a bed, dresser, closet, and couch. The walls were painted in a soothing shade of blue.

“This is your room,” Cresel informed me, aiding me as I sat down at the edge of the bed. She settled beside me.

“Thank you so much. If you hadn’t found me, I-” I began, but she interjected, her expression tinged with embarrassment.

“Oh no, it wasn’t me who discovered you,” Cresel corrected herself, shaking her head.

“Huh?” I questioned, my confusion evident.

“Alp..Anord was the one who discovered you, and the guys took you to the hospital. It’s their gratitude you should express,” Cresel clarified, prompting me to make a mental note to thank them later.

“Oh! Then how did they locate me? I mean, what was my condition?” I inquired, my tone tinged with curiosity.

“You were lying on the ground, blood flowing from your head. If Al-Anord hadn’t arrived when you...” She trailed off, her sentence left unfinished as she let out a sigh and held my left hand.

“Anyway, what do you think of this room? Does it suit you?” She asked, attempting to divert my attention.

“Yes, it’s nice,” I replied, my gaze wandering around the room.

“That’s good to hear. And you’ll come to appreciate this place too,” she said with a smile, observing my content expression.

“Mmm... what’s the name of this place?” I realized she hadn’t mentioned the name of this location before.

“Peterion. It’s quite remote from the cities, and only a select few know about it,” she informed me, watching my reaction closely.

“So...” I didn’t finish my sentence, as she already comprehended my unspoken question.

“Our ancestors discovered this tranquil haven, and we are the inhabitants of this beautiful place. Once your wound has healed, I’ll take you on a tour,” she added with a gleam in her eyes, igniting my curiosity to learn more about this place.

“And you shouldn’t force yourself to recall your past. Let it come naturally, and in the meantime, embrace the new chapter of your life. A fresh beginning in a new place with new people,” Cresel’s words resonated deeply within me, leading me to decide to embrace the new version of myself.

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