All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 480 by Chestnut

Chapter 480 Departing for Ravenloth

Catherine received a phone call from Withal at noon. As the phone was connected, Withal’s flattering and cautious voice came from the receiver. “Catherine, have you made a decision yet?”

Withal did not want to rush Catherine, but Ravenloth Palace was pushing him too hard.

The old king of Ravenloth urgently posted everywhere to beg experts to help. Withal was afraid that they would lose the money they were about to receive.

Fortunately, Catherine did not refuse him.


After receiving Catherine’s accurate response, Withal laughed heartily with joy. As long as Catherine was willing to step up to the plate, he felt that this matter was already a sure thing. Withal could not wait to say, “I’ll prepare your flight ticket for tomorrow then!”

“No need!”

Catherine rejected him without hesitation. Withal was a bit confused. Could it be that Catherine wanted to fly the plane herself?

Catherine just hung up the phone without giving Withal a chance to ask the reason. The next day, Withal arrived at Ravenloth before Catherine.

Ravenloth was not a large land area and was sparsely populated. There were only two airports in the whole country. Catherine would take a plane from Casier to Ravenloth, so she could only land at the eastern airport.

Withal had been waiting at Ravenloth’s eastern airport early in the morning. He stared at the departure gate anxiously.

A whole day passed, and he did not get any news about Catherine. He did not know when she would come.

With a sense of unease, Withal waited at the airport gate for another two hours. Not long after, there was a commotion coming from the VIP lane of the private plane ahead.

It was unknown which big shot had chartered the plane to come to Ravenloth.

This kind of thing was common in wealthy Ravenloth.

Withal glanced and did not pay much attention to it.

Although Catherine was very wealthy, she was very stingy toward herself. She spent all her money on conducting experiments.

Withal did not think it was possible for Catherine to do something like chartering a private plane.

Just as Withal was about to turn his head to ignore the scene in front of him, he happened to see a tall figure in the crowd.

He recognized the tall figure at once!

Was not that man Branden’s assistant Paxton?

Why was he there?

Could it be…

Withal no longer hesitated and rushed straight up.

He only took two steps before being stopped by the bodyguard.

“Sir, please stay away!” The bodyguard’s attitude was particularly tough and serious. Withal explained to that bodyguard with an anxious face, “Please make way. I’m looking for someone!”

The bodyguard had seen too many people like Withal in his career as a bodyguard. He still meticulously stood in front, not giving Withal any chance to get closer. Withal became angry and directly knocked down the bodyguard.

The bodyguard did not expect Withal to attack him so directly, nor did he expect Withal to be so powerful.

In an instant, many bodyguards rushed over and surrounded Withal.

The commotion over there also attracted Paxton’s attention. Hearing that someone was causing trouble, Paxton’s face immediately darkened. There were always some stupid people making trouble for themselves.

With a gloomy face, Paxton went forward and prepared to teach the other party a lesson, but he was surprised to find out that the person causing trouble was actually someone he knew.


The bodyguards all stopped at Paxton’s order.

Withal rotated his neck slightly to relax himself. He was surprised that the bodyguards of the Duncans were so powerful, and it took a lot of his strength to deal with them.

After stopping, Withal waved at Paxton.

“Have you seen Catherine?”

Paxton brought Withal to Branden. Branden had just walked out of the VIP lane with a petite girl in his arms.

The girl had her back to Withal, so he could not see her face. However, Withal recognized the girl as his boss, Catherine at a glance.

He had never seen Catherine’s feminine side like this before. If not for the fact that the person holding Catherine was Branden, Withal would not have believed that the girl in front of him was Catherine.

The scene was just too shocking!

Seeing the person who came was Withal, Branden did not say anything. He carried Catherine in his arms and continued to walk forward.

Catherine continued to sleep quietly in Branden’s arms, showing no signs of waking up. Branden did not want to wake her up, so he protected her carefully in his arms to prevent her from being disturbed by people around.

Withal followed them into the car. He frowned slightly as he saw there were so many suitcases. He raised his eyebrows at Paxton on the side and asked, “Are you guys bringing any secret weapons here?”

Paxton reached out and pointed to the suitcases next to him. “This is Miss Swann’s commonly used pillow, this is her favorite blanket, and this is her favorite coffee cup…”

Paxton told Withal one by one about the things in those suitcases as if they were all treasures.

Branden gave the order to pack them, and Paxton had no choice but to obey it. Paxton had supervised the entire packaging process, so he knew better than anyone what was inside these suitcases.

Withal was holding back his laughter as he listened. In that case, it seemed that Catherine was not there to take on a mission, but she was more like moving to immigrate. All the things she used to use were packed!

Paxton glanced coldly at Withal, his face full of disgust.

“You can laugh if you want, or else you’ll suffer internal injuries!”

The car slowly drove to a manor entrance and stopped. Paxton was the first to get out of the car and pushed open the door for Branden.

Branden got out of the car with Catherine in his arms. His hand holding Catherine had ne never been released from the moment he boarded the plane until now.

Even when Catherine woke up, she nestled in his arms, killing time with her cell phone. Branden was willing to let Catherine do that, and Catherine did not object.

After entering the manor, Branden placed Catherine on a nearby sofa chair, and she opened her eyes slowly. Her half-asleep appearance made her less cold and detached than usual but more charming.

Branden regretted it a little. He should not have put Catherine on the sofa chair. He should have just carried her upstairs and hidden her in his room so no one would see her beauty.

Catherine woke up. She was not surprised to see Withal sitting across from her. She opened her mouth languidly and asked, “Is everything arranged?”

Seeing that Catherine had no intention of hiding the matter from Branden and the others, Withal went to the point directly.

“I’ve made an appointment with Ravenloth Palace for ten o’clock tomorrow morning. They will arrange for someone to pick us up!”

Catherine nodded, took out her cell phone and started playing games. Paxton was curious as he watched Catherine’s movements.

He heard that the king of Ravenloth asked Catherine to help, but he did not see Catherine prepare for it. The things for tomorrow had already been arranged, but Catherine was still leisurely playing games on her cell phone.

Her calmness was admirable.

Branden left with Paxton. Withal and Catherine were left in the living room.

As soon as they left, Withal could not wait to ask Catherine, “Catherine, are you going to have Mr. Duncan accompany you?”

Catherine lowered her eyes and glared at him. Her gaze seemed to question Withal, “Do you have a problem with that?”

Withal was so startled that he waved his hand in a hurry. “Nope. I just wonder if we need to get the king of Ravenloth to give us some extra money.

If you two big guys are going on the mission together, we’ll suffer a loss with the price I negotiated before!”

“Good point!” Catherine nodded rather approvingly. “Then I’ll leave this to you!”

After getting Catherine’s order, Withal could not wait but wanted to slap himself. He blamed himself for talking too much. He got himself into trouble!

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