A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 544

Chapter 544 

The morning in N Country was a sight for sore eyes, the sunshine filtering through the floortoceiling windows of the villa into the red brick house 

Basking in the sunlight, a slender figure with thick curly hair resembling a high texture oil painting from afar

Eleanor was cradling Nina, fumbling with a piece of bread on her plate. She slowly tore it apart with her gloved hands and reached it towards the little girls mouth

Nina opened her mouth, stretched her neck to reach the toast Eleanor was handing her. After biting into the soft toast, she looked up at the person across her 

Ethan was leisurely cutting his steak with a fork and knife. He sliced it into strips and handed a portion to Eleanor

Emilia, open up Ethan said, addressing Eleanor by her false name

Nina, confused, because she had been told by Uncle George that her mom was Emilia and her aunt was Eleanor

But recently, this weird uncle kept calling her aunt Emilia, making it hard for her to tell her aunt and mom apart

Nina was at a loss and didn’t dare ask She was afraid this weird uncle might scold her, so she kept her head down and quietly ate her breakfast

Eleanor turned her head slightly at the steak close to her mouth, Too greasy, I can’t eat it.” 

Ethan didn’t force her. He put down the steak, picked up a golden spoon, scooped a spoonful of cereal porridge, and again brought it to her lips, You can have this instead 

This time, Eleanor didn’t resist. She opened her mouth and accepted the spoonful of porridge

Seeing her eat. Ethan began to smile, his warmth matching the sunshine outside 

A man feeding a woman breakfast, a woman feeding a child breakfast, it was a picture perfect family of three

Only the woman herself knew that she was trapped in a cage built by the man, with no escape in sight

She reluctantly agreed to play Emilia, but to prevent her from running away, Ethan stopped the medication for her eyes 

At first Eleanor resisted Ethan, but her feeble efforts were no match for a madman

Like half a month ago, she stumbled around in the dark trying to escape, only to end up lost in the forest because she couldn’t see 

After Ethan found her, he said she had been naughty and needed to be punished, which meant harming Nina

Upon hearing Nina’s cries, Eleanor was forced to smarten up. She didn’t dare to run away anymore and realized that being blind made escape impossible 

She had never wanted to regain her sight as much as she did now. Only then could she think of a way to escape with Nina

For this glimmer of hope, Eleanor played the part of Emilia while coaxing Ethan into giving her the eye medication 

When he was in a good mood, he let George his assistant give her some medicine, but always in controlled doses

Eleanor wasn’t completely blind now, she could barely see some light and shadows. This was George trying his best to prevent her from going blind

She also cooperated fully with George’s treatment, knowing that only when her health improved could she stand a chance against Ethan

After Ethan fed her, he sat under the bright light, resting his chin on one hand, quietly watching Eleanor who was still feeding Nina

Through her silhouette, he saw Emilia again, which made him reach out to touch Eleanor’s cheek

The icy touch of his fingers made Eleanor shrink her neck, Didn’t we agree that you wouldn’t touch me?” 

She turned her head away, letting Ethan’s fingers land on her thick curls. His eyes darkened at the sight

He withdrew his hand, coldly replied, I touched Emilia, not you.” 


Eleanor didn’t argue with him. Instead, she asked Nina softly. Are you full? If you are, I will take you out to catch some sun

Nina wanted to eat a bit more, but seeing Eleanor didn’t want to stay with that uncle, she quickly wriggled off Eleanor’s lap and reached out her soft little hand to hold Eleanor’s 

Auntie, I’ll show you the way.” 

After giving her a warm smile, Eleanor got up and followed Nina out of the villa 

Ethan was leaning back in his chair, watching the two figures, one big and one small, sitting on a swing, playfully poking each other’s cheeks

Seeing this scene, his eyes turned red

If Emilia hadn’t married that man, she would have borne his child too, and they would have had a peaceful and happy life 

But Emilia, you promised to love me forever. Why did you betray me in my most difficult times

Thinking of the past, Ethan became very angry 

He clenched his fists and swept everything off the table 

The assistant who had just come in from outside saw him throwing a tantrum, hesitated to approach, but had to 

Mr. Ziegler” 

The assistant involuntarily swallowed, then reported in a low voice, The president of the Laurence Group has woken up.” 

Ethan stiffened, his bloodshot eyes glaring at the assistant, What did you say?” 

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