All Her Secrets by Chestnut
All Her Secrets Chapter 245 by Chestnut

Chapter 245 Plan to Kill Her

Just as the school bell rang, Catherine stood up and prepared to leave. However, the cell phone inside her pocket rang. After glancing at the caller ID, Catherine walked to the window to answer the call.

Watching her walk to the window, Bryan winked at his followers on the side. They formed a simple circle to separate Catherine from the rest of the class, leaving no one within 6 feet of her surroundings.

Seeing Catherine answering the phone, Liana was originally prepared to step forward and eavesdrop. After seeing the circle Bryan’s followers formed in front of her, Liana could only stomp her feet angrily and leave.

Connecting the phone call, Catherine then heard a gentle voice coming from the receiver.

“Miss Swann, is school over?” The caller was clearly calling at the last minute, and he was asking knowingly. Catherine replied in a low voice,” Mmm.”

Leonel’s shallow laughter came from the other end of the phone. “Hahaha, that’s great. I was worried about interrupting your class. I’m calling to tell you some good news. Our collaborative project with Mr. David has passed the first phase of trials.

“As long as this good news is spread, the market will definitely have great confidence in the Swann Corporation’s business. As long as the market has confidence in the Swann Corporation, the stockholders will have confidence, and then the stock price will definitely soar.

“We try harder when the time comes so that the agreement you made with your father on the bet may be fulfilled!”

In Leonel’s tone, there was an indescribable excitement. He was truly surprised that Catherine was able to achieve such results in a short period of time.

This was simply magic. Catherine was too powerful. No wonder Vicente wanted to push aside public opinion and let her take over the management of the Swann Corporation.

With her, there was hope for the Swann Corporation. He believed that Catherine would become the next legendary figure of the Swann Corporation.

Catherine’s bet with her father was not like it might be fulfilled, but it would definitely be fulfilled! And it would undoubtedly be overfulfilled!

“Leonel, get Linda to make the arrangements for me. I’ll hold a shareholder meeting next week.”

“Okay, don’t worry. I’ll make the arrangements with Linda for you!”

After getting Leonel’s response, Catherine casually hung up the phone. Looking at the black screen of her cell phone, a cold light flashed in her cold eyes.

She didn’t even need to try any harder. Next week, all of this would settle. In the office of the General Manager of the Swann Corporation, Korbin massaged the bridge of his nose tiredly. During this period of time, he had been arranging internal adjustments in the company. He replaced the top leaders in each important position with his trusted employees, and he was exhausted.

When he was just about to lean down and rest for a while, he heard a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Korbin’s assistant pushed the door open and rushed to the front of the desk, looking flustered.

“Mr. Swann, we have a situation!”

This assistant had followed Korbin for many years. He had been placed by Vicente at Korbin’s side from a young age and was a trusted confidant of Korbin. He was highly valued by Korbin.

He had been in the workplace for many years, and if it weren’t for a big change, he wouldn’t have been so nervous. Korbin became nervous all of a sudden. He sat up straight and looked at his assistant. “What exactly has happened?

The assistant handed the document in his hand to Korbin. “Mr. Swann, the first phase of the chip research and development project with Mr. David’s company has been successful.

“Mr. David’s company also took the initiative to contact the government and did tests that also passed. I received news that the government intends to promote this project to benefit more electronic devices.”

Hearing the news, Korbin was completely unable to sit still. He hadn’t even read the document. Just by listening to what his assistant said, he knew how serious this matter was

The success of this project’s test alone was already a piece of unfavorable news. As soon as this news was released into the market, the Swann Corporation’s stock price would definitely soar.

If the government endorsed this project, then this project would definitely be profitable. Under the government’s protection, this project would definitely be able to proceed smoothly.

As long as this piece of news was spread, in less than three days, the share price of the Swann Corporation would surely double!

For the Swann Corporation, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow. It had been very difficult for the Swann Corporation to further its development.

Every step was taken with caution, and if it weren’t for the extremely stable project, the Swann Corporation would not go too far.

The project with Mr. David was an excellent opportunity for the Swann Corporation to move up to the next level. As long as the Swann Corporation could seize the opportunity, it would be able to further its development…

But for Korbin, this opportunity was a fatal blow. If the share price of the Swann Corporation doubled, that meant Catherine, the jinx, had succeeded.

Then, she would be able to sit in the chairperson position of the Swann Corporation and take over the Swann Corporation successfully. At that time, all of Korbin’s hard work during this period of time would go down the drain. How could he not panic?

He raised his head up to look at his assistant with a ferocious cold look in his eyes. “How many people know about this news?”

The assistant didn’t dare to hesitate and answered immediately, “At present, it should only be known to Leonel and me. He was the first person notified by the experimental group.”

If they hadn’t been delicate in their work and arranged their own people within the experimental group in the first place, they wouldn’t have received the news so quickly.

If they only received the news when it spread out, that would be the real end of them. Although this project was a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity for the Swann Corporation, in Korbin’s opinion, the Swann Corporation could only be his.

He was absolutely not going to give Catherine a chance to get it. Although this project was a rare one for the Swann Corporation, Korbin thought he would still get such a chance for it in the future.

If the Swann Corporation was not in his hands, he really lost everything. Even if he gave up this project, he wouldn’t let Catherine succeed.

“Go get Baldy for me!”

A chill ran down the back of the assistant’s neck. He knew that Korbin would only use his trump card when it was necessary to use force against difficult targets. Baldy was the name of the leader of an elite unit raised by the Swanns.

Three years ago, when Vicente’s condition was in doubt, Korbin had quietly taken this elite unit under his wing as a precautionary measure. It seemed that Korbin had made a killing decision this time.

“Mr. Swann, I’m going to inform Baldy right now!”

Korbin raised his head and looked at the office door that was gradually closing. His face looked grim, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. No one could stand in the way of his chances! Not even his own daughter.

He had been hoping and waiting for so many years. He finally waited until Vicente passed away, but he didn’t expect Vicente to do such a thing before his death. Korbin thought in his heart, “Does he think this will knock me down?

“No way! It’s an idiot’s daydream!

“It’s ridiculous.

“I’ll make everyone know who is the true heir of the Swanns.

“As for Catherine, if she behaves herself, I’ll keep her alive.

“I’ll send her to the countryside to find an ordinary man. That way, she can live a quiet life with her family.”

If she wasn’t grateful and tried to challenge him, he would definitely do whatever it took to make her completely disappear from this world. He would do as he said!

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