Anord’s POV:

On the day of my birthday, I received a message containing a picture of him together with Ukrine. Her phone had suffered damage, but there was hope that the technician had managed to recover some of the photos.

Later, I encountered him at the hospital, and his presence overwhelmed my senses. I was on the brink of launching myself at him, but her words halted me in my tracks.

Witnessing her nestled in his arms, a surge of burning anger coursed through me, compelling me to strike the wall as an outlet. The urge to throttle him and end his life right then and there was almost irresistible, but she intervened.


It was utterly shattering to see her gazing affectionately at him, and my inner wolf whimpered in sorrow. I hadn’t anticipated their closeness to be this intimate. I had always been alone, and it seemed that my solitude would persist.

But why does this recurring misfortune befall me?

Why, exactly?

I hadn’t intended to form any emotional attachments to her, yet the force of the mate bond was eroding my strength.

The once-potent ruler of the werewolves was now transforming into a feeble lover.

“What lover?!” I exclaimed, a mixture of disgust and discomfort washing over me at the thought.

No, this isn’t love. It’s merely the relentless influence of the mate bond.

“You’re FOOLISH. Don’t lay blame on the mate bond,” my wolf growled in response.

I released a sigh, attempting to cast aside the bitter memories, but a surge of conflicting emotions swirled within me, making it arduous to discern the true sentiment.

Today, there’s a pack meeting scheduled with the Blue Stone Pack, but I’ve delegated Dan to attend in my stead. In an effort to clear my mind, I’ve retreated to the forest.

Surveying my surroundings, I shed my clothing and concealed it amidst the bushes. Subsequently, I shifted into my wolf form.

The Alpha blood coursing through me renders my wolf sizeable, and we share a mental link, communicating as one entity with two souls.

“Alpha, there’s someone who wishes to see you.” I was on the verge of taking off when Tate’s mental message reached me. With a resigned exhale, I donned the shirt and pants I’d stashed in the foliage and headed to the packhouse.

Arriving there, a scent wafted to my senses, almost causing me to lose my composure. Clenching my fists, I ascended the stairs and entered the office, where she stood fixated on a photo frame hanging beside my desk.

Aware of my presence, she pivoted, and her eyes bore a deep-seated loathing for me. Those eyes evoked memories of my mother, who had entrusted me with her care.

She, my sister, Swezla Petren, who had departed from my life years ago. Yet, her words still held immense power over me, preventing me from confronting my mate.

My estranged sister continued to gaze at me, rooted in place, studying my countenance. I, however, averted my gaze and approached the mahogany desk. Seating myself in the chair, a flurry of vulnerable images flooded my mind.


I experienced an unsettling sensation, a wave of sickness washing over me. Events were unfolding that I couldn’t comprehend, and the pain showed no signs of abating. Agony coursed through my entire body, accompanied by a series of changes occurring within me that baffled me.

I was just twelve years old at the time, and it was Uncle Jack who took on the role of caregiver. I was overcome with excruciating pain, emitting a disconcerting sound that even terrified me.

“Anord. Regain control,” a commanding voice stifled my screams.

“Concentrate and do not react,” Uncle Jack’s voice bellowed, attempting to soothe me.

“Ahhh...” I let out a resounding cry, attempting to endure the pain, though it proved insurmountable.

Gradually, my bones began to crack, and I underwent a transformation into a wolf. My hands transformed into paws, my skin became enveloped in fur.

At last, I metamorphosed into a wolf form. Despite the pain, a sense of elation washed over me; I had become a full-fledged werewolf. My wolf and I began to communicate, eventually establishing a bond.

Then, I heard faint whimpering from a corner of the room and caught sight of my sister, who was approximately nine years old, clutching her cherished doll and staring at me with a horrified expression.

I approached her with a smile, yet she inched away. I paused, then continued my approach, endeavoring to touch her, but she let out a piercing shriek, a heartrending cry.

I tried to calm her, but then I realized I was still in my wolf form. Hastily, I rushed to my room and transformed back.

Returning to the room, her cries persisted. Uncle Jack exhausted various strategies to elicit a smile, but her tears continued unabated.

“Swez. Look at what I’ve brought for you. Your favorite candy. Be a good girl and stop crying,” I tried to divert her attention and sat beside her, but she fled before I could even reach her.

I was about to follow her when Uncle Jack advised me to give her some space.

Days turned into weeks, yet my sister refused to speak to me. So, one day, I confronted her, and her response shattered me.

Never had I fathomed that my only blood relative would fear me to the point of viewing me as a monster.

Each of her words pierced my heart, which brimmed with affection for her. Despite my earnest efforts, I couldn’t alter her perception.

Some days later, she fell severely ill, a fever threatening her life. She recoiled whenever I approached her.

She desired to distance herself from me, and so, I arranged for her departure. Uncle Jack had a human friend who was aware of our existence. This friend was childless, and both he and his wife decided to adopt Swezla.

I cherished her deeply, to the extent that I was willing to endure the pain of losing her if it meant her happiness. The couple took an immediate liking to her during their first meeting, and Swezla formed an attachment to the woman. Consequently, she left for the city with them.


I last laid eyes on her eleven years ago, and now she has blossomed into a stunning young woman, bearing a striking resemblance to our mother.

The situation is this: Swezla is human, capable of living a typical human life in the city. When she was only four months old, someone poisoned her, rendering her incapable of connecting with her wolf form. Our parents, along with many of our kin, were killed in an attack, leaving her without an understanding of our kind.

Even now, she remains unable to comprehend me, or us, the way we truly are.

The prevailing silence became unbearable, so I initiated a conversation with her.

“How have you been, Swez? I hope you’re doing well. And how did you end up here?” I inquired, striving for a semblance of normalcy.

Despite the passage of time, I still care deeply for her and yearn for the sisterly bond we once shared.

“I’m not here to engage in small talk with you. I simply want you to release her,” she retorted, her voice devoid of any attempt to veil the disgust.

“Her? To whom are you referring?” I asked, although I already knew exactly to whom she was referring.

“My best friend, Ukrine Texel. She’s been here for a month. She’s unwell and requires proper treatment,” her voice softened as she spoke of Ukrine.

“We’ve already provided her with treatment, and for her well-being, she needs to remain here.”

“I’m well-versed in your ways, so just let my friend go. She’s already suffering; don’t subject her to more pain.”

“And what about her?” I questioned, eager to learn Ukrine’s perspective.

Does she want to leave too?

“Ukrine. She appears drawn to you and wants to recuperate here. But once she learns the truth, she won’t be able to handle it. I can’t bear to see her in agony, so release her.”

The initial part of her statement brought me joy, yet the subsequent revelation sent me reeling.

“And if I refuse?” I responded, my Alpha tone asserting itself, as she was urging me to relinquish my luna.

My wolf seethed with anger, a fiery rage burning within him.

“Why are you so insistent on keeping her? She’s human, and you’re the Monster. You’re no match for her,” she shouted, her gaze fixed on me with a glare of intense defiance.

“Do you want to know the reason? Then listen carefully. Ukrine Texel is my mate. My soulmate, my luna, and my queen,” I exclaimed, losing my composure.

“That can’t be true. You’re lying,” she reacted with a painful shock etched across her features.

“I-if that’s the case, then reject her. My best friend cannot be with you. Xeres is far more suitable than you. You’re the monster who will endanger her life.” As soon as she finished speaking, my wolf seized control, and I found myself gripping her neck.

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