Flustered, she blushed and remained silent.

On the second-floor terrace of the Fowler residence, Waylen stood, gently swaying the flowing white curtains with his slender fingers. In a low voice, he spoke, “An old friend of my father’s has returned from Braseovell and he will be arriving here soon. It seems I won’t be able to join you tonight.”

What a curious coincidence!

Lyndon, too, had returned from Braseovell on the very same day.

Rena’s voice softened as she replied, “Treat him well, then.”

Waylen nodded. Just as he was about to say something more, a melodious voice called out from behind, “Waylen!”

Startled, he turned around.

Standing there was an elegant middle-aged man, exuding al and charm.

Waylen bid Rena a hasty farewell, his voice barely audible as he ended the call.

A warm smile lit up his face as he greeted the man. “Mr. Coleman, it’s been a long time.”

This man was Lyndon. He and Waylen’s father had been close friends for years, admiring each other’s talents and character.

While it appeared. that Lyndon had returned for his concert tour, his true motive was far more profound-—he had actually come back in secret search of his long-lost daughter.

Lyndon’s smile widened as he greeted Waylen. “Long time no see, It’s been a few years since we last met! I’ve heard great things about your accomplishments in your career.”

Waylen modestly brushed off the praise, engaging in a pleasant conversation with the older man.

Just then, Cecilia ascended the stairs, her eyes sparkling with delight. at the sight of Lyndon. She playfully clung to his arm, reminiscent of her childhood days. “Mr. Coleman, my father is calling for you downstairs,” she said with a mischievous grin.

Lyndon tenderly patted Cecilia’s hand and obliged, making his way downstairs with her.

As they descended, Cecilia couldn’t contain her curiosity and asked, “Did Elvira come back with you this time?”

Lyndon’s expression froze.

His gaze instinctively shifted towards Waylen.

Waylen was leaning against the French window, furrowing his brow and slowly puffing on a cigarette.

Lyndon couldn’t help but admire the young man’s remarkable demeanor, even amidst his evident distress.

In a low voice, Lyndon replied to Cecilia, No, she didn’t. she won’t be returning for the time being.”

On the terrace, Waylen savored the final moments of his cigarette. His parents then started urging him to join them downstairs.

Slowly, he made his way to greet Lyndon, a highly esteemed guest in the Fowler household.

The servants were bustling about, making all necessary preparations to welcome the family’s cherished friend.

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