Alpha Inmate
: Chapter 10

The girl’s fucking crazier than he is.

Not only does she not hysterically bang on the door, but she also doesn’t even try to see if the door is locked.

She just takes his word for it.

And then,

“I understand.”

Her mouth forms in a small ‘o’ as the words leave her, and he’s dumbfounded into silence as well.

He didn’t expect her response. He doesn’t even know why he decided to share with her part of the truth, except that it felt right after she’d been so vulnerable with him.

After she was so brave.

And now, his little Omega is more twisted than he thought.

She’s a puzzle, his girl. She’s more layered and complex than he imagined.

It’s a shame she doesn’t know she’s already his.

She sold her soul to him when she came apart on the phone, after she breathed his name while coming on her fingers.

But he needs to bide his time and strike when the timing is just right. He needs her to trust him.

He needs…

Beep. Beep. Beep.

An obnoxious alarm goes off, so loud they both jump.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

They stand up at the same time, and her scent spikes with fear as she tries the door, yanking on the metal handle desperately.

“What the fuck?!” she hisses as she acts like a madwoman, throwing her body weight against the door. The door was locked, just like he suspected, and her panic grows.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

“It’s just the fire alarm,” he says evenly, taking another step towards her.

She turns to him and blinks back tears, her face red with exertion. Her fearful eyes stare at him, horrified.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Her reaction is so unexpected that he blurts out what he thinks are reassuring words.

“We’re not going to burn to death, don’t worry.”

That was the wrong thing to say.

Her body grows rigid as she stares at him in fear, her hand gripping the door handle so tightly her knuckles turn white.

She’s stopped breathing.

What he wouldn’t give to look inside that pretty little head of hers.

He takes another step towards her. “Ellie, it’s alright,” he assures her softly, as the alarm fills the room. He’s never been this close to her before, and he towers over her delicate body. Her scent washes over him, calling directly to his cock.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Gerard should be at the door by now. The window on the other wall isn’t big enough for Erik to climb through, but maybe if he breaks it for her, she can get out.

He’ll do anything to get that look of panic off her face.

He reaches out and takes her hand, her skin hot and clammy against his. Her eyes widen as he grips her hand tightly, trying to offer reassurance.

She’s never going to see him after this.

This time, he knows for sure.

And if Gerard comes in right now, and sees him touching her…

Well, fuck it.

What’s he’s about to do is unthinkable, but he can’t deny he’s wanted to do it since he first laid eyes on her.

Omega. Look at me.”

His powerful Alpha Influence washes over her easily in her moment of vulnerability. Her pupils grow so wide her eyes are almost black, but her body relaxes.

Calm down,” he breathes to her, sending his Influence to her as deeply as he can. “You’re safe.”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Her face is still flushed, but her breathing evens out as she looks up at him with wonder.

And it’s wrong to want to touch her like this, when she can’t resist. He could command her to do anything he wanted.

But not like this.

He lets go of her hand, just as he hears footsteps coming down the hall.

He only has moments before Gerard opens the door.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

But still…

His hand quickly reaches out and wraps around her waist, pulling her towards him. He lowers his head and presses his lips to hers gently, her essence filling his senses. She gasps against his mouth and her hands automatically grab at his shirt.

He suppresses a groan as he tastes her, before finally pulling away and taking steps back.

She’s fucking heaven on his tongue, just like he knew she would be.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

“Ellie,” he says, and she snaps out of her stupor. Her eyes are wide and her fingers go to her mouth, as if she can’t believe what just happened.

Keys jangle against the lock.

“Don’t run from me. You’re showing up tomorrow.”

Gerard opens the door and ushers her out.

She doesn’t look behind her.

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