Yet, Melissa moved on, unaffected.

Thomas attempted to offer solace. “These things take time. Perhaps what's needed is a period of adjustment.” Weldon, frustration evident, gestured towards the exit. “Three years have passed, and yet she remains unchanged! Her perspective is as limited as her mother’s. What harm is there in being a mistress?

Why stir up drama, accusing me of deceit —" Thomas cut him off, “But the deceit was real” Left without a response, Weldon fell silent.

Melissa stepped into the night alone, her spirits lower than before.

Marcus, now appearing more composed, was still in the lobby.

‘s Upon noticing Melissa, he stood and offered, “Let me give you a lift” Melissa gently refused, “A company car is waiting for me out there.” Under the glow of the streetlights, Marcus’ features were striking.

“I've asked your driver to depart earlier” “Marcus... you..." With a soft smile, Marcus placed his coat over her shoulders, suggesting, “Think of it as a walk for digestion. Besides, the Japanese cuisine tonight was disappointing.” Perhaps in need of companionship, Melissa found herself accepting his offer.

The club was situated near a river, the night view Lending a serene backdrop to their silent promenade. Marcus, a cigarette between his lips, glanced at her to gauge if she minded.

Melissa offered a slight smile in response.

Marcus lit his cigarette, the smoke curling into the night air.

Leaning against the railing, he broached the subject of Alan's son.

“What are your thoughts on him?”

Melissa adjusted the coat draped around her, the fabric carrying the distinct aroma of tobacco as well as Marcus’ cologne. As her cheek grazed the collar, a subtle expression of longing emerged...

Marcus regarded her in silence, taking in her delicate features, the fairness of her skin, and the grace of her neck.

He softly uttered her name, “Melissa.” Melissa gave a gentle “Hmm” in response, turning towards him to inquire, “Why did you come here today?” Marcus chose not to answer directly.

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