All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 569 by Chestnut

Chapter 569 The Queue Jumpers

Catherine hadn’t responded to Amelia yet when Ronin raised his hand to express his interest.

“Catherine, if you join the esports club, I want to join too! Take me with you!”

For him, the club itself didn’t matter. What mattered was being with Catherine.

Catherine, who was initially uninterested, agreed when she saw the enthusiasm of the two.

Since she played games when bored at night, she figured a change of location wouldn’t hurt.

The Duncan Corporation was quite busy with its operations these days.

Branden had flown abroad and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night.

Seeing Catherine finally nod, Amelia breathed a sigh of relief. It met the expectations of the senior student.

The food at the fifth cafeteria was indeed good. Even Catherine ate quite a bit.

After finishing lunch, the three stood up to line up and take their trays to the recycling area.

Ronin tried to take Catherine’s tray. ” Catherine, I’ll do it!”

They had ordered a lot, and if Ronin carried the tray for Catherine, there was a risk of dirtying his clothes.

Although Catherine was lazy, she was not fussy.

She said, “No need. Let’s go together!”

Seeing Catherine insist, Ronin didn’t say much.

The fifth cafeteria was crowded, and even the line to return trays was quite long.

At Styre University, there was a rule that after eating, students should take their trays to the recycling spot. This made it easier for the cafeteria staff to clean up.

If a student didn’t follow this rule and got caught on the cafeteria cameras three times, they would face disciplinary action.

The punishment was severe, making students unwilling to take shortcuts.

After all, returning trays was just a couple of extra steps, but getting disciplined meant having a record.

Things were going smoothly, with everyone in an orderly line. Suddenly, up ahead, a girl in a purple dress started waving and calling out to her right. In no time, several people squeezed in front of her.

This blatant cutting in line was downright audacious.

Many people present had their reservations, but most preferred to roll their eyes silently rather than confront such behavior.

However, Amelia couldn’t take it anymore. She became highly annoyed as she saw that. She had initially hoped someone else would speak up first, and then she would support them, but nobody did.

She couldn’t hold back any longer. With a raised voice, she exclaimed, Could you please have some decency and not cut in line intentionally?”

As soon as she spoke up, the surrounding murmurs of discontent started to rise.

The girl in the purple dress became displeased. After rolling her eyes, she turned around and identified the source of the loudest voice, which happened to be Amelia.

“Excuse me. I’ve been waiting in line since early on. I’m holding spots for my friends. Any problem with that?

“Which eye of yours saw me cutting in line? Don’t go around accusing people of having low manners. If you have the time, I suggest you improve your own manners first.”

Amelia had never seen someone make a mistake and then act so confidently.

Those who had cut in line with the girl in the purple dress stepped up to support her.

“Yeah. You don’t have a bit of camaraderie!”

“You’re really so rushing. Can’t spare this bit of time?”

“Some people have nothing to do but poke their noses in others’ business!”

“Do you just love being the center of attention?”

The voices were clamoring. All of them scolded Amelia.

This infuriated Amelia. With a red face, she nearly ran out of breath, trying to respond.

After a while, she could only manage to say, “You cut in line, and you still think you’re justified?”

Catherine coldly surveyed the brazen crowd. When she caught sight of Jada standing among the queue jumpers, she finally understood the meaning of birds of a feather.

Amelia had only spoken a sentence, which had already triggered an

onslaught from the group.


“Accusing us of cutting in line and calling us uncivilized? Just because your mouth is on your body doesn’t mean you can say whatever you want!”

“That’s right. Don’t even think about leaving if you don’t apologize today!”.

The group clamored, demanding an apology from Amelia.

Catherine held her phone and spun around, capturing each person’s face on video.

With one hand casually in her pocket and the other steadying her phone, she spoke in a cold tone, “No need to argue. You all know whether you cut in line or not. I’ll upload this video to the internet later. The entire cafeteria is under surveillance. Let the school and netizens decide who should apologize.

What do you think?”

After hearing that, the group changed their expressions.

No one expected Catherine to escalate the situation to this extent and bring it online for public judgment.

The group felt upset.

Whether they did something wrong or not, the queue jumpers knew it best.

The earlier arrogant ones suddenly fell silent. They looked at each other and hoped someone would come up with a solution.

Jada noticed Catherine taking charge and felt a surge of anger.

She hadn’t even confronted Catherine yet, and Catherine dared to provoke her again. She thought Catherine was asking for trouble.

She stepped forward and looked sternly at Catherine. “Who gave you the right to record me? You’ve violated my image rights. I demand you delete the video immediately, or I will sue you!”

After her statement, the group joined Jada in shouting, all threatening to sue Catherine.

Facing the threats, Catherine remained calm and even laughed lightly.

“Sue me?” She chuckled and then continued, “Sure. I’ll be waiting for your court summons anytime!”

Seeing Catherine’s arrogant attitude, Jada felt a deep sense of anger and dissatisfaction.

“Catherine, do you think I can’t do anything to you? The Facers’ legal team is no pushover. If we go to court, I guarantee you won’t get away with it!”

“Is that so?” Catherine retorted coldly with a sarcastic tone. Then she continued, “I don’t know if the Facers’ legal team is pushover or not. Miss Facer, you claim to be a high-IQ socialite, but you seem quite ignorant. You don’t know any legal knowledge!”

“You…” Jada stamped her foot in anger. She was infuriated by Catherine. ” Catherine, don’t be so arrogant. You actually dared to scold me publicly!”

Catherine raised her head with a domineering and audacious demeanor and loudly replied, “I’ve publicly slapped you. What’s there to be afraid of in scolding you?”

Upon hearing this, the onlookers were all shocked.

The usually arrogant socialite Jada had been slapped by Catherine. This was truly big news. After Jada heard Catherine’s words, her face turned pale.

She felt everyone around her staring at her with eyes that seemed to be enjoying a joke. She was so angry that she was unable to move.

Her eyes widened as she glared at Catherine. She gritted her teeth in anger.

“Catherine, you’re too arrogant. Don’t think just because you have the Duncans backing you, I won’t dare to touch you!”

“Jada, next time you threaten someone, change your script. I’m bored to hear the same lines every time. If you’re brave, don’t talk. Just act.”

Catherine stood firm and remained calm. She exuded an aura of domineering.

Jada was usually considered a high- class socialite. However, as she stood opposite Catherine, she presented a stark contrast.

Catherine appeared regal and dominant like a princess, while Jada seemed no better than a flustered bitch, who was thoroughly embarrassed.

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