Anord’s POV:

The previous day’s message left me in a state of shock, prompting me to swiftly initiate a search for more information.

Although I wished to converse with Ukrine, the reasons behind my urgency eluded my words. We both remained silent, avoiding any conversation.

Subsequently, an issue surfaced involving a group of young boys under my leadership, requiring my intervention as their Alpha. These boys had neglected school attendance and veered into unlawful activities. In order to address this concern, I gathered them at the packhouse to impart necessary lessons.

As this transpired, I noticed Ukrine observing the situation. Although my intention had been to address the youths’ problem, her gaze and subsequent departure toward the forest did not escape me.

My inclination was to trail her, yet I opted to grant her space to contemplate the circumstances at hand. Following the reprimanding of the troublemakers, I immersed myself in administrative tasks.

Presently, Tate and Dan had taken a leave of absence upon their mates’ return, engendering a surge of responsibilities that kept me engrossed.

Earlier in the day, Uncle Jack departed, assuring a prompt return. He appeared to possess significant knowledge, albeit concealed. His lack of surprise upon learning of the message hinted at prior awareness, withheld from me intentionally.

Four hours later, I mentally reached out to Cresel to inquire about Ukrine. Initial attempts yielded no response, prompting me to employ my alpha authority. Eventually, she disclosed that Ukrine had gone missing following lunch.

Cresel revealed that she had been engaged in pack-related tasks while Ukrine was present at the packhouse. A collective inquiry among pack members yielded no information about her whereabouts or activities.

My exhaustive search throughout the packhouse proved fruitless, as Ukrine remained unaccounted for.

I instructed the guards to thoroughly search the border region, resulting in the discovery of an unfamiliar car. However, a thorough inspection of the vehicle failed to yield any trace of her presence.

I was consumed by a wave of self-blame, berating myself for failing to safeguard her. It was my responsibility to ensure her safety, and my error lay in leaving her alone. The unfamiliar terrain posed a challenge for her, especially considering the dense and intricate forest that could easily disorient her.

My concern extended to the possibility that she might have ventured into restricted territories, where both rogue individuals and lurking vampires posed potential threats along the border.

“Scour every inch of the forest and locate your luna,” I commanded my warriors, deciding to join the search myself.

Time was of the essence; I needed to locate her swiftly.

Our search led us to the northern sector, systematically exploring every area. Regrettably, there were no signs of her presence. Although I could detect her scent, there was something unusual about it.

As daylight began to wane, a sense of urgency gripped me. Before darkness enveloped the surroundings, we had to locate her. With a sigh, I sprinted in the right direction, and there she was, lying unconscious on the ground.

Blood oozed from a wound on her head, and her leg bore signs of injury as well. Swiftly, I transported her to the pack’s medical facility, where Doctor Diana commenced treatment. Had she been a werewolf, her recovery would have been swift, but her human nature placed her at a disadvantage.

Post-treatment, the doctor informed me that due to stress and weakness, she had lost consciousness, unable to withstand the strain on her body. Ukrine had sustained a fractured leg, exacerbating a previous head injury caused by the fall.

Though the doctor assured me that her injuries were minor and her recuperation imminent, I entered her room to find her lying on the hospital bed, surrounded by monitoring equipment.

I reminisced about a time when she had remained unconscious for five days straight. However, on this occasion, I held hope that she would awaken sooner.

Almost the entire pack congregated to pay their respects and wish her recovery. One hour later, she opened her eyes, prompting a sigh of relief to escape me.

Attempting to shift, her efforts were hindered by her injured leg. As I moved closer to assist, she recoiled from my touch, as if I carried some contagion.

Retreating, I concealed my wounded expression. Cresel, entering the room with my beta, gamma, and their partners, approached to offer aid, only to receive the same cold reaction.

“Who are all of you?” she inquired, a perplexed expression on her face.

Cresel countered with assurance, “It’s us, Ukrine. I’m Cresel, your friend. All of us here are your friends.”

“No, you’re not my friends. Dad, Xeres, Sewz...” She protested, swatting away Cresel’s hand.

“Please, Ukrine, try to calm down. You might hurt yourself,” Lexie implored, her hurt evident.

In her agitation, she cried out for her father, vehemently shaking her head.

The doctor intervened, initiating an examination. The nurse instructed us to wait outside, a directive that frustrated me, as I yearned to remain by my mate’s side. Nonetheless, I abided, understanding the gravity of the situation.

After a period of time, the doctor emerged, sharing the news that her memory had returned, though she couldn’t recall us. Her recollection of us might be regained, or it might not. Patience was required as we waited for her to awaken again.

The news that she might not remember us and could forget us wounded us deeply. I clenched my fist, striving to contain my emotions, and encouraged the others to rest. However, they chose to remain by my side.

After a few hours, Ukrine regained consciousness, and the doctor conducted an examination.

“Alpha Luna’s memory has been restored, and she is back to her normal state,” the doctor informed us upon exiting the room.

“That’s a relief. Does she remember us?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes, but...” The doctor hesitated, avoiding direct eye contact.

“But what?” I demanded, my tone unintentionally intense.

“Alpha, she wishes to speak with her father. She pleaded with me to contact him, and I can’t go against Luna’s request,” the doctor explained, her expression carrying a hint of guilt.

“Alright, you can call him,” I conceded, entering the room. The doctor went to make the call to Ukrine’s father.

As we all gathered in the room, she tearfully apologized and expressed her gratitude for our care. She cried, expressing her longing for her father. The women consoled her, offering comfort.

One of the warriors later informed me of Ukrine’s father’s impending arrival. I granted permission for his entry, and we awaited his arrival.

A few minutes passed, and an unfamiliar scent permeated the hospital room. A middle-aged man who bore a resemblance to Ukrine entered, accompanied by an individual I held a deep disdain for.

How could he dare set foot in my territory?

I was poised to take action against him when I heard Ukrine sweetly calling his name. I stood astonished, witnessing their unexpected presence together.

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