All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 513 by Chestnut

Chapter 513 Gorgeous Dancing Girl

After the end of the enrollment, Ronin insisted that they must have dinner together tonight, saying that it had been quite a while since Catherine had gathered with them.

Thinking that it had been almost a month since they last saw each other, Catherine agreed.

The group had just walked out of the classroom when they heard urgent footsteps coming from behind.

“Hey, you! Stop right there!”

The familiar voice made everyone furrow their brows. There was no need to guess who it was.

Ronin impatiently exclaimed, ”

Catherine, let’s go. No need to pay any attention to this crazy woman!”

It seemed like Liana saw through Ronin’s thoughts. She hastened her steps and arrived in front of the group, directly blocking Catherine.

Catherine stopped in her tracks and gave Liana a cold stare.

Seeing Catherine’s face, Liana was pissed off.

In her eyes, she felt Catherine was looking down on her with a condescending attitude.

Liana gritted her teeth, glaring at Catherine with eyes full of hatred. “Are you feeling proud of yourself now, Catherine?

“Why are you deliberately hiding your grades to embarrass and humiliate me in front of the admission officer? Why are you targeting me like this?”

Liana continued to fervently accuse, believing that Catherine intended to humiliate her.

“Are you done talking?” Catherine casually replied.

Liana was a bit stunned by the unconventional response of Catherine.

She paused, but Catherine didn’t.

Before Liana could even react, Catherine kept talking.

“Target you? Huh!”

Catherine sneered sarcastically, her once calm eyes suddenly turning icy cold. “Who do you think you are?”

Her badass questioning made everyone standing behind Ronin unable to resist applauding her.

Catherine had no interest in getting involved with Liana as Liana wasn’t even worth it.

After she finished mocking Liana, Catherine continued to walk forward. Ronin and his group quickly caught up and did not hesitate to take a jab at Liana as they passed her by.

“Hmph, who do you think you are?”

Each person said a sentence, causing Liana’s face to turn red awkwardly. She was so angry that she wanted to rush up and fight with Catherine.

She didn’t expect Catherine to be such a jerk. “Not only did she mock me, but she got so many others to join in on trashing me.

“I swear I’ll definitely get revenge for this!” said she inwardly.

After the big exam was over, Catherine and Ronin finally had a good time to relax. Finishing having a barbecue, Bryan arranged for everyone to continue the fun at a newly opened club in Casier.

This newly opened entertainment club was said to be a haven for young people. Whether it was the stage, the lighting, or the sound effects, they were all top- notch equipment.

As soon as they entered the club, David and the others started screaming uncontrollably.

The club was absolutely amazing, causing every pore on one’s body to scream with excitement.

Bryan reserved a spot in the inner ring and invited Catherine right away.

“Catherine, please take a seat!”

Unlike the excitement of others, Catherine remained calm and laid back, sitting lazily on the booth’s sofa.

The big exam was finally over, and everyone was feeling relieved. Bryan had brought plenty of alcohol to celebrate.

He deliberately poured a glass for Catherine. Seeing that Ronin did not stop him, he knew that Catherine could drink it, so he dared to hand it over.

“Catherine, wanna grab a drink?”

Catherine was open to anything. Ever since she moved into the apartment across from Branden, Branden had been extremely strict about her diet.

He didn’t explicitly say Catherine couldn’t eat this or drink that, but somehow, he had a way of making sure she didn’t get to see those things.

Catherine wasn’t really a greedy person, so it didn’t matter if she couldn’t have it.

She hadn’t even touched a drop of alcohol in a long time.

Bryan handed her the glass, and she took it without hesitation.

Once Catherine expressed her willingness to have a drink, the rest also loosened up and poured themselves some booze.

After all, wouldn’t it be a waste to come to a place like this for fun and not have a drink?

Everyone was drinking. One after another, they finished quite a few glasses.

Bryan arranged a high-quality whisky with a high alcohol content.

Although Catherine could hold her liquor pretty well, she hadn’t had a drink in a long time, and on top of that, she was in a good mood today.

After a few drinks, her beautiful big eyes began to squint slightly.

She was initially cold and serious, exuding an aura of dominance, but after having a few drinks, she became infused with a touch of charming allure. Like a sexy goddess descending from the heavens, her beauty was so mesmerizing that it was hard to look away.

On the 360-degree full-screen stage, there were seductive figures everywhere.

In this situation and scenery, people would temporarily lose themselves, forget their own consciousness, and crazily move their bodies with the music.

Bryan was having a blast, and his courage had grown. He took the initiative to invite Catherine.

“Catherine, wanna come up and dance with us? No worries if you can’t dance. Just move your body a little!”

In the eyes of Bryan, big shots like Catherine wouldn’t stoop to this kind of thing.

Catherine’s sparkling eyes glinted with a mischievous grin on her slightly upturned lips.

She was interested but didn’t want to get on stage like that.

She reached out and hooked two beer cans, then opened them and hooked the pull rings on her index finger.

The sharp pull rings turned into a handy little pair of scissors in Catherine’s hands.

Using this tiny pair of scissors, Catherine repeatedly pulled and stretched on her loose T-shirt.

By cutting a number of holes in her boyfriend-style T-shirt, Catherine instantly transformed the shirt into a uniquely styled T-dress.

Catherine used the two pieces of fabric she cut to tie a bow on her back, instantly transforming the loose style into a fitted and stylish one that perfectly showcased her slender waist and flawless figure.

They had no idea what Catherine was up to, but Catherine never needed a reason for doing things.

After finishing the modifications on her clothes, Catherine lowered her cap and stepped onto the stage with a nimble flip.

As the music ebbed and flowed, Catherine swiftly danced.

Every time she spun, those strips of cloth she pulled out with homemade scissors danced along, revealing her beautiful curves.

It was not particularly obvious, but there was a subtle sense of ambiguity, which strangely made it even more captivating and hard to look away from.

All eyes were on the mysterious girl with a hat covering her face completely. Her figure and dance moves were enough to drive every man in the room crazy.

The inner circle booths were like the VIP section of the club, and the private box on the second floor was the pinnacle of luxury.

Triston and some of his friends were chilling in this private room today. This club belonged to one of his childhood buddies.

To support his buddy, Triston not only set up a gathering but also brought along many good friends.

It was unknown who called out, but someone shouted that an incredibly attractive girl was on the stage below, catching everyone’s attention.

Triston was originally drinking with a big shot while his friends next to him kept calling him.

“Mr. Lambert, she’s really something else, a rare gem in the world. You should take a look!”

Triston felt tantalized when talking to Branden, the big shot beside him. He joked, “Mr. Duncan, you’re different now. You are now keeping away from girls for Cassie, but I’m still free. I’ll take a look, and if she’s really exceptional, I’ll call out to you!”

Watching Triston rush out in a panic, Branden remained calm and cold, with a strong aura as he sat still without any change in expression.

The private room had floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, so he didn’t have to cram in for a good view-just a casual glance, and he could catch a glimpse of the scene below.

Branden was holding his glass, deep in thought about whether or not to leave. When he unintentionally caught a glimpse of the enchanting figure on the dance floor, he instantly stood up.

This move scared the people present.

No one knew what happened to this top -notch big shot.

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