Melissa glared at Weldon, her teeth clenched, and her face turned ghostly pale.

Thomas couldn't watch silently anymore and tried to intervene. “Weldon, please, let's not escalate this” Weldon just laughed and shot back, “Oh, why? Will you give me a new heir then?”

Thomas sighed, shaking his head, seeing there was no reasoning with him.

Melissa was shaking all over, attempting to snatch Matthew back, but the bodyguards held her firmly in place.

At that moment, Matthew also shouted for help, “Daddy, help Matthew! I don't want to leave Mommy... I don't want to leave Daddy either. I really like Daddy! Daddy... Please chase the monster away...

Hearing this, Weldon felt a bit upset.

He said with a hint of impatience, “Im not a monster! I'm your grandfather. Call me grandpa!” But Matthew kept crying, “No! You're not my grandpa. You're the scariest monster of them all.” Just as Weldon was about to take Matthew away, the helicopter landed, and the cabin door opened.

A voice then emerged from the darkness behind them. “You're planning to take my son without asking me, Mr. Smith? If so, you might want to stop and think it over” Hearing a voice he knew well, Weldon was taken aback.

Thomas was equally surprised.

Melissa, stunned, turned around in disbelief, only to see Marcus stepping out of the shadows, a small hammer in hand.

Weldon scoffed, “You think you can stop me with just that?”

Upon seeing Marcus, Matthew's spirits lifted, and he yelled, “Go, Daddy, beat up the monster!” Marcus flashed Matthew a warm smile, and then turned to Melissa, who was tearfully gazing at him, as if scared he'd vanish any moment.

Marcus then made a beeline for the helicopter.

Before anyone could grasp what was happening, he was behind the pilot, pulling him from the cockpit and tossing him to the ground.

Weldon, fuming with anger, yelled, “You've got some nerve, Marcus!” Discarding the hammer, Marcus dusted off his hands and retorted with a smirk, “I haven't even started on you. Why the outrage, Mr. Smith? Seems like Edwin didn't give the Smith family enough of a lesson, making you think you could cross the Fowler family again.” Weldon retorted with a sneer, “But I've got Matthew here!” “And he's my son!” Marcus hissed, standing his ground. “Are you sure you want to do this? Think you can just walk away? Your pilot is out cold;

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