I couldn’t believe that Anord had left me alone in the backseat. Tate was driving, and he occupied the passenger seat.

How could he ignore me like that?

Did he secretly wish I were with Xeres?

Have I made a terrible mistake?

Oh, God. My frustration grew with his distant attitude. He acted as he pleased without any regard for others’ feelings.

The ride remained silent, with Anord occasionally casting me quick glances in the rearview mirror before getting lost in his own thoughts.

Fine, I decided to join the silence and play along. Once we arrived at his house, I exited the car and stormed inside, consumed by anger.

As I entered the living room, the scene that met my eyes was even more infuriating.

Dan had Charles in a chokehold, his grip tight around Charles’s neck. Charles struggled to break free, but Dan’s strength far surpassed that of my human friend. Fiona and Lexie were attempting to intervene, but their efforts were in vain.

“Dan, let go of my friend! You might seriously hurt him!” I shouted at Dan and tried to pry his hand away.

Then Dan shifted his gaze to someone behind me and released his grip.

“Charles, are you alright?” I patted Charles’s back as he gasped for breath, his face noticeably pale.

“Are you insane? How could you lay a hand on him? Stay away from us!” I yelled at Dan, my frustration turning me into a furious mess.

I shuddered to think about what might have transpired if I hadn’t arrived in time. I held onto Charles, allowing him to regain his composure. Gradually, his breathing steadied, and I found myself pulled into the embrace of someone else.

The person let out a low groan as if seething with anger. Anord’s body radiated heat, and his hand clamped possessively around my waist while his glare bore into Charles. Having seen enough, I pushed Anord away and focused on Charles.

“Charles, thank goodness you’re alright. I was so worried. Do you need some water?” I inquired, concern evident in my voice.

Cres handed him a glass of water, and he downed it quickly.

“What was that, Anord? Why were you acting so irrationally? Can’t you see he’s hurt?” I unleashed my anger on him.

“I don’t want any other guy touching you except for me. Damn it, you’re mine, remember that. Otherwise, I might just tear the man apart,” he snapped, clearly fuming with anger.

I sighed, choosing to ignore his outburst for now, as my main focus was on my wounded best friend.

“Charles, why was Dan attacking you? What happened?” I turned to Charles, intentionally disregarding the piercing gazes directed at us.

“Ukrine! Swez... they’ve taken her,” Charles declared, his anger flaring as he spoke. He seemed to have recovered now.

“Captured? That can’t be. She’s fine and probably in her room,” I responded, disbelief evident in my voice.

“No, Ukrine. She’s in the cell. They’ve taken her captive,” Charles said, his concern clear.

“I came to see Swez, but she was nowhere to be found. I overheard one of the guards saying she’s in the cell. I asked Dan to release her, and that’s when we ended up in a fight,” he continued, explaining the situation.

“Anord, what did you do to her? You know she’s innocent,” I burst out angrily at Anord.

“Why? Anord, why would you harm her? I don’t think you’re a monster,” I yelled, my voice dripping with venom.

“I’m not a monster, and I would never harm her. She’s my sister, damn it,” he responded, his voice filled with anger as he punched the wall beside me.

His action and the revelation that Swez was his sister left me utterly stunned.

“Sister?! Then you’re a monster to treat her that way,” Charles retorted, his voice dripping with hatred.

“Don’t you dare disrespect our Alpha, Charles,” Tate moved forward, as if ready to confront Charles, but I stepped in between, extending my arms to halt him.

“Enough, all of you! I want the truth, and I want to find Swez. She could be hurt and scared,” I raised my voice, glaring at everyone present.

“Ukrine, she wanted you gone. She helped Xeres take you away. She’s not-” Lexie began, but I cut her off.

“There must be a reason for what she did. She’s not a bad person, and I care for her deeply. I know my best friend. Anord, release her,” I pleaded, desperation evident in my words.

“Dan, bring her up,” Anord commanded in a deep tone.

“But Alpha...” Dan began to protest, but a stern glare from Anord silenced him, and he walked away.

Anord led me to a sofa, where I sat pondering about Swez. Why would she lie to me? Did she betray me?

No, Swez wouldn’t do that. I trust her, and I’m certain there’s a valid reason for her actions. Everything will be alright once I hear from her.

The sound of footsteps drew my attention towards the entrance, and I saw Swez walking in, accompanied by Dan.

“Swez! Are you alright?” Charles rushed forward and pulled her into a hug.

Swez began crying, and Charles comforted her by gently rubbing her back.

“I’m sorry, Ukrine. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I wanted you to be safe and happy, so I helped Xeres. I just...” Swez began explaining once her tears had subsided.

“It’s okay, Swez. But why did you want me to leave?” I asked, my expression serious.

“This world doesn’t deserve you. There are bad people here, and I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re my best friend, and Anord doesn’t deserve you,” she said, her words directed at Anord without consideration.

Anord growled, looking hurt by her words, but he refrained from attacking her.

“Swez, I don’t understand why you dislike it here. But it’s my choice to stay, and I believe they mean no harm. I know they’re only half human, so they’re not dangerous,” I expressed my thoughts.

“They could still be dangerous, Ukrine,” Swez said, her expression troubled.

“Swezla, you were just a child when you witnessed the shift and got scared. But now you can see that we’re just like anyone else. You’re the only one among us who can’t transform into a wolf,” Tate tried to reason with her.

“Anord, is Ukrine your mate?” Charles suddenly asked, surprising us all.

“Charles, how did you know?” I inquired, looking at him in astonishment.

“I’m sorry, Swez and Ukrine. I’m also a werewolf. I wanted to tell you both, but I hid it for your safety,” Charles admitted, his guilt evident.

“Charles! You lied to us. Some best friend you are,” Swez yelled, her anger palpable.

“I know I shouldn’t have lied, but I felt I had to. Swez, give us a chance to explain. I can’t imagine living without my mate,” Charles said, his expression pained.

That revelation was another shock of the day.

“Mate?! How could you think that I would be with a monster? Charles, I can’t stand you,” Swez spat venomously before running outside.

“Swez!” Charles cried out and made a move to follow her, but Anord stopped him.

“Wait. Let her have some space. My men will keep an eye on her,” Anord advised. Charles let out a sorrowful growl and slumped onto the sofa, looking utterly dejected.

I hadn’t realized that everyone had been keeping secrets, and now it was up to me to come to terms with their hidden truths. The trip to the Peterion pack had uncovered layer after layer of lies.

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