"Miss, your phone's ringing!" someone told Sage as she was goofing off with Kai.

She checked her phone. It was a call from Wanda. "Wanda, what's up?" Sage asked after accepting the call.

Wanda, perhaps a little taken aback at the noise in the background, paused before cautiously asking, "Mrs. Holcomb, where are you? It's a little noisy on your end.”

Sage wandered over to a quiet corner and answered, "I'm with some friends at a bar. Why did you call?"

After some hesitation, Wanda wondered aloud, "Mrs. Holcomb, it's nearly 11:00 p.m. now. When are you going to come home?"

Before Wanda went to sleep, she'd occasionally check what time Sage was coming home. Sage replied, "I don't know. Wanda, just go to sleep. Don't worry about me.”

"Um, one more thing, Mrs. Holcomb,” Wanda added. "Mr. Holcomb couldn't find his usual pajamas.” "Well, he can always wear other pajamas. Does he want to make me go home just to search for his pajamas?"

"But he isn't used to the other sets. You woke up later than him this morning. Did you happen to put his usual pajamas away in another drawer?"

"I never touch his stuff. I didn't even know if he slept last night. How on earth would I know where his pajamas are? Wanda, you shouldn't spoil him. Just let him be."


"No buts. Wanda, my friends are calling for me. I'll hang up now.”

Just as Sage was about to hang up, she heard lan's frosty voice ringing out. "Sage Joyner, won't you look at the time? How much longer will you hang out at that bar?"

It turned out that lan was with Wanda. Had he requested Wanda to call her? How novel. In the past, she was the one who asked lan what time he'd come home. Now, the tables had turned.

"I'm asking you a question,” he snapped.

She emulated his icy tone from the past and replied, "I don't know. Stop bothering me over nothing.”

Then, she hung up without giving him a chance to respond. She cheered up at the thought of him fuming at the phone. She finally had the chance to give him a taste of his own medicine!

"Miss, is it time for you to go home?" Michael approached her. "I'll call you a cab.”

She scoffed. "No! Who said I'm going home? Let's continue playing games and drinking!"

Michael obediently played games with Sage, but he refused to let her drink anymore. Every time she lost a round, he'd volunteer to take the punishment drink for her.

One of his bandmates finally blurted out, "Michael, she's never declined drinks. You're quite the responsible knight in shining armor, aren't you?"

Although Michael blushed from their teasing, he answered earnestly, "I was the one who invited her. Of course, I have to make sure she's sober."

"Aren't you worried that you've had too much to drink? You're a lightweight, you know."

"I'll be fine after a good night's sleep. I don't want her to overdrink because it'll hurt her health.” Sage felt touched by his concern. She declared generously, "Michael Olsen, I'm your loyal fan from now on. I'll buy anything you endorse as a real fan does—I promise!”

"Miss, are you drunk? He has no endorsements for now!" someone joked.

She replied confidently, "He'll get endorsements pretty soon!”

The bandmates laughed at them. "Wow, this is mutual love between an idol and his fan at its finest!" Feeling dizzy, she raised her glass and grinned at Michael. "Come on. Let's drink to our “mutual love’, shall we?"

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