The party had been underway for some time, and the yard was abuzz with activity. People held drinks, engaged in laughter, and conversed animatedly with one another.

Cres was occupied with welcoming the guests, leaving me alone with Tate. He was sharing jokes, yet I found them rather uninteresting. A sense of boredom crept over me, though I hesitated to voice it. Everyone around seemed to be reveling in the festivities, while I struggled to share their enthusiasm.

“Feeling bored? Missing someone badly,” Tate remarked, his tone carrying a hint of melancholy.

“Hmm...” I responded, slightly taken aback by his words. Had he somehow tuned into my thoughts?

“Your expression says it all. I miss her dearly. If she were here, we’d be having a blast,” he explained, clarifying the identity of the person he was referring to.

I offered a smile and continued sipping my apple juice. My gaze shifted to Dan, who was engrossed in conversations with the crowd. Suddenly, an authoritative voice cut through the hubbub, commanding everyone’s attention.

“Alpha has arrived. Prepare yourselves.”

The festivities came to an abrupt halt as all eyes turned toward the entrance. A hushed silence fell over the scene, and Anord emerged from his car with an air of regal presence.

A frown marred his features as he observed the group of people awaiting his arrival. The crowd promptly bowed, and Dan led the chorus of “Happy birthday,” followed by the others.

Anord acknowledged the greetings with a nod, his gaze sweeping across the assembly. Eventually, his eyes locked onto mine, and a fleeting display of happiness, longing, and hope flickered in his gaze. Before I could decipher the emotions further, Cres grasped my hand and led me toward him. The crowd surrounding him politely excused themselves and dispersed.

Anord’s attention remained on me, and my nerves tingled. I averted my gaze, gripping the side of my gown tightly.

“No words for me?” his voice rang out, prompting me to look at him.

“Hmm?” I inquired, studying his attire: a casual T-shirt and pants that didn’t quite match the party’s theme. The sound of someone clearing their throat snapped me back to the moment, and I realized I should wish him.

Before I could react, Cres motioned for me to approach, and the cluster of people around Anord politely moved aside to give me room.

Our eyes met again, and a moment of connection passed between us before the chatter and laughter of the party filled the space once more.

“Happy birthday, Anord. May blessings be upon you, and may you enjoy a long and fulfilling life,” I greeted him with a smile, to which he responded with a satisfied expression of gratitude.

Presenting him with a watch that perfectly suited his taste, one I had observed him wearing frequently, felt like a fitting gift. I had acquired the watch while shopping with Cres, acting on her guidance.

Anord then excused himself briefly to change into different attire, leaving behind a compliment about my dress. I graciously thanked him, feeling a surge of happiness from his kind words, which allowed me to immerse myself in the festivities.

Approximately five minutes later, Anord rejoined the party wearing a sharp black suit that complemented the watch I had gifted him. He greeted various attendees and proceeded to cut the cake I had baked earlier. Together, we indulged in its sweetness.

As I savored the final bites of cake, my attention was captured by a handsome young man who smiled at me. Returning his smile, I found myself approached by him.

“Hello! I’m Daniel,” he introduced himself, standing beside me.

“Hey! I’m Ukrine.”

“Nice to meet you, but I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Oh, I’m new here. I haven’t had the chance to get to know many people.”

“Alright then, would you mind chatting with me?”

“No, not at all. I’d love some company,” I replied, shaking his outstretched hand.

“Who’s that over there?” I inquired, nodding toward the girl whose intense gaze seemed to pierce through me.

“She’s my girlfriend, but things are a bit rocky between us right now,” he admitted, sounding somewhat disheartened.

“Are you trying to make her jealous? Is that why you’re talking to me?” I questioned, my tone turning more stern.

“No, I genuinely want to befriend you. But yes, I wouldn’t mind if she started talking to me again,” he confessed, flashing me puppy-dog eyes.

“Alright, then let’s dance,” I relented, not wanting to turn down his request.

“Sure,” he agreed, extending his right hand, and we made our way to the dance floor.

Romantic music enveloped the air as couples danced around us. With his hand on my waist and mine resting on his shoulder, we began to sway in time to the rhythm, maintaining a respectable distance.

As we moved, I caught sight of Anord, his expression seemingly impassive as he stared at us. I chose to ignore his gaze and focused on enjoying the dance instead.

However, my enjoyment was short-lived. Suddenly, I stumbled over something and collided with Daniel’s chest. In an instant, I was wrenched away from him, my back pressing against the chest of another person.

Raising my head, I was met with Anord’s furious countenance. He pulled me aside, marching toward Daniel. Confusion enveloped me as Cres rushed over to check on me.

Anord’s actions became increasingly inexplicable. He had a tight grip around Daniel’s neck, choking the life out of him. Gasps of horror emanated from the onlookers, and both Dan and Tate attempted to intervene, to no avail.

Unable to restrain myself any longer, I screamed at the top of my lungs. “ANORD, STOP! YOU’LL KILL HIM! LET HIM GO!”

Anord finally turned his attention to me, though he refused to release his grip on Daniel. In a chilling tone, he murmured, “How dare you challenge me? It seems you seek your own demise. No one dares defy me.”


“SHOW SOME DECENCY, ANORD. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE?” A commanding voice resonated, shattering the tension. Anord shoved Daniel to the ground and took a step back.

Concerned for Daniel’s well-being, I attempted to approach him, but Cres held me back. Dan helped Daniel to his feet, and the man who appeared to be in his early 40s declared that the party was now over.

People dispersed, leaving the once-crowded space nearly empty. The man fixed his gaze on me, a contemplative expression on his face. Under his breath, he muttered, “A FOOLISH MATE BOND AND A FRAIL HUMAN,” before casting one final glance in my direction. He then departed with Anord in tow.

Confusion and disbelief held me captive as I struggled to comprehend the unfolding events. My mind was a whirlwind, but my priority remained checking on Daniel.

Anord, why must you remain so enigmatic and difficult to understand?

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