A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 1470

Chapter 1470 

Bernard grasped Eleanor’s icy hand, pressing it against his own blood-streaked face, His fingertips, coated in crimson, smeared a haunting red across her pallid cheeks. 

Bernard’s eyelashes fluttered downward as his gaze wandered over her battered form-so many incisions, so much blood loss, tubes protruding everywhere. She must be in agony, he thought. For the first time, he realized that to ache for someone was not merely an internal twinge but an overwhelming desire to suffer in their stead, 

He would take it all upon himself if he could, bear every sin, endure any torment, just to spare his Eleanor from further pain. Even death seemed a fair trade. 

Bowing his weary head, Bernard clung to Eleanor’s hand, his tall and once steadfast frame now hunched over like a penitent worshipper seeking absolution at the altar, 

Even from outside the operating room, anyone could see the powerful man shaking. uncontrollably, his whole body trembling with each labored breath. 

No one could tell if Bernard was crying, but all knew his suffering was profound. To be caught between life and death, to desire relief but find none-this was a torment like no 


For a husband to face the life-or-death moments of both his wife and child was an unimaginable trial. No one knew how Bernard had endured these long hours; all they could see was his evident torment. 

Hailey, still recovering from childbirth, wept until she was breathless. If it weren’t for Cedric’s support, she would have collapsed. Veronica, hearing Hailey’s cries, gripped her fingers tightly, silently offering her strength. 

The Laurences sympathized with Eleanor’s plight and felt for Bernard’s helplessness. Learning of their grandfather’s deeds had left them cold. 

Knowing full well Eleanor was Bernard’s life, Blake had nonetheless sought to sever that bond. Such a grandfather was rare, leaving his grandchildren to shiver at the thought of their own potential fate-a fate spared only because they lacked Bernard’s utility. 

The Sharp family’s hearts ached especially for Eleanor. Peterson, in particular, was distraught. It wasn’t long ago that they had embraced at the airport, speaking of future family plans. Now, seeing his cousin so bloodied was unbearable. 

Peterson, still recovering from a bullet wound to the chest, couldn’t believe his eyes. Grasping the hands of Bevis and Antoine Sharp, he stumbled closer to the operating table, the horror becoming clearer with each step. 

Upon seeing Eleanor’s once flowing hair, now shorn to the scalp, Peterson’s eyes reddened. She had always cherished her beauty, and now, stripped of her hair, her body 

was a canvas of wounds. 


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Chapter 1470 

Moore had declared Eleanor’s deep coma nearly beyond hope. This sister, only recently acknowledged, couldn’t just slip away. 

Peterson, in disbelief, reached out to grasp Yates’ arm. “Grandpa, Moore once saved Mr. Quintus with his skills. Please, ask him to help Eleanor again…” 

Before Yates could respond, Moore interjected, “Young master, Mr. Quintus’ situation was a mere coma due to a hemorrhage-treatable. But your sister’s complications are far 

more severe…” 

Accepting Moore’s verdict as final, Yates said nothing. Peterson’s grip on Yates’ clothes loosened as he gazed upon Eleanor, his heart heavy with sorrow. 

The Sharp brothers mourned, and Yates was no less heartbroken. To outlive one’s progeny was a cruel twist of fate, especially as Yates had hoped to atone for past mistakes. But now, his granddaughter might not grant him that chance. 

Leaning on his cane, Yates turned to leave, unable to bear the sight and scent of his granddaughter’s life hanging in the balance. 

Outside, Sheldon watched Yates depart, then shifted his gaze back to Eleanor. He couldn’t help but reflect on the cruel hand fate had dealt Vanya Pine’s daughter. It was uncertain if she would be as fortunate as she had been in the past, surviving a perilous dive into the depths. 

As Sheldon pondered this, his attention drifted to Robin, who had followed Bernard into the operating room. Robin, nearly mirroring Bernard in stature, seemed unsure of his place near Eleanor. He stood immobile, a statue in the midst of chaos, only steadied by Elbert’s reassuring presence. 

From just a faltering silhouette, Sheldon discerned Robin’s unspoken affections-a sentiment likely to remain forever hidden within the chambers of his heart. 

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