Upon hearing his question, Sage looked at the rearview mirror and retorted, "Which rule says I can't have a meal with him?"

Her words drew a hint of coldness out of Ian's handsome face. "Sage, you know I don't get along with him. Are you deliberately getting close to him to provoke me?"

She chuckled and replied, "Are you provoked?"

"You wish. If you want to be reckless, go ahead! But if you suffer because of him, don't expect any sympathy from me!”

Again, she chuckled and said, "You'd better focus on yourself and your confidante. My affairs are none of your concern.”

With that, she withdrew her gaze and refused to talk to him anymore. lan remained silent, and his expression was stern.

Back at Solaris Estate, Sage went upstairs and took out a blanket from the closet. With only a dozen more days left, she decided not to bother moving things around.

If lan wanted to sleep here, he could. She would just go to the guest room

As she approached the door, lan’s tall figure stopped in front of her, blocking her way. "Where are you going?"

"To the guest room."

"Tell me, why are we not on speaking terms again?”

She glanced at him and replied, "I don’t have time to play the role of a normal couple with you. Leave me alone.”

"Sure. But if you don't want to pretend anymore,” he said as he began to dial Linda's number, "you should explain to Grandma first that it's not me who forced you to sleep in the guest room.”

Sage was rendered speechless. How could she explain this to Linda? Owen and Susan had just gone to trouble her recently, and she didn't want to upset her further.

"A dozen more days. Just a dozen more days. Time flies,” she repeated silently to herself. She then turned to toss the blanket onto the bed. "We'll each use our own blanket.”

After washing up, she wrapped herself in her blanket and lay down on the edge of the bed. It was her first time consciously lying on such a big bed with lan, and it felt slightly awkward.

Fortunately, he didn't immediately come back to the bedroom but instead stayed busy in his study. Sage tried to stay alert. But eventually, she fell asleep.

The next day, when she woke up, she found herself still under her blanket. However, she was now lying in the center of the bed. Perhaps it was her imagination, but she thought that she could smell lan on her blanket.

She sniffed it and found the smell to be quite faint. Looking at the indentation on the pillow next to her and the smoothed-out blanket, it seemed that lan had encroached into her space.

She was glad that he returned to his room after she had fallen asleep. That way, she managed to avoid any awkwardness.

When she went downstairs, she learned from Wanda that lan had gone on a business trip and wouldn't be back for two days. She felt somewhat relieved to hear that she wouldn't have to see him for another two days

Tiana was supposed to have returned to the country, so Sage called her to arrange a meal. However, Tiana said she needed to tidy up her home and accompany her in-laws, so she couldn't meet up with Sage.

"I've been away for over ten days. Although my in-laws didn't say anything, it's obvious they're not pleased. Even after buying them gifts, they're still giving me the cold shoulder,” she said helplessly. "You're fortunate in this aspect since you don't have to worry about your relationship with your in- laws."

Indeed, Sage didn't need to worry about that. Ian's parents were both abroad. Apart from video calls, she hadn't even seen them yet.

She had heard about the strained relationship between Ian's parents. When he was only ten years old, his mother decided to migrate overseas with their newborn daughter.

Although they didn't get a divorce, they had been living separately ever since. A few years ago, after lan’s father fell seriously ill, he entrusted Holcomb Corporation to lan and went abroad himself.

His feelings toward his parents were frosty, so he rarely contacted them.

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