All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 534 by Chestnut

Chapter 534 The Facers

Half an hour after the night training, the chief instructor came to Catherine and called her out.

“Catherine, step out!”

After Catherine came out, the chief instructor looked at her solemnly.

“The school is looking for you. Come with me to the academic affairs office.”

Catherine nodded and followed behind Dylan.

After the two of them left the team, Dylan lowered his voice and explained the situation to Catherine.

“Catherine, I suddenly received a notice from the school saying that the director of teaching called you over. Although I don’t know what the specific situation is, I feel that something is not right. You should pay more attention!”

Unlike the worried Dylan, Catherine looked calm and even somewhat indifferent.

“It’s useless to think so much. Let’s go take a look and we’ll know.”

Dylan nodded in agreement. He was a little worried at first, and now the worry in his heart disappeared after he heard Catherine’s words.

He almost forgot how capable Catherine was.

Not to mention the director of the school, even if the higher-ups of Loxton’s education bureau came, they could not do anything to Catherine.

Catherine, led by Dylan, came to the office of the director.

Other than the director, a middle-aged couple in gorgeous clothes were also present. The man was a little fat and potbellied, and one could tell at a glance that he had lived a good life.

The woman wore a branded suit, with expensive jewelry on her hands and neck. She looked like she wanted to tell the world that she was rich.

After Catherine came in, the two of them immediately locked their eyes on her. They looked Catherine up and down, their eyes full of despise, and they didn’t seem to take Catherine seriously.

After Dylan brought Catherine in, the director first thanked Dylan politely and then looked at Catherine.

He didn’t beat around the bush and directly questioned Catherine.

“Catherine, a freshman in the electronic information engineering department, right?”

“Yeah,” Catherine replied calmly.

Her cold attitude took the director by surprise.

“I heard that you bullied someone at school. You joined forces with your roommates to isolate her and forced her to apologize to you in front of the whole school. Is there such a thing?” asked the director.

Catherine immediately understood when she heard that. It must be Beatrice asking for help because she couldn’t deal with Catherine on her own.

Without waiting for Catherine to reply, the middle-aged woman standing by the side spoke aggressively. She targeted Catherine without the slightest bit of politeness.

“Sir, what’s there to ask? Isn’t this an obvious thing? I showed you the video. It’s this country bumpkin came out of nowhere that bullied her schoolmates.

“The black sheep among the freshmen must be eliminated. I think it is best to kick her out of school directly.”

The director looked very embarrassed after hearing the woman’s words, and it was obvious that he was in a difficult position.

Catherine was a freshman in college and an outstanding student whom Marshall had made a great effort to win over. The school could not expel her at will.

What was more, it didn’t cause a great deal of damage. At most, the school would give her a verbal warning, not expel her.

But the Facers looked aggressive and had a strong stance.

They were one of the prestigious families in Loxton, and many experimental projects in the school still needed their strong support.

If the director offended the Facers, it would be a troublesome thing. It was really difficult for him to make a decision.

From the torn expression on the director’s face, anyone could tell how difficult he was feeling about this at the moment.

The Facers didn’t expect that expelling an ordinary girl would get the director so torn, and they immediately expressed their displeasure.

“Sir, if a student like her stays in the school, it will not only hurt other innocent students but also damage the school’s reputation!”

There was a strong warning in the words. The Faces were well connected to the education bureau, and the director could sense the threat in their words.

He looked at Catherine again with a sharp look. “Catherine, quickly admit your mistake. Do you really have to wait until you are expelled before you know what you did wrong?”

Catherine glanced at him. She didn’t expect that the director of a famous school was not even as good as her homeroom teacher, Myra, from Loyalty Academy.

How did someone like him become the director of a top school?

After Dylan brought Catherine here, he didn’t leave immediately but chose to stand quietly by the side.

Now that he saw how unfair the school was, he couldn’t help but speak.

“Sir, you and this couple here have been accusing Catherine all the time. Thieves and even murderers can defend and provide evidence in court. Shouldn’t you listen to what Catherine has to say?”

Beatrice’s mom was about to retort when she heard Dylan’s words. But when she looked over, she happened to see the stripe on Dylan’s shoulder, and the contempt in her eyes disappeared instantly.

However, she did not give up because of this.

“Sir, I think you are a soldier. Aren’t soldiers the most disciplined? Shouldn’t a scum like her be directly rejected from the excellent team?”

Dylan was very unhappy with the woman’s arrogant attitude.

“Madam, as I said just now, even death row inmates have a chance to defend themselves, not to mention that she is just a student. But you are so aggressive. Who are your backers, huh?

Dylan’s words made Beatrice’s mother look very embarrassed. She wanted to retort but was stopped by her husband behind her.

Getting a student expelled from school wasn’t a big deal, and there was no need to fight an officer for her.

To have such a rank at such a young age, Dylan’s background would have been impressive. Seeing that the couple didn’t speak, Dylan asked Catherine directly,” Catherine, did you bully your schoolmates on campus?”

Catherine glanced at Dylan casually and responded in a cold and domineering tone, “If I want to bully her, does she still have a chance to talk?

Her words were brief but made sense.

Dylan also felt that it was impossible.

Just like Catherine said, if she really

wanted to bully someone, the other party would have died countless times. Seeing Catherine’s arrogant attitude, the couple was immediately pissed off.

“Sir, as you see, this girl is so arrogant. Her attitude is simply infuriating. If a student like this is not expelled, the school will be discredited.”

The director also felt that Catherine’s attitude was too arrogant and intensified the conflict. He scolded her coldly and said, “Catherine, apologize immediately for your attitude just now, or don’t blame me for being rude!”

Catherine sneered with a domineering expression. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the director.

“Try being rude to me. I dare you.”

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