Chapter 37 

Sage had determined the shareholding percentage based on the ownership ratio of Holcomb Corporation from her previous life. To ensure success, she 

deliberately set it half a point lower. 

Although Farsight Investment might not match Holcomb Corporation’s prestige, the percentage was considered optimal, taking into account all factors. 

Upon hearing this, Shane didn’t insist any further. “Do you need me to send someone with you tomorrow?” 

“No need.” Sage shook her head. “I think it’s better to approach it in a friendly 


“Ms. Joyner, you are more intelligent than I imagined.” Shane looked up smile, though one couldn’t tell whether it was praise or a jest. 

with a 

Sage took it as a compliment. “Thank you, Mr. Morrison.” 

Shane didn’t dwell on it. He returned the investment plan to Sage and said, “I’ll await your good news.” 

The next day, Sage got up early to dress up and headed to Benjamin’s house. 

The Xeniths lived in a high–end estate within the city, which featured a courtyard and flower beds on the ground floor. 

When Sage arrived, Priscilla was accompanying her mother outside to bask in the sun. Sage greeted them gracefully, introduced herself, and presented the gifts she 


After that, Sage didn’t rush into the discussion about Mimosa. Instead, she spent some time with the elderly lady and enjoyed the sun with her. Then, she joined 

the two for lunch. 

Only after the meal did Sage bring up business. 

“Priscilla, I apologize for bothering you with this matter. I know there are 


+15 BONUS 

multiple companies interested in investing in Mimosa, but Farsight Investment is undoubtedly the best choice.” 

Sage handed Priscilla the letter of intent to invest along with the investment plan while adding, “Take a look at the investment amount and shareholding percentage. You’ll see our sincerity.” 

Priscilla was knowledgeable about the market. She examined the documents carefully. There was a hint of satisfaction on her face. 

“Alright. I’ll discuss this matter with Ben and the shareholders later today. You’ll hear from me in the next couple of days.” 

To Sage, not receiving a refusal was already a good start. She expressed her gratitude to Priscilla. 

“Don’t be so polite. Putting aside everything, you and Tiana are good friends. Of course, I have to help you with this favor.” 

Priscilla was efficient and straightforward. Putting business matters aside, Sage admired her character. 

“Once Tiana returns to the country, I’ll come with her to have a meal with you.” 


After parting ways with Priscilla, Sage called Shane. She updated him on the day’s events and asked him to prepare relevant materials and contracts for prompt delivery when needed. 

With everything settled, Sage returned to Solaris Estate. While Priscilla had indicated her willingness to help, nothing was certain until the contract was signed. So, as a precaution, Sage decided to create a new proposal just in case. 

As she was busy with this, her phone rang. It was a call from Josephine. 

“Mrs. Holcomb, Mr. Holcomb’s great uncle is hosting a dinner tomorrow. Mrs. Holcomb Senior wants you and Mr. Holcomb to accompany her.” 

Ian’s grandfather, Elijah Holcomb, had two brothers. Each of the brothers had two children, which made it a large family with frequent gatherings. 

Sage used to enjoy such occasions because, with the elders around, Ian wouldn’t 


give her a hard time. Sometimes, at Linda’s request, he would even pick food and serve water for her. 

But now, Sage didn’t feel like going as she saw no meaning in attending family gatherings when she and Ian were going to get divorced. 

“Josephine, please let Grandma know that I already have plans tomorrow 

“Mrs. Holcomb, you can tell Mrs. Holcomb Senior yourself,” Josephine interrupted and immediately handed the phone to Linda. 

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