A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 304

Chapter 304 

Ethan said calmly, You can choose not to, and I won’t force you” 

Eleanor looked at him puzzled and asked, Why do you suddenly want to go back to G country?He must have some important stuff to deal with, so he asked her to sign a blank agrement first

Ethan said indifferently, George told me that Emilia’s child is sick, I want to go check it out.” 

Emilia’s child

Eleanor was startled by the sudden news, Is that, is that your child with her?” 

Ethan chuckled lightly, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, That’s her child with her exhusband.” 

Exhusband? Emilia had an exhusband

Eleanor was completely stunned, silently staring at Ethan

Ethan raised an eyebrow, asking, Do you find this ridiculous too?” 

The surprised expression on Eleanor’s face gradually disappeared. She didn’t know much about Emilia’s situation. Everything she knew was from Ethan, so she chose to stay silent

Ethan didn’t want to talk more about Emilia. He pointed to the agreement and said, I didn’t specify what I want you to do because I haven’t thought it through yet. I’ll add it once I figured it out. But don’t worry, I’m only interested in your sister’s heart, so whatever you have to do must be related to her.” 

After hearing this, Eleanor smiled and said, I won’t sign this agreement.” 

Ethan was planning to go back to G country anyway. Without signing the agreement, he would still leave, so why should she sign it? Ethan seemed not to care, It’s fine if you don’t sign. It’s just her child with her exhusband, none of my business.” 

In other words, if she didn’t sign, he wouldn’t go back to G country and would continue to restrict her personal freedom

Eleanor’s firm attitude wavered a bit, You really won’t make me do anything excessive, right?” 

Ethan seemed to lose patience, his face gradually turning dark, I enjoy doing reckless things myself. If you’re willing, you can give it a try.” 

Eleanor’s face changed dramatically, thinking that Ethan was really abnormal. If she stayed with him, she might be hurt at any time. She hesitated for a while, picked up the pen next to her, and signed Emilia’s name in the last column of the agreement

Ethan took a look but disagreed, You should sign your own name.” 

Eleanor asked with doubt, My current identity is my sister’s, so I should sign her name.” 

Ethan sneered, If you were with Bernard, he would have enough power to help you restore your identity. I don’t want to be deceived by you later, so you’d better not play any tricks. Just sign it. I don’t have the patience to wait for you.” 

Eleanor was stunned. Did Ethan mistake her for wanting to be with Bernard, so he made her sign the agreement to continue controlling 


She didn’t choose Bernard and had no one to help her restore her identity, so signing Eleanor’s name would even be better than Emilia’s. She stopped the pointless argument with him, took the backup agreement he handed over, and signed Eleanor’s name, pressing her fingerprint

After signing, she looked up at Ethan and asked, You just said my sister’s child is sick. What kind of illness is it?” 

Ethan stamped the agreement, looking coldly

Eleanor was still a little worried, When you go to see her, you won’t do anything terrible to her, will you?” 

Ethan glanced at her and said, I’m just going to see if she’s still alive. If she is, I’ll kill her.” 

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