"Benjamin wouldn't dare touch me!” Priscilla declared.

"I have plenty of dirt on him. But for the sake of our child and the fact that we're married, I haven't gone after him. If he ever dares to lay a finger on you though, I'll fight him with everything I've got, even if it means using everything I've got!”

Sage was touched by Priscilla's protectiveness. Despite their age gap, Priscilla was truly someone who dared to love and hate. She was a friend worth having

"Priscilla, don't get too worked up. lan said he would investigate the matter thoroughly. I'll let you know if there are any updates." They chatted for a few more minutes before hanging up.

That night, lan didn't return to the bedroom even after Sage had fallen asleep. He was really upset by her actions.

It was quite a shock for someone who had always chased after him and entertained his whims to suddenly stop caring about him. Anyone in his shoes would have felt a sense of loss.

Whatever changes that Donald had mentioned were probably driven by Ian's sense of dissatisfaction. But Sage didn't care how lan felt as long as she was happy.

The next morning, Sage woke up and didn't see lan around. She wondered if the two men from the night before had been caught.

Checking the time, Sage decided to ask Owen and Susan out for a meal. Firstly, she wanted to probe them for information and see how likely it was that Layla would leave the country.

She also wanted to establish a rapport with them and make it clear that she wasn't just a trophy wife. Her divorce was not something they could control.

Susan didn't refuse Sage's invitation. To avoid giving Susan any chance to criticize her, Sage booked a table at a famous and upscale revolving restaurant in Haldon City.

The restaurant had a fantastic ambiance as it was located on the top floor of a high-rise building. While its patrons dined, the restaurant would slowly rotate, allowing diners to take in the city from every angle.

The menu was also diverse, offering all kinds of cuisines with an emphasis on fresh and diverse ingredients.

At noon, Sage drove to the restaurant, where Owen and Susan were already waiting. As Sage approached to greet them, she was surprised to spot lan nearby.

He was standing in a corner, talking on the phone. Although he was dressed simply in a black suit and a plain white shirt, he looked like a model.

Upon noticing her, lan glanced at her briefly before returning to his call, seemingly unfazed by her presence.

Wanda had said that lan had left early in the morning, so Sage thought he was too busy with work to join them for lunch. She hadn't invited him! With him around, how was she going to confide in Owen and Susan?

"Sage, why are you standing there? Come sit with us,” Susan called out with a smile. Her tone was warm and gentle as if she hadn't been the one tearing up Sage's divorce agreement not too long ago.

Sage walked over to them and was relieved to see that not only was Susan in a good mood, but Owen also had a rare smile on his face. What good news could they possibly have?

"Sage, thanks to lan's help, I finally got the contract signed with Pacific Group. I was just about to treat lan to a meal, and since you mentioned treating us, I thought that we might as well eat together. After all, we're family!"

Owen added generously, "It's my treat today!"

lan had helped Owen, but she had rejected him, hadn't she?

Just as lan finished his call and approached, Susan chimed in, "Yes! Both you and lan don't need to be polite. Eat and drink to your heart's content!"

"By the way, Sage." Susan suddenly remembered and took out a delicate box from her bag. "Your grandfather said this is the gift you bought for lan last time, but that it was left at home and forgotten. He asked me to bring it to you.”

lan glanced at the box in Susan's hand before turning his gaze to Sage. Sage didn't know what to say. She hadn't left any gifts at home.

It was when Donald received the antique inkwell from lan previously that he suggested she give lan a gift in return. She had casually agreed at the time, but she hadn't really thought about it.

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