Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 20

She’s a feral, wild thing.

Maybe it’s the storm, disguising her sins as she takes her pleasure from the inmate.

Her inmate.

She’s a woman possessed, allowing her baser instincts to take control as she explores his body.

His scent fuels her, with his mix of pepper and citrus speaking directly to her cunt. Her body burns as she straddles him, grinding herself against his erection.

She’s torturing him and she loves it. His cock is rock hard under his pants as she drags her cunt up and down his throbbing dick.

That’s what he gets for being an obsessive son of a bitch.

That’s what he gets for torturing her with text messages and making her come apart on the phone just from the sound of his fucking voice.

This is his punishment for using his Influence and forcing her to reveal the secrets she tries to bury.

This is his punishment for ruining her fucking life.

Maybe she speaks the last part out loud, because he grips her hips so painfully she knows they’ll bruise.

“Punish me, then,” he hisses. “Make me pay, Omega.”

She moves off him for a moment, tugging down his pants to touch him.


He’s warm steel in her grip, her hand unable to fit around his width. She swipes the tip with her thumb and he jolts, gasping at her touch.

Yes. She could get used to this.

Sitting over him, she works him slowly, allowing her fist to run up and down his length, gripping his massive cock tightly.

“Fuck,” he hisses, “Ellie—”

She can’t wait any longer. Straddling him, she works his tip inside her, then sinks down on him slowly.

“Oh,” she gasps, moving as gently as she can to accommodate his girth. She’s soaked, her slick acting as a perfect lubrication as she finally sinks all the way down, his cock twitching inside her.

Her cunt grips him, and he groans.

She could come just like this, squeezing his length with her inner walls, but she knows there are much better ways to bring release.

She slowly moves her hips, working his cock inside her.

It’s perfect.

She’s thankful that the storm blocks out her moans. She uses his cock, bouncing on him, taking what she needs, rubbing her clit furiously.

She uses him, and it feels incredible. He’s groaning something, possibly her name, but she doesn’t care. Her energy is focused on having the head of his cock hit a sensitive spot deep inside her.

But he’s impatient, and he snaps his hips up, fucking up into her. Her body shakes with the pressure, and she can’t stop the screams that leave her mouth.

She’s coming before she can warn him.

Her eyes roll into the back of her head, and she grows rigid, gripping his length so tightly he can barely continue to fuck her. She tries to say his name, but no words come out, only gasps of pleasure.

She’s on her back before she can blink, him fucking her ruthlessly, pounding them both into the flimsy mattress as the bed creaks and shakes.

She loses track of how long she orgasms, but he gives her words of praise, murmuring depravities in her ear as she rides out her pleasure.

He takes his time with her, turning her over onto all fours so he can take her from behind, her mind a haze of lust and pleasure.

“Alpha,” she moans out, and he stiffens inside her.

“Fuck, fuck,” he chants. “Gonna knot you, Omega.”

She’s in a delirious state when she feels him inflate, his massive cock stuffing her walls, filling her in a way she didn’t think possible.

Her voice is gone, and her legs are ready to give out. He empties his cum into her, roaring in time with the thunder outside.

She collapses against him, his cock still twitching inside her, as he rolls them on to their side.

She promptly passes out.

* * *

The storm rages on.

She opens her eyes. The grey light of early morning begins to fill the room. His fingers lazily draw circles on her back, and she sighs against him, content. Sometime in the night he slipped out of her, and now they spoon with his arms wrapped tightly around her.

Her mind is quiet and she’s at peace.

At this moment, they could be anyone. They’re just a man and a woman sharing an intimate night together.

He breaks the spell when he speaks, his mouth close to her ear.

“My younger sister was an Omega,” he says softly. He continues to draw circles on her back, but she stiffens at his words. “She was beaten to death by three Alphas.”

She stops breathing.

He takes in a breath. “She turned one of them down. He grabbed his friends, and they took turns with her until she died.”

Tears prick at the corner of her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I’m so sorry.”

His fingers stop moving, and he pulls her closer to his chest. “She was my only family,” he admits. “I killed all three of them.” His voice is empty as he continues. “It took me a month of planning. I made them apologize and beg for mercy until I was tired of hearing them scream.”

The tears spill down her cheeks, and her heart aches for him. “I know,” she says. “I saw the pictures.”

He sighs into her hair but remains silent.

“Did you…why didn’t you tell them—” Her voice chokes on the words, and she can’t finish her question.

“No one needs to know what happened to her. She doesn’t deserve her memory tarnished in that way. I’d rather people remember her for who she was.”

Her resolve crumbles and her heart breaks at his words. “I miss my sister, too. So much,” she whispers. “No one deserves that kind of pain. There are days where I can’t breathe from the sorrow of missing my mom and sister. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.”

“If I could take your pain away, I would,” he says softly.

“I wish I could do the same for you,” she whispers.

He places a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “You can tell me about them, if you’d like,” he says quietly. “One day.”

They remain silent until the sun creeps in.

She’s not ready to look at him. The secrets they shared in the dark are too much to bear in the light.

“I have to go soon,” he says, his voice wistful.

“I know,” she murmurs.

He presses another kiss to the top of her head.

“Do you hate me?” he asks after a moment.

Do you hate me for what I’ve done to you? What I am?

“No. I could never hate you,” she admits.

He huffs out a laugh and grips her tighter. “We’ll see.”

Before she can ask what he means, he slips out of bed. Her body is freezing without him, even as the whirr of the generators finally kicks on, heat blowing back into the room.

Lamplight fills the room, and she looks up at him, taking in the contours of his face. He’s striking and intense, and in his own twisted way, handsome.

He’s her dark knight, who won’t save the day.

“Go back to sleep,” he orders her, and it’s too easy to obey. The door clicks behind him, and she falls into a dreamless sleep.

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