A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 350

Chapter 350 

Sophie felt like she was being watched. She quickly turned around, and when she saw it was Bernard, her face lit up with joy 

Bernard, you finally decided to see me” 

She quickened her pace, running to him

Bernard, for the past three years, I’ve been shut out by you. Do you know how much I missed you?” 

Bernard smirked, You missed me?” 

Sophie, tears welling up in her eyes, nodded fervently, Bernard, I once told you that I’ve liked you since we were kids. How could I not miss you?” 

Bernard lifted his indifferent eyes, staring coldly at her, What about my brother?” 

Sophie’s lace changed, a hint of guilt flashed in her eyes, but she still firmly said, I never loved your brother. It was always you. If it wasn’t for you being so aloof, why would I agree to date your older brother” 

As she finished, she tried to grab Bernard’s hand. But before her hand could touch his fingers, he swiftly withdrew it

This rejection made Sophie feel humiliated, followed by a rush of regret

I was such a fool. I turned down your proposal to avoid creating a misunderstanding. I should have married you right after your brother’s death!” 

If she had married him back then, how could that annoying Eleanor have 



She thought Bernard wasn’t interested in her because she couldn’t meet his standards, so she decided to go abroad to better herself

But to her surprise, Bernard found a woman who looked somewhat like her after she left

She never thought it would turn out this way. Why wasn’t Bernard interested in her, even though they looked so much alike

Every time she thought of Bernard, a man obsessed with cleanliness, getting intimate with another woman, Sophie felt indignant

She looked at Bernard’s cold face, yelling angrily, “Bernard, no matter what, you promised my brother you would marry me. You can’t break your promise!Bernard’s smirk became more pronounced, You deceived my brother’s feelings to get close to me, and you still want me to marry you? Dream on!” 

If he didn’t know the truth before, he might have married her out of respect for his brother’s dying wish, but now….. 

Bernard raised his hand, signaling the security guard at the gate.: 

The guard quickly approached, bowing respectfully, What can I do for you, Mr. Laurence?” 

Bernard pointed at Sophie standing in front of the car, She just slapped you. Slap her back!

The guard was stunned, not expecting his boss to stand up for him

Feeling somewhat flattered, the guard responded, Yes, sir, and then he stood up straight and slapped Sophie hard

It was his boss’s command, he couldn’t defy his discipline as a retired special forces soldier

Sophie, who was knocked to the ground, looked at Bernard in disbelief, How could youhow could you let a lowlife hit me?!” 

Bernard seemed not to hear, pulling out a wet wipe and handing it to the guard, It is dirty, wipe it off.” 

The guard, initially upset by Sophie’s insult, didn’t expect his boss to take his side in such a way

Taking the wet wipe, he started to clean the place where he had touched Sophie

This was a ruthless trampling on Sophie’s dignity

He knew she looked down on these guards, but he still chose to humiliate her in this way

The dirtyhe mentioned was clearly implying she was no nobler than these guards, perhaps even less

Enraged beyond her limits, Sophie suddenly sprang to her feet and charged at Bernard, but the guard was quick to grab her

While struggling, Sophie gritted her teeth and said, Bernard, you’ve gone too far. You broke off our engagement, took over the Ratliff family’s business, leaving me no way out. I won’t give you any chances either. Just you wait!” 

Bernard gave her one last cold look, You should be grateful that my brother loved you when he was alive, otherwise” 

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