A Second Chance at Forever ( Eleanor Shultz )
A Second Chance at Forever Chapter 1467

Chapter 1467 

“Get it open now!” With a commanding wave of his hand, Yates’ entourage of men in black surged forward, brandishing their heavy-duty tools. In mere moments, the door to the operating room was dismantled, unhinged, lying useless on the floor. 

“All doctors, attend to my granddaughter! If you failed to save her, and you’ll follow her to the grave!” 


At Yates’ command, a swarm of doctors flooded the operating room. Dr. Marcus, who had been operating non-stop, sighed with relief as reinforcements arrived. Willingly, he stepped aside from the lead surgeon’s position, passing the scalpel to fresh hands. 

Mr. Keith, who had been fighting to save the unborn child, shed his burden of guilt and focused intently on the delicate task at hand. 

Only Blake stood in disbelief, pushing past the flurry of white coats to look at Yates, who stood just outside the room, leaning on his cane. 

What had he just said? He claimed Eleanor was his granddaughter? Eleanor was a Sharp, the granddaughter of Yates? 

The Sharps were a powerhouse in North Funland, and Eleanor had such noble blood? 

Outside the room, Yates caught Blake’s gaze. His eyes, predatory, bore into Blake. 

“Blake, if you dare give up on my granddaughter, it seems you’ve grown tired of living!” 

The chilling, lethal tone echoed in the operating room, sending shivers of fear through everyone present. They all knew the kind of man Yates was in North Funland – a man who had carved his empire with bloodied hands. 

Blake knew this all too well. As he met Yates’ murderous gaze, a shudder ran through him, but he lifted his chin defiantly in response. 

“Mr. Sharp, you’re fighting for your granddaughter, and I’m fighting for my 

great-grandchild. We’re both here to save those we cherish. There’s no question of being tired of living.” 

Yates’ face twisted into a vengeful sneer. 

“Whether you’re tired of living isn’t up to you. It’s up to the gun in my hand!” 

In North Funland, Yates played by his own rules, especially when it came to guns. Blake was no match for him in that regard. 

He didn’t respond to Yates’ threat, and Yates didn’t interrupt the surgery any further. Each camp watched tensely – one focused on Eleanor, the other on the newborn. All were waiting for the doctors to wrestle life back from the clutches of death… 



Chapter 1467 

When Robin caught sight of Eleanor’s critical condition, his heart clenched, and his body trembled uncontrollably. Even he, not to mention Bernard, was terrified at the sight of so 

much blood. 

Fortunately, he remembered that Sheldon had a top-notch doctor by his side. When Sheldon’s wife was giving birth to Elbert Pine, facing complications, it was that very doctor who had saved them. 

Robin had been about to call and ask if this doctor could save both mother and child, but then he learned that this doctor was Yates’ personal physician, who treated no one besides Yates himself. 

Still, Robin got hold of Yates’ number and reached out to borrow the doctor. Yates, who was in A City at the time, hastened Dr. Moore to the scene upon hearing of Eleanor’s peril. Dr. Moore didn’t disappoint; he brought his best students, all of whom held prestigious positions in obstetrics. Their numbers gave hope, but they arrived a step late – had they been earlier, Eleanor might have been spared the cardiac arrest. 


Nevertheless, the seasoned doctor took charge, seizing the hemostat from Dr. Marcus and staunching the bleeding. Without blinking, he brushed aside the defibrillator paddles and injected a syringe of fluid near Eleanor’s heart and ordered, “Needles!” 

student quickly unfurled a packet of needles. Dr. Moore’s fingers danced over them, selecting several and swiftly inserting them into Eleanor’s head. 

“Continue defibrillation!” 

The doctors moved promptly, setting the paddles over her heart and ramping up the defibrillation energy. Dr. Moore, meanwhile, was busy inserting needles into Eleanor’s 


He moved with lightning speed, his eyes fixed on the cardiac monitor until a faint rhythm returned. Only then did he give his orders. 

“The patient’s heart is beating again. Start the transfusion!” 

The doctor responsible for transfusion sprang into action, hanging the blood bag. Thankfully, Ms. Amelia and Dr. Marcus had anticipated a major hemorrhage and had prepared enough blood – a shortage would have been disastrous. 

With blood coursing into Eleanor, her heartbeat grew steady. Dr. Moore, still vigilant, continued his work with the needles. 

Bernard, standing not too far away, heard the monitor’s steady beeps. The tension that had gripped him released all at once, and he found himself suddenly drained of strength, collapsing to his knees on the floor. 


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