Abigail’s Second Life (Abigail and Sean)
Chapter 925 Joyful Moments

Soon, different groups arrived in succession.

Lando's eyebrows raised at the sight of Phynix. "Madam Wright, what are your thoughts on this young man? He possesses all the qualities necessary to become a star in the entertainment industry-tall, robust, and strikingly handsome."

With a mischievous grin, Doris engaged with Phynix. She nodded in agreement with Lando's sentiments, remarking, "It would be a pity for someone as handsome as him not to consider a career in entertainment."

"We hadn't considered the entertainment industry for him, but if he's interested, we'll back him fully," Sean remarked, casting an affectionate glance at Phynix.

Upon observing her son from the sidelines, Abigail was greeted by a familiar voice.


Catching sight of Eric, Abigail was surprised. "You're here! I thought you wouldn't come."

Following her arrival back from overseas, Abigail had little contact with Eric.

The developments concerning Jonell had provoked significant upheaval within the Davidson Family.

"Your son has celebrated his full month. Regardless of circumstances, I deemed it essential to carve out time to pay him a visit. His countenance is striking, a fusion of both your features," Eric remarked with a smile playing on his lips, expressing warmth and evident satisfaction at Abigail's unmistakable happiness.

"Thank you. How have matters transpired since your return?" Abigail inquired, extending a glass of wine to him.

Seated, Eric exhaled heavily. "You're familiar with my parents' occupation. Although we weren't severely affected, they were transferred to a smaller town and eventually lost their jobs. Our entire family relocated there."

"They're unable to return?" Abigail found the consequences harsh.

It was clear that Jonell's reckless actions had brought misfortune upon the entire family.

"Not precisely. I've adapted to life there. A return to Capitalis is impractical due to Uncle Levi's actions. All our family assets have been seized, and my career in the entertainment industry has come to an end. Yet, my family is coping. At least we still have a place to call home," Eric chuckled.

Abigail hadn't anticipated the severity of Eric's current predicament.

"If you require anything, please don't hesitate to ask. You provided invaluable assistance to us in New Yoke," Abigail offered, taking a seat.

"It's not as grim as it appears. My parents possess resilience. If we conduct ourselves properly, there's hope for a future return. Having been immersed in the entertainment industry for so long, I now find comfort in a simpler lifestyle," Eric shared with a smile.

Upon observing Eric's genuine smile, Abigail found reassurance in the authenticity of his happiness. "If you ever find yourself in need, don't hesitate to ask. While I may not be able to assist with everything, I can certainly offer financial help."

"Thank you. Should I encounter difficulties, I'll reach out without hesitation," Eric replied sincerely.

Abigail nodded, indicating her understanding. "Feel free to ask. I have guests to attend to, so I won't be able to chat for long."

As she departed with Sean, Eric's eyes briefly revealed a hint of sorrow, though he swiftly regained his composure with a smile.

Given all they had endured, they should have reached this point sooner.

Josh sat silently beside Eric, noting his subdued demeanor, a far cry

from the vibrant self he used to be Unable to suppress a sigh, Josh commented, "It's been more than a year, and you haven't reached out to me once. I'm completely in the dark about your family's circumstances."

The Davidson Family vanished from Capitalis without leaving any clues behind.

Due to Eric's departure from the entertainment business and his subsequent exclusion due to Jonell's deeds, only a small circle within the industry remained informed about his situation.

"I've been consumed with my parents' health over the past year. Their condition has been deteriorating," Eric disclosed to Josh.

After Jonell's actions had their fallout, the entire Davidson Family faced harsh repercussions, leading to the passing of Eric's grandma, Maisy, upon discovering Jonell's lifetime incarceration.

"My parents endured alienation from

the rest of the family after my

grandma's passing, coupled with the loss of their jobs. They're in low spirits, and their health is


deteriorating, often necessitating hospital visits," Eric concluded, exhaling a heavy sigh laden with burden.

Jonell's actions were so despicable that they extended to affect Eric and his family despite their lack of direct involvement. Not even Eric's prior act of assistance could shield them from the repercussions. "After things settle down, I'll take Larry to visit your parents," Josh assured, comforting Eric with a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Okay, my parents will surely appreciate seeing Larry," Eric replied, his smile immediate.

Josh's lips curved into a faint smile. "Larry's name is Lawrie. Doesn't it sound pleasant?"

"It does indeed. Lawrie... It sounds like a name chosen with care," Eric expressed his genuine happiness for Josh.

He has also found his place to belong.

"As for you, it's time to seek out a compatible partner and establish a stable life," Josh advised, noticing the flourishing relationship between Abigail and Sean, suggesting that Eric's opportunity might have passed.

"I'll when I meet the right person to marry. You don't need to worry about me," Eric assured, handing Josh a glass.

After toasting with their glasses, Eric offered heartfelt congratulations. "I'm thrilled for you, marrying the love of your life and welcoming such a charming child."

"Thank you. While our wedding

hasn't taken place yet, we'll certainly extend an invitation to you. If you're free, please join us. If not, your

blessings via WhatsApp would ne

suffice," Josh replied before finishing his drink. He then guided Éric to meet Abigail and Sean's child.

"He's incredibly handsome, born at nearly ten pounds. He's already making quite an impression at Capitalis Hospital," Josh continued animatedly.

Eric followed in silence, his smile both gentle and contemplative.

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