Alpha King Versus Vampire King
26. Welcome to witchard

I didn’t initially want to hold his hand, but his pleading expression compelled me to go along with him. Although I wasn’t certain if I could trust him, being his companion meant he wouldn’t cause me harm.

With a faint, unconvincing smile, I joined him on the walk. We strolled for a solid fifteen minutes until we arrived near the largest tree in the forest. The tree had an ancient appearance, and its leaves sparkled, emitting an eerie sensation.

I blinked twice and observed that it was twinkling like a star. I turned to Anord, my expression a mix of surprise and curiosity, and he gently squeezed my hand.

“We’ve come here to meet the witch. This forest is enchanted, and only a few are aware of it. We’ll enter through this tree,” he explained, his discomfort evident.

“Witch!? And an enchanted forest? It sounds intriguing,” I remarked, my tone childlike.

“Are you comfortable with this? You’re not scared?” he inquired, nervously rubbing his neck, resembling an innocent boy.

I burst into laughter and took a step forward.

“I used to be a fan of fairy tales, and now I finally get to meet the wicked witch. They’re supposed to be dangerous, but since you’re with me, I believe we’ll be fine,” I reassured him with a smile.

Witches were depicted as sinister characters in fairy tales, and I couldn’t wait to encounter them in reality.

“You’re quite the child at heart,” my subconscious teased me.

Anord mentioned something along the lines of us being here to notify the witch. Then, the trunk of the tree opened like a door, and while holding hands, we stepped inside.

The door slammed shut with a loud noise once we were inside, and I felt a surge of fear. Despite that, I scanned the room with my eyes, but it was completely dark.

“Anord, are we really going to meet a dangerous witch?” I asked, my voice trembling, and I clutched his hand tightly.

“Yes. Are you scared?” he questioned, pulling me closer and tightening his grip.

“Don’t worry. I’m here,” he reassured me, which helped put me at ease.

As we advanced, a light emanated from the center of the space. In the middle, there was a luminous sphere, akin to an electric bulb. A woman dressed in a long gown was manipulating something with both of her hands.

Since her back was turned towards us, I couldn’t clearly see her face. She might be unattractive and potentially terrifying. So, I mentally gathered my courage and tried to appear strong.

“Welcome to the Witchard, Alpha Anord and Ukrine,” she greeted, her voice surprisingly sweet rather than eerie.

“She knows my name,” I marveled at her apparent power.

“She’s knowledgeable and she’s here to assist us,” Anord said, proceeding ahead.

When the witch eventually turned around, I was taken aback to behold a stunning woman with flawless skin. She stood around 6 feet 2 inches tall, possessing a perfect figure.

“Are you truly a witch? I didn’t expect them to be so beautiful,” I blurted out, my eyes wide as I stared at her.

“This witch is beautiful, and her name is Xinxin. Please, take a seat,” she gestured towards chairs that were facing us.

“I believe I’ve already told you about her nightmares. Xeres is involved, and that vampire might be scheming something,” Anord said through gritted teeth.

“A vampire?!” I exclaimed, thoroughly surprised.

“Yes, Ukrine. He’s a vampire, and he’s after you,” delivering this news, another shock was sprung upon me, entirely unexpected.

“You’ll understand shortly. Look into my eyes,” Xinxin interjected before I could react strongly.

I took a deep breath and focused on her eyes. Slowly, I felt myself becoming hypnotized, and she seemed to draw in my energy. After a few minutes, she turned away, and I returned to feeling normal.

“I’ve grasped it. Xeres has been anticipating Ukrine for ages. This time, I doubt he’ll let her escape,” Xinxin’s voice resonated, prompting Anord to growl in response.

“Calm down, Alpha. First, let’s witness the events of your past life on this sphere. Ready?” Xinxin instructed, her tone leaving no room for questions. Anord and I nodded in agreement.

“Alpha, you were called Kai, and Ukrine, you were known as Wen back then,” she continued, and like a video player, the luminous sphere began playing the recorded scenes.

As the footage started, I saw the faces of Anord and myself, remarkably similar to Kai and Wen. This convinced me of the authenticity of her words. The setting was about 500 years ago when Anord, then Kai, was an ordinary wolf, and Xeres reigned as the Vampire King.

During that era, vampires and werewolves were hostile, thirsting for each other’s destruction. As Wen, I was a wolf possessed of both beauty and power. In my adolescence, I hadn’t found my mate, leading people to believe I might never have one. But a few years later, at a pack gathering, Xeres laid eyes on me and became captivated.

His gaze dripped with lust as he desired me as his queen, but I rejected his advances. I held out for my true mate, and finally, a month later, I met Kai at a party. Kai and Wen were deeply in love and were expecting their first child.

However, happiness was short-lived. The Vampire King intervened, tearing them apart. He abducted Wen and sought to claim her as his own. Wen, resilient, refused to yield, resulting in her brutal death along with their unborn child.

Meanwhile, Kai’s life was snuffed out by the anguish of his mate’s demise. Xeres couldn’t cope with Wen’s loss and employed a witch to resurrect her. Through magic, the witch instructed Xeres to wait until Wen was reborn in a new body. Cursed by Wen’s dying words, he couldn’t reincarnate, condemned to an eternity of waiting.

The video halted, and I took a deep breath. Xeres was a malevolent force, responsible for Wen’s death—my past self.

“Are you alright?” Anord inquired, his concern evident.

I merely nodded, not wanting to burden him with my emotions. My palms were damp against my jeans, a testament to my anxiety.

“Kai and Wen have both been reborn. Now, it’s up to you two to continue your story. I hope love triumphs in the end,” Xinxin encouraged with a warm smile.

“Thank you, Xinxin,” Anord expressed, and then we exited the chamber through the same ancient tree.

We returned to where we had parked our car and silently got inside.

“This time, Ukrine, I promise I won’t let that bastard take you away. I’ll protect you and our kind,” Anord’s voice held unshakeable determination, prompting me to embrace him tightly.

Emotions surged within me, images of Kai and Wen’s tragic end flashing in my mind. It was heartbreaking and sorrowful, but it was our history, not our present.

“We’ll be alright,” Anord comforted me, his hand rubbing my back soothingly. I hummed, pushing away the distressing thoughts and settled into my seat. As Anord was about to start the engine, his phone rang.

“Hello,” he answered the call.

“What?!” he exclaimed, then glanced at me.

After ending the call with a promise to arrive soon, he turned to me.

“Ukrine, get out. Swezla needs us urgently, and we must reach there swiftly. I’ll shift into my wolf form, and I’ll carry you,” he explained and began removing his clothes.

I turned away as he shed his shorts. The sound of bones cracking filled the air, and when I looked again, a large black wolf stood before me. He was even bigger than the one I had seen before, a well-built creature. He approached, nudging me with his snout. Unafraid, I ran my hands through his fur, and he emitted a contented purr.

Climbing onto his back, holding onto his fur securely, we dashed through the woods at supersonic speed.

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