Zack settled down beside Eloise and blinked his eyes. “My monthly salary is 8,000 dollars and [don’t have a place to stay.”

Such a well-behaved young man, gazing at Eloise with his puppy eyes brimming with trust. Eloise couldn’t resist and inquired of Rena, “Don’t you have a dormitory available?”

The secretary swiftly interjected on Rena’s behalf, “We only have dormitories for female employees.”

Eloise felt a twinge of disappointment.

What a charming and obedient young man he was.

A short while ago, Zack had been regarding Eloise with trusting eyes. Her heart melted. “I still have a spare room. Zack can stay at my place.”

Rena objected.

The man standing before them was of unknown origin. How could he reside with Eloise?

However, Eloise genuinely liked Zack, They had engaged in pleasant conversation during lunch, leaving her content. She implored Rena to hire Zack.

Rena’s hearted softened as she witnessed Eloise’s happiness.

Ever since Rena’s father had passed away, Eloise had been in a melancholic state. Rena believed that Eloise might find solace if this cheerful young man were to be by her side.

Rena perused through the documents and commented casually, “Go to the hospital for a medical examination this afternoon. If everything is fine, you can start working tomorrow.”

Zack fidgeted with his legs and suddenly leaped to his feet.

“A medical examination? I’m plagued with all sorts of ailments actually!”

Rena pressed the internal line. “Please escort Mr. Carson out.”

Zack raised his hand and uttered, “Alright, alright, I’ll go… You will come with me though.”

“Carole, please escort Mr, Carson…”

“Tine, fine, I’ll go alone.”

Rena smiled. “I’ll be awaiting your medical examination report.”

Zack smiled back, leaning closer. “I’ll ensure you know that my entire body is in peak condition.”

“Address me as Miss Gordon.”

Zack swayed his lengthy legs towards the door but swiftly turned his head. With a perplexing emotion shimmering in his amorous eyes, he stated, “Miss Gordon, see you tomorrow. 2?

Rena experienced an indescribable sensation.

She could discern that Zack hailed from a wealthy family. The shoes he wore were valued at more than ten thousand dollars, and the timepiece adorning his wrist was from the esteemed Patek Philippe antique collection. Thus, she harbored no concerns that he would pose any harm to Eloise.

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