Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 15

She’s done.

She hurries down the hallway, frustrated that there’s no sign of Gerard.

Erik used his Influence on her, again, and coerced her out of her own secrets. She was ready to open up to him, to let him do whatever he wanted to her.

Fuck that.

Her secrets are her own, her story belongs to her. It wasn’t his to know.

She shouldn’t work with him anymore; much less be in the same town as him.

And she can’t even leave Green Woods, because rain and hail trap the town in a cage of cold.

Even if her car was working, she couldn’t drive in the weather.

Doctor Porter is in the lobby, and he frowns when he sees her face.

“Are you alright, Miss Winters?” he asks, as Gerard comes into view. He meets her eye, and she takes a deep breath.

“No. Gerard needs to be outside the door at all times. It’s unacceptable that he wasn’t.”

The guard is livid, almost snarling at her when Doctor Porter turns to him. “Were you not guarding the door, Gerard?”

But his face smooths out when he regards the doctor. “I used the restroom for a moment, sir. My apologies, Miss Winters,” he says, turning to face her.

His eyes scream of death, but her rage matches his.

Doctor Porter seems to notice, and he clears his throat awkwardly. “Actually, I would like to have a meeting with you later in my office. I can give you a ride home, if you’d like.”

His kindness warms her heart, and his rage quiets. “Yes,” she says. “I would like that, very much.”

“Alright. I’ll be in the Beta ward for now, but feel free to continue to use my office in the meantime.”

She doesn’t want to. Erik’s scent will still be in the air, and she’ll have to fight every instinct to roll around on the couch like an animal.

But, it’s that or staying in the lobby with Gerard, who looks at her like she’s the scum of the earth.

She chooses the office.

* * *

Her reports to Lita are a joke.

Instead of learning more about Alpha behaviors and how they’re affected by confinement and the prison system, she’s only learning about Erik.

It’s the exact opposite of what she went here to do.

So, she fills her reports with false observations and conclusions.

Every time she’s alone with him, their conversation steers to something…not productive.

How dare he.

She fumes silently at his invasive behavior, abusing his Alpha Influence to turn her into a submissive Omega, ready to satisfy his every desire.

And the worst part is she had no idea Alpha Influence was real.

It had never happened to her before, or any of her Omega friends. It was only whispered about, along with rumors that only the strongest Alphas could perform it.

And they could only do it to their mates.


An uncomfortable hope swells in her chest, and she hates herself even more as she sends an email that inaccurately reflects her time at Green Woods.

It’s only been a week, but it feels like a fucking year.

Doctor Porter enters the office, and she quickly rushes out of her chair and moves to the couch. She catches a whiff of Erik, and she tries to calm her rapidly beating heart.

He closes the door behind him, then sits and sighs. “Ellie, I’m so sorry about Gerard. He should have guarded the door at all times.”

She thinks back to Gerard’s snarling face and backtracks. “It’s fine, really.”

“He didn’t…” The doctor struggles, as if trying to find the correct words. “Were you…”

This is her chance.

She could tell Doctor Porter everything.

The phone. The Influence. The remarks Gerard made to her.

She would never have to see Erik again.

It’s the right thing to do.

But she shakes her head and smiles. “Erik has been perfect. But I would love to still compare notes, as well.”

She threw her chance out the window.

“Of course,” he says. “Speaking of, I wanted to ask if you’d like to do something. I know it’s only been a week, but what would you think about working with some of our Betas as well?”

The question catches her off guard. “Really?” She asks, surprised.

“Yes. If Erik took a liking to you, I don’t doubt you’ll do great with a few of our other inmates. Especially because that’s what you came here for in the first place. And the more research, the better, right?”

She’s stunned at his request. Her eyes light up and she gives him a genuine smile. “Yes! Absolutely. Thank you, so much.”

This is her opportunity to stay away from Erik and get back in touch with reality.

The doctor grins back at her. “This is perfect. It’s so refreshing to have someone around that actually cares about our people. We haven’t had someone like you in a long time.”

His words confuse her. “I understand Erik is a difficult client, but why have you had trouble finding more people?” She asks.

“Ah. Well, location for one. We’re not exactly a tourist attraction. But also…” The doctor looks away, his brow furrowed. “I’m not sure if I should tell you this.”

She freezes in her chair, fear creeping up her spine.

It has to do with Erik. She just knows it does.

“All of them have quit after their first session with Erik.”

It makes sense, of course.

He’s a monster and master manipulator. Anyone with half a shred of sanity would run screaming when they meet him.

Just like she should have.

But she keeps her face carefully neutral as she speaks. “Well, I’m still here. So, maybe that tells you something.”

“Yes. Maybe he’s changing,” he says wistfully. “Anyway, I would love to start you next week with a Beta inmate. I think you two will work well together.”

Yes, anything to be distracted, she thinks desperately. She needs anything at all to keep Erik from her traitorous Omega heart.

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