A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 552

Chapter 552 

Ethan got back home in the dead of night Eleanor was fighting off sleep, holding Nina while waiting for him 

Ethan had barely seen Eleanor in the past three months. Even when they did cross paths, he just pretended like she wasn’t there and walked off 

This time, as he pushed open the villa door and saw Eleanor and Nina waiting for him in the living room, he chose to ignore them like he usually did

Just as he was about to leave, Eleanor stopped him. Im pretty much recovered now and planning to leave tomorrow. I’m taking Nina with me

She had no patience to argue with Ethan anymore and made her demand straightforwardly

Ethan paused, turned back to look at her Why would you take her? She’s not your kid” 

Eleanor responded calmly. Nina is my sister’s child. I am her aunt, and have guardianship rights. Of course I can take Nina.” 

Ethan scoffed, So you’re saying I’m not fit to raise her?” 

Eleanor coldly replied, Whether you’re fit or not, you know very well.” 

Upon seeing her back to her old self, Ethan knew that she had seen the news about Bernard attending the press conference

He gave Eleanor a once over, before warning her, You’re so eager to see him, doesn’t mean he wants to see you. Don’t come crying back to me when that happens.” 

Eleanor didn’t understand what he was implying and continued, Nina is of school age now. Either let me take her back to A City, or send her back to her father. It’s not good for her to be wandering around with you all the time” 

Ethan frowned, walked over to Eleanor, bent over and looked at her, his hands resting on the arms of the chair

Listen up, you either stay here to help me take care of Nina, or you leave by yourself. Don’t get too greedy!” 

He had decided to let go of the issue about Emilia’s heart. But he would never let go of Emilia’s child‘ 

Eleanor tried to argue back, but Nina pulled her sleeve and said sensibly. You should go back first. I am willing to stay with Ethan.” 

Nina had become less afraid of Ethan after spending so much time with him

Sometimes, she even dared to make faces at him when he got mad at her

Nina’s world was innocent. She thought Ethan looked quite pitiful when he sat alone on the villa’s steps, staring blankly at her mom’s picture

Like her, when she missed her mom, she would also hide in a corner looking at her mom’s photo

She thought maybe Ethan missed her mom too much, so he kidnapped her to keep him company

And as for why he kidnapped Eleanor, it was probably because Eleanor looked too much like her mom, and that’s why Ethan treated her that way

Because she felt sorry for Ethan, Nina not only forgave him, but often took the initiative to cuddle up to him

At first, when she got close to Ethan, he would scold her, get mad at her

But one time after he came out of Eleanor’s room, he suddenly hugged her tightly, burying his head in her tiny shoulder, saying, I’m sorry, I’ve done something wrong recently, almost let your mom down” 

Nina touched Ethan’s handsome face with her little hand, Mom was really nice, she won’t blame you… 

After that, Ethan never got mad at her anymore. Nina thought she must have melted his heart with her cuteness

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