Melissa shot back, “Probably around the time I started working as your secretary, making your meals and catering to you daily.” Everyone around them held their breath.

In the business world of Duefron, Melissa was likely the only one bold enough to challenge Marcus in such a manner.

Yet, Marcus didn't retaliate. He shifted his focus to Mina, remarking, “I've heard from Mr. Waston that you're quite the golfer” Mina believed she had finally grabbed his attention.

She shed her jacket, eager to demonstrate her prowess.

But then Marcus gestured towards Melissa and declared, “Your new task is to teach her. If she picks up golf, we'l seal the endorsement deal and sign the contract tomorrow. If not, consider the deal over.” Mina was dumbfounded.

Melissa, regaining her composure, stood and demanded, “Marcus, what are you trying here?” ‘s Marcus, drying his neck with the towel, gave her a Look. “What, still clinging to that guy? You're not exactly young anymore. It’s time you act a bit more mature.” Melissa was so furious that she ended up kicking him.

She just couldn't get it today. Frustrated, she headed back to the dressing room to change, ready to head out.

At that moment, the door to the private dressing room swung open.

A figure entered and shut the door behind him.

In the silence of the room, only his footsteps were audible.

Melissa had just removed her clothes and was about to shower when suddenly, she found herself pinned against the wall... She declared sharply, “You know, I could sue you for harassment” Marcus paid no attention to her protest. He softly caressed her cheek and murmured, “I don't ever want to see that again.” “See what?” She pretended not to understand.

A shadow crossed Marcus's face.

He gripped her waist tightly, pulling her close to make her aware of him, though his tone remained icy. “Didn't it seem to you like you were a bit too cozy with that guy, Miss Brown? Have you forgotten you're Matthew's mom?” The fabric of his outfit brushed against her skin.

They were in a compromising position.

Yet, she retorted sharply, “And what exactly are we to each other, Mr.

Fowler? In case you're not up to speed, let me spell it out for you. We're over. That means you're free to get close to any woman you like, be it Miss Finch or that actress. I have no say init.

And who I choose to spend my time with is none of your business. Got it?”

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