"It's not your fault. Go have the kitchen remake the soup and charge it to my room," lan said.

The waiter left, grateful to have been spared. Sage couldn't hide her concern for him. "Go rinse your hand with cold water."

Even though she tried to hide it, lan could still see a gleam of concern in her eyes.

He looked into her eyes and said, "Help me."

Sage didn't decline. There happened to be a mini sink in front of them. They walked over and Sage turned on the faucet.

Worried that the water pressure would be too strong, she cupped her hands under the faucet before slowly pouring it over lan's flushed hand.

The warm yellow light from the corridor cast a soft glow on her hair and delicate face. It gave her a gentle, ethereal allure.

"What do you like?" lan asked.

Sage looked up in surprise. Her large, dewy eyes widened.

His tone softened. "Didn't you say that I should know your preferences before I give you something?"

Sage smiled wryly as she thought about what had happened last night. In the past, she would've gladly shared all her preferences with him if he asked her this question. Then, she'd tell him, "I like you the most, lan!"

But now, she found his interest laughable. "It's alright. I appreciate the thought, but I don't need you to give me anything.”

lan felt his anger bubbling up when he noticed her indifference and disdain. However, he maintained his composure and added, "I know your uncle and aunt have been wanting to meet and dine with the CEO of Pacific Group. I'll be free in a few days, so you can ask them to come to Holcomb Corporation to see me."

Sage lowered her gaze and continued to pour water over his hand. "I wasn't joking when I told you that I don't want you to interfere with my family’s business. I meant what I said. It wasn't something I said in the heat of the moment. My uncle and aunt need to realize that they can only rely on themselves.”

Her distant and cold demeanor wore his patience thin. "Well, I've offered to help. Whether you take it or not is up to you.” He then turned off the faucet and said curtly, "Let's go.”

Sage didn't utter a word. Instead, she wiped her hands dry and followed lan to Room One. Terry had the kitchen rush out a few hearty dishes. During lan's absence, Collin and his assistants had become quite acquainted with him.

Everyone looked up when they heard footsteps. lan met their gazes, calmly put his arm around Sage, and introduced her to the room. "This is my wife, Sage.” Then, he turned to Sage. "This is Professor Braun and his two trusty assistants.”

Sage flashed a polite smile at them. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I apologize for what happened earlier. I got a little carried away with my prank.”

Collin smiled. "No worries. The dishes you ordered were great. They were super green and healthy, just what someone like my age needs."

"Mhm. Eating healthy is important, but it's not like you need it because of your age. Seriously, you don't look a day over 20!" Sage teased.

Collin burst out laughing. "Mrs. Holcomb, you sure have a way with words. Come! Sit down and join us!"

Sage glanced at lan, hoping he would help her turn him down. However, he pulled out a chair for her. "Since Professor Braun has invited you to, you might as well join us.”

But Sage didn't want to join them. Her prime ribs were still waiting for her outside!

"Well, you've had your fun and vented your anger, right? Let's sit down, shall we?" lan spoke up again. His affectionate tone elicited a knowing smile from Collin's assistants.

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