In the rear of the car, Marcus and Melissa sat in silence as Sylvia conversed with Ross about the weather. “Looks like we're approaching thunderstorm season. The weather can be quite

unpredictable, sunny one momeht and pouring rain the next.” Sylvia smiled in agreement. “Isn't that the truth!” Ross offered his advice, saying, “That's why it's essential to check the weather forecast before heading out, unless you want to end up soaked! Getting drenched can easily lead to sickness, and when you're under the weather, you're bound to feel grumpy and look as sour as my wife going through menopause. So annoying!” Sylvia fell silent, slightly uncomfortable with Ross’ choice of words.

The composed young CEO, Marcus, calmly suggested, “The transportation department could greatly benefit from someone like Ross” Ross immediately closed his mouth! In approximately 1@ minutes, they reached the entrance of Watson Group.

Marcus made no move to open the door for Melissa.

She was familiar with his temperament.

Years had gone by, yet becoming a father hadn't altered him in the slightest.

Melissa bowed her head slightly. “This is me. Thank you, Mr. Fowler” Without looking at her, Marcus made a blunt remark. “Are you thanking me for fulfilling your physical needs last night?” Melissa felt a mix of embarrassment and anger.

Ross and Sylvia, being familiar with Marcus’ ways, pretended not to hear the exchange.

The car door closed.

Sylvia sighed softly. “Mr. Fowler, by doing this...” Marcus patted his leg. “I'm furious!” Despite Marcus’ declaration, Sylvia couldn't help but chuckle. There was something oddly sweet in his anger.

Indeed, Marcus was truly angry.

As delightful as his night together with Melissa had been, the morning brought an equal measure of disappointment.

The atmosphere during the morning meeting at Fowler Group was tense, with shareholders barely daring to make a sound.

In the afternoon, Marcus received a call from his father, Waylen, who, after teasing his son bluntly, inquired softly, “Marcus, how are things.

between you and Melissa?” Marcus’ tone remained indifferent. “It's what it is."

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