All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 554 by Chestnut

Chapter 554 You’re Truly Amazing!

In just 10 minutes, Catherine managed to open the safe.

Paxton, Francis, and Carlo watched her closely as her fingers swiftly tapped on the keyboard. They couldn’t see clearly what she was typing before the safe opened. They were shocked by what they had seen. Their mouths were agape.

Branden, on the other hand, leaned against the side with an expression of pride on his face. After all, his girl was truly outstanding.

After opening the safe, Catherine carefully took out the contents. Once she confirmed everything was in order, she took out her phone and contacted Zobber. With the task completed, she casually tossed the precious safe aside.

Catherine’s casual act dumbfounded Paxton, Francis, and Carlo. They knew Catherine’s formidable combat skills, but they never expected her to have such amazing computer skills.

They were well aware of how difficult it was to open the safe. Otherwise, the people from Rexinheim wouldn’t have risked their lives to take the entire safe away. They couldn’t open the box in Eskana and had to bring it back to Rexinheim, relying on experts in that country to find a way.

However, Catherine just effortlessly opened the safe.

Carlo was so astonished that he kneeled before her.

“Amazing. You are truly amazing.”

Catherine glanced at Carlo, finding him amusing.

“Stop flattering me. Let’s go play games.”

She had been playing a game recently that had a team battle mode, where two sides would compete against each other.

When they were on Scorpion Island, Catherine played the game with Carlo and Francis. These two were much better at gaming than Paxton. Since she was bored right now, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to play with some skilled players.

Carlo, hearing that Catherine was willing to play games with them, became excited.

“Wow! Great! Let’s do this!”

Carlo immediately took out his phone and connected with Catherine online.

Seeing that Francis hadn’t moved yet, Carlo kicked him.

“Why are you still standing there? Didn’t you hear Catherine’s orders?”

Francis glanced coldly at Carlo, causing the latter to shrink back in fear. Once Carlo shut up, Francis discreetly sought approval from Branden.

Paxton knew what Francis was thinking. He thought of Francis as a blockhead who couldn’t see the bigger picture. There was no need to seek their boss’s approval at all. Branden was clearly under Catherine’s spell. If she wanted to play games, Branden would allow them to accompany her. Even if they were in a real-life battle, Branden wouldn’t hesitate to bind them and offer them up to Catherine, allowing her to do as she pleased.

After receiving a response from Branden, Francis obediently took out his phone and connected with Catherine online. In fact, he was somewhat excited. It was mainly because Catherine was incredibly skilled, and playing games with her was always a thrilling experience.

The three of them successfully connected and officially started the game. Due to their high levels, they were matched with the top 10 players on the server. This was a world dominated by professional gamers with impeccable skills. It wasn’t an easy task to defeat them.

When Carlo saw the opponent’s ID, he couldn’t help but scream in excitement, “Wow, it’s the top-ranked player on the server! This is gonna be a challenge!”

Hearing this, the people nearby immediately gathered around to see what was going on. They all knew that Catherine was good at the game, but facing the top player on the server would definitely pose a challenge. After all, that person was the champion of the professional league.

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