A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 286

Chapter 286 

The next morning, after Eleanor had finished washing up, she came out of her room and headed straight for the dining room. 

Ethan was leisurely slicing some bread. Seeing her come out, he raised his eyes and gave her a glance. 

1 got your car back.” 

Eleanor was startled for a moment, only then remembering that she had left her Mercedes in the basement of the nightclub. 

Thanks, my brother–in–law…” 

She said “brother–in–law” quite naturally. 

Ethan expressionlessly continued to scroll through the architectural drawings on his phone. 

He didn’t talk, and Eleanor just quietly ate her French–style breakfast. 

After eating a bit, Eleanor greeted him and left with her car keys. 

She had made a vow to Garrett that once she had settled matters with Ethan, she would bring Hailey to meet him. 

As Eleanor made her way out of the villa and approached her car door, a sleek white car abruptly pulled up in front of her. 

The car door was pushed open, and Liana, wearing a white long dress, walked out of the car. 

After coming to Eleanor’s side, Liana’s exquisitely beautiful face showed a warm smile: “Ms. Shultz, do you have time to chat with me?” 

Eleanor seemed to guess why Liana came to see her, so she smiled and declined: “Dr. Terrill, I’m sorry, I’m not available right now. Maybe another day.” 

As she finished speaking, she tried to get in the car, but Liana stopped her. 

“Ms. Shultz, I know you’re very resistant to Mr. Laurence. I came to talk to you not to force you to go back to him but to let you know some things. Can you…give me an hour of your time?” 

Seeing that Liana was practically begging her, Eleanor felt a little guilty and nodded. 

Then Liana finally breathed a sigh of relief, invited her into the car, and took her to a famous coffee shop.. 

The atmosphere inside was tranquil, with relaxing music playing, making it easy for people to unwind. 

Upon settling into a cozy booth, they ordered two cups of coffee and a selection of desserts. As soon as their order was served, Liana finally broke the silence, beginning to articulate her thoughts. 

“Ms. Shultz, I don’t know if you remember, but ten years ago, there was an injured boy at the entrance of the University of A…” 

Eleanor initially thought Liana would directly plead on behalf of Bernard, but didn’t expect her to suddenly ask about something that happened so long 


She did remember because the boy who was injured, who was around Garett’s age, was covered in blood and seemed to have been beaten up. 

However, how did Liana know about him? Did she see him back then, too? 

Eleanor frowned and asked Liana, “Do you know him?” 

Liaria nodded, “Not only do I know him, but I’ve also worked with him for many years” 

Upon hearing this, Eleanor immediately understood who she was referring to and her face became serious. 

Bernard had mentioned the incident that happened at the University of A ten years ago. But at the time, Eleanor didn’t want to hear him talk about it and interrupted him. 

Now Liana also brought up the matter, which was probably just to tell her that the injured boy was Bernard. 

Liana swirled the coffee in her cup, before offering Eleanor a surprising revelation, “Truth be told, Mr. Laurence had been smitten with you since those days.” 

Eleanor was a bit stunned, not quite believing Liana’s words. Liana looked at her and slowly continued: 

“Something happened at that time. Mr. Laurence’s childhood playmate was tortured to death by his mother…” 

“Mr. Laurence tried to fight back against his mother, but at the time, as a student, he was unable to compete with the power of his family.” 

Instead of successfully resisting, he was held down on the ground by his mother’s men and severely beaten with a belt.” 

Chapter 20

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