A New World - Book One
A New World - Book One

A New World - Book One

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willow finds herself involved in off world trade and discovering vast wealth from acquired technology, only there is a cost, her humanity, vampires... . Their problem was three engineers had arrived with the new employees to work on some equipment which required upgrading. Only they had seen what happened and were now quivering in utter fear and panic wondering if this was a nightmare. Willow had the men locked comfortably in one of the empty storage rooms after ensuring there was furniture and food and water included and buckets for toilet needs. Andrew and Willow walked into the room with one other employee, someone the three men had known. “Gentlemen, I am truly sorry you had to witness that incident, you see we have a slight problem, unknown to us at the time of creating the supplement we had all taken, it had…, well let’s just say unexpected side effects, of which you can see we now are.” They looked scared and confused, and all three could read the men’s minds, and each one was saying to themselves VAMPIRES, bloody fricking vampires. Willow smiled, “Yes you are correct, only it’s wonderful and I am giving you each a choice, join us or die.” ............

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