Paisley had no intentions of settling down in marriage. She engaged in occasional encounters with different men, showcasing her open mindedness,

Rena remained silent,

Paisley understood that Rena’s current relationship with Waylen wasn’t in a good place, thus refraining from saying much,

“We will be dining with Mr, Scott tonight, Prepare yourself, Mrs, Scott will be joining us as well, If we manage to win her favor, thn Geott Wil undoubtedly invest in our studio,”

Rena possessed a keen sense of propriety,

Given Alan’s age in his thirties, she assumed his wife naturally wouldn’t appreciate him associating with overly glamorous women, Rena donned a professional ensemble and styled her Jong brown hair into a bun, exuding an air of a successful businesswoman,

She and Paisley embarked on the journey together

Anticipating potential alcohol consumption later, one of therm would partake while the other assumed the role of designated driver.

Upon arriving at the club, they coincidentally encountered Alan and his family.

Alan exuded an easygoing demeanor, while his wife emanated gentleness and kindness. Even their daughter possessed a likable disposition.

Rena felt her tension ease.

Throughout the dinner, Paisley and Alan delved into discussions about future plans of the music studio.

Rena took care of Mrs. Scott and the child.

Joselyn Scott held a fondness for Rena and decided to entrust her with teaching their child to play the piano. Once the contract was signed,

Paisley brimmed with joy.

She rose from her seat and proposed a toast to Alan and Joselyn, stating,

‘It is our first time venturing into the world of music studios, and we consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have encountered Mr. Scott, who is willing to support us. Thank you so much for your trust!”

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Paisley swiftly gulped down her drink, finishing it in one swift motion.

Alan affectionately patted Paisley’s shoulder and beamed.

“The one you should thank is actually someone else!” he exclaimed. Paisley and Rena exchanged puzzled glances. ,

In a hushed whisper, Joselyn divulged, “Alan just did his friend a favor!

This person has long yearned to collaborate with Miss Gordon but was hesitant due to fear of rejection.”

Rena had a hunch about who it could be.

Her expression shifted slightly, yet she couldn’t afford to lose her composure on such an occasion.

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