Chapter 76 Find Out the Truth (3)

Fiona's room,

The sound of a cat's meow was heard.

Laurel did not hear the call.

Laurel intentionally let Fiona know the message she wanted to convey to Tina.

After finishing speaking, Laurel reminded again, "You must wait until Ms. Gilbert's emotions stabilize before telling her." "Okay, Ms. Gilbert," Fiona said, her face turning pale with panic.

Fiona probably didn't hear what Laurel said.

Laurel pretended not to notice Fiona's change in expression and turned away.

Before Laurel left, she had actually turned off the audio in her pocket, afraid of arousing Fiona's suspicion.

Sure enough.

Looking at Fiona's current state, she probably couldn't imagine these things.

When Laurel left the room, she deliberately didn't close the door tightly.

At that time, Fiona was in an extremely terrified state and

Chapter 26 Find Out the Truth ()

couldn't even realize what Laurel had done.

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Fiona released her emotions only after seeing Laurel leave the


Fiona's eyes were extremely red.

Tears kept flowing uncontrollably.

Fiona's mouth kept muttering, "Pamela, it wasn't me who wanted to kill you, really, it wasn't me, it was Ms. Gilbert who made me do it. If you have any grievances and want revenge, don't come to me, go find Ms. Gilbert, okay? I'm just trying to make a living. I'm just trying to keep my job. My family still needs me to support them, please, please don't come looking for me, okay..." Fiona was in the room, suffering deeply.

After Fiona drowned Pamela, she was also very upset. So, following Pamela's instructions, Fiona held Pamela's body and acted out a play with Tina. After that, Fiona locked herself in the room, with Pamela's dead face constantly appearing in her mind - Pamela staring at her with ro und eyes.

Fiona now feels some regret. In order to keep this job, she actually did such a malicious thing against her conscience.

Whenever Fiona thinks of Pamela, she completely falls apart!

After all, Pamela raised Fiona as if she were her own child.

Besides Tina, Pamela was also very close to Fiona.

However, Fiona actually killed Pamela herself, killing her own "child".


Chapter 26 Find Out the Truth (30)

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Fiona was already feeling very regretful, desperately hiding in her room to adjust her emotions.

But she didn't expect Laurel to come and find her.

Fiona had managed to keep this secret, making sure no one suspected her. But now, she suddenly heard Pamela's resentful cry. She had heard it when Serena came to find Fiona earlier. And now, Laurel came to find her, and she heard it again. She had thought it was just an illusion, but that cry sounded too much like Pamela's cry!

Fiona was startled at this moment, recalling what Laurel had said about cats being spiritual.


Fiona went to attend Pamela's funeral.

Fiona also had to find a wizard to perform a ritual for Pamela, allowing her to rest in peace.

Fiona jerked out of her trance.

Fiona rushed towards the door.

Just as I turned around,

Fiona was completely stunned.

Because Fiona saw Laurel still standing at the door.

What happened?

Fiona just saw Laurel leave.

How did you come back again?


Chapter 26 Find Out the Truth (3)

The words that Fiona was muttering just now...

Fiona thought, "I must not have been heard by Laurel."

Fiona comforted herself and forced a normal expression, "Laurel, is there anything else?"

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Laurel coldly looked at Fiona and said, "Did Tina make you kill Pamela?"

"No!" Fiona protested hastily, her entire being appearing unusually agitated.

Fiona appeared as if she wanted to hide after being exposed.

"It's not true, Ms. Gilbert loves Pamela so much, how could she possibly kill it. Laurel, don't falsely accuse Ms. Gilbert. She is kind-hearted, she can't even bear to step on an ant, how could she do such a malicious thing, how could... Fiona immediately retracted the words that were about to come out of her mouth."


Laurel took out her phone, and on the screen of the phone, the scene of Fiona talking to herself just played.

The incident that just happened was captured by Laurel.

Fiona looked at Laurel in disbelief.

Fiona guessed that Laurel heard her muttering to herself, but she never expected that Laurel actually recorded a video.

Fiona had originally intended not to admit it.

Anyway, with only the two of them present, as long as Fional


Chapter 76 Find Out the Truth (3)

doesn't admit it, Laurel can't do anything.

As long as Fiona didn't admit it, it would be fine.


The situation is different now.

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Laurel presented the evidence, and Fiona could not argue anymore.

Fiona was dumbfounded, staring blankly at Laurel.

The next second.

"A thud."

Fiona suddenly knelt in front of Laurel, "Laurel, please don't tell Mr. Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert, don't tell anyone else. I really need this job. I still have younger siblings to support at home. If I lose my job, they won't be able to go to school. I beg you."

Fiona was so sad.

Her tears and mucus kept flowing down.

She looked so agonized.

Laurel put down her phone and coldly watched Fiona's painful expression.

Laurel said, "It's not your fault either, Tina made you do it."

"Ms. Gilbert..." Fiona still wanted to defend Tina.

"I actually understand why Ms. Gilbert did this. You don't need to explain for her. If you really want me to help you stay


Chapter Find Out the Tth (3)

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in the Gilbert family, or even if you get kicked out of the Gilbert family, you can receive a generous compensation, just do as I say. I promise to make sure you leave satisfied," Laurel said, emphasizing each word.

Fiona was a little skeptical.

Laurel immediately told Fiona about her plans.

Fiona shook her head quickly, "No, I can't betray Ms. Gilbert. She has been kind to me, I can't betray her."

"You don't have a choice in this anymore. Now, if I show this video to the Gilbert family, do you think you can still hide this? Otherwise, you can lie and say that I forced you to film this. video," Laurel said coldly. "No, I didn't dare to accuse you, Laurel," Fiona exclaimed, quickly denying.

Laurel didn't expect Fiona to have the courage.

Moreover, judging from Fiona's self-blaming appearance after Pamela's death, Laurel can basically conclude that Fiona's character is not too bad. Therefore, she can have a good discussion with her. "Just tell the truth," Laurel advised kindly. "Besides, your

weren't betraying Ms. Gilbert at all, you were actually helping her. You should also be aware that what she did was wrong, right?"

Fiona did not answer, she just closed her lips tightly, unsure of what to do.

"Laurel made it clear, didn't she? It was wrong for Tina to like


Chapter 26 Find Out the Truth ()

Hayden, right?"

Fiona was stunned.

Stared straight at Laurel.

Fiona looked surprised. How could Laurel know all this?

Chapter 77 Laurel is Amaning

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