A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 549

Chapter 549 

The sweet gesture from the kid brought a tad bit of warmth to Eleanor’s grieving heart 

She didnt want to look like a hot mess in front of the kid, so she swallowed her sadness, stood up from the ground, and gently potted Nina’s head 

Auntie won’t cry anymore, let’s go back to the room” 

Nina responded with a Okayand quickly reached out her tiny hand to quide Eleanor back to the room 

Before long Eleanor began to feel a little cramp in her lower belly, not sure if it was because she had just cried or her emotions were too bottled up 

She felt that this pain wasnt quite like a pregnancy pain but more like the kind during period 

As she was doubting, a warm fluid flowed down her legs and she was stunned 

During this period, George not only prescribed her eye treatments but also some prenatal vitamins and nutritional supplements

She occasionally had morning sickness, but it wasnt severe, so she never doubted whether she was pregnant or not, but…. 

She never thought that all of this was nothing but a big fat bel 

She trusted George so much, obediently followed his words, took every medication he prescribed, but he was deceiving her

Inescapable fate, shackled life, a cage she couldn’t escape from, now even the last glimmer of hope was ripped away

Eleanor completely broke down, like a lunatic, she stumbled out of the room

George, why did you he to me!” 

7m clearly not pregnant, why did you say I was?!” 

1 trusted you so much, why did you do this to me?” 

George, hearing the cries, rushed out of the room. Catching sight of the fresh blood on her lower dress, he immediately understood

He walked over filled with guilt, trying to help her up, but was shoved away by Eleanor

“I hate you!” 

The once kindhearted her, now had eyes filled with hatred

George kept apologizing, explaining he just wanted her to live, but Eleanor no longer believed a word he said

She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, then, leaning on the wall, she staggered up and headed back to the room

Nina, seeing her aunt like this, also began to cry. But fearing the weird uncle might hit her, she could only squat in the corner and sob quietly

At this moment, Eleanor had completely lost the will to live. Her surroundings were so quiet she couldn’t hear a sound, her mind filled with one thought

That is- 

With no child, no Bernard, why should she continue to live

Just to see him in the grave, should she continue to endure being treated like a substitute

She didnt want to

She wanted to find him

No one could stop her

After finding out she wasn’t pregnant, she had no emotional response after her breakdown

She lay on the bed, desolate like when she first learned Bernard had passed, not eating or drinking 

Just when everyone thought she was silently waiting for death, she suddenly got up in the middle of the night and went to the living room

In the dark, she found a fruit knife on the dining table, then like a ghost, quietly returned to her room

She was blind, she didn’t know where Ethan slept, couldn’t kill him, but she could kill herself

In the moonlight, she looked down at Nina who was sleeping peacefully on the bed…. 

She still didnt know what Nina looked like, yet she had developed strong feelings for her

She was a bit reluctant, squatted down, and gently kissed Nina’s forehead

Nina. Im sorry, Auntie can’t take care of you anymore.” 

She learned from George that her sister’s exhusband was a nobleman from G country, with a background like the Ziegler family

She believed that soon, her sisters ex husband would find Nina and take her away

Eleanor once again touched Nina’s soft hair, then with the knife in her hand, she harshly cut her own wrist 

Fearing that Nina would wake up and be frightened by a cold corpse, she leaned on the wall, made her way to the bathroom, and lay in the bathtub

She rested her hand on the edge of the bathtub, letting the blood slowly flow out 

In her mind, she saw the four scars on Bernard’s wrist and suddenly understood his feelings at that time 

Because of missing someone so much, you’d want to follow them, this is love, and obsession, but 

Who can say for sure, whether this act is right or wrong 

She closed her eyes and quietly recalled every moment with Bernard 

Bernard, in the next life, let’s love each other properly

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