A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 308

Chapter 308 

Garett, we said when we were little that we’d live together when we grew up. Now that you and Eleanor are back, why don’t you move in with me?Hailey said

She bought that mansion not just because Eleanor told her in a dream that she was going to build a house for thern in another world, but also because she remembered the promise they made when they were young

After all the twists and turns, and separations, they should live together as family, cherishing every day

But when Hailey suggested this, Yilia immediately disagreed, No way, Mr. Falsey can’t leave here, it’s too risky” 

Hailey paused, then understood

Even if Jason was dead, it didn’t mean that he was forever safe

If the Clowers family found out he was still alive, he could be in danger.. 

It seemed they couldn’t just hang out carefree like they did when they were young

She, Eleanor, Garett, they all took different paths in life as they grew up

Hailey finally understood that some promises and wishes were hard to fulfill

Seeing Hailey looking disappointed, Yilia quickly explained, afraid she’d think Mr. Falsey was being deprived of his freedom. Hailey, Mr. Falsey isn’t completely trapped here. The Laurence family has people protecting him around, he can go for walks, shop, and watch. movies in the neighborhood with a mask and a hat on. He just shouldn’t leave this area, as Mr. Laurence can’t always guarantee his safety 24/7

Eleanor, who had been silent all this time, slightly changed her expression when she heard this. She hadn’t expected Bernard not only saved Garett, but also arranged for people to protect him

He did this not just for her, but to give Garett some freedom. But how many resources must he be using to ensure Garett’s safety in such a big city? These revelations were increasing the pressure on Eleanor

After Yilia finished, Hailey instinctively looked at Eleanor

Though she didn’t show any visible emotion, Hailey knew she must be hurting inside

The day Eleanor ran into her arms in the rain, crying that he truly loved her, she had guessed what was in Eleanor’s heart

She had just thought Eleanor rejected Bernard because she couldn’t forgive the past hurts, not knowing that Garett was alive

Now seeing Garett in a wheelchair, Hailey understood everything

Eleanor, knowing that Garett wasn’t the one who hurt her in the past, would definitely choose Garett. After all, without Garett working hard to buy medicine for Eleanor, she might not have grown up safely

But Bernard… 

Their relationship was already over, but what he did for Eleanor was truly touching

Hailey didn’t know what to say, she just looked at Garett. He looked very pale, as if he had just learned of all this

He didn’t expect this man had been protecting him this past three years. Bernard was seriously injured to save him, and even deployed a large number of people to protect him. And yet he, under this man’s protection, still wanted the woman this man loved

Seeing the shame in Garett’s eyes, Hailey knew what he was thinking, and quickly said, Garett, I’ll prepare some fancy gifts to thank Mr Laurence on your behalf. Don’t overthink the rest” 

Chapter 309 

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