Chapter 31 I Won’t Apologize

Isabella lowered her head, concealing the fleeting sharpness on her face. Her tone was pitiful and sad

as she said, “She’s your mother. It’s only natural for me to visit her. I’m sorry.

“You don’t need to apologize,” Cedric said, obviously frustrated.

Especially when he saw Isabella in this fragile state, he…!!

There was a time when Natalie acted the same way as Isabella toward him. However, no matter what

trouble arose recently, even if it seemed like everyone wanted to tear her apart, she never bowed down


him again.

She would rather seek help from the police than ask him for protection.

Isabella took a deep breath and said, “I know that your mother look down on me, but I didn’t choose to


in this state. My entire life has been ruined…”

Isabella trailed off and started to cry softly.

Cedric had initially planned to ask about the evidence, but with Isabella like this, he completely forgot

about it. He ran his fingers through his already disheveled hair.

“Don’t worry; you’ll definitely recover and stand up again!”

His words were firm and confident.

Isabella still had her head bowed.

“It’s not that easy. The doctors have said that if I don’t find a suitable corneal transplant soon, I might

have to spend the rest of my life in darkness.”

Cedric’s breath caught

The doctors had told him the same thing before, which is why he had been vigorously searching for a

suitable corneal transplant. However, the process of corneal transplantation was complex and strict,

and live donations were rare. There was a severe shortage of donation resources. Even with all his


there was still no news.

“She’s lucky to have you,” Isabella said, her voice filled with sorrow before Cedric could respond to her

previous words.

When Cedric heard what she said, it felt as though he had been thrown into cold water.


The people around here still believed that Natalie was responsible for Isabella’s current condition, even


public opinion had changed.

However, that was how humans worked. Once they made up their minds, they wouldn’t easily waver

Cedric’s perception aligned with the general consensus!

He had pursued Natalie so relentlessly back then, and now he was even more convinced that she was

behind this

After a long moment of silence, he finally said, “Ive spoiled her!”

There was also a hint of exasperation toward Natalie in his words.

Isabella’s tone contained a touch of stubbornness and resentment. “I just need her to apologize. Is that

too much to ask?”

Her bitterness was heartbreaking.

Without waiting for Cedric to respond, Isabella continued, “I just want to clear everything up. I’m already


in this state; do have to endure the merciless insults from the outside world because of her? That’s

unfair to me!”

The more Isabella spoke, the more choked up her voice became. She made people feel as though she

was the weak one. That she was confronting a powerful force, standing in a place where justice was


And that powerful force was none other than Natalie, whom Cedric sheltered under his wings.

Cedric stood up. He clenched his fist, a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

“Get some rest.”

After saying that, he didn’t wait for Isabella’s reaction and turned to walk out of the hospital room. Just

a couple of steps away, he heard Isabella ask with sadness, ‘Can I really see the sunlight again? Can I

stand up again?”

Cedric stopped.

He turned around..

Isabella’s face was filled with sorrow as she looked in his direction, and at that moment, it was as if a

significant decision had been made in his heart.

He closed his eyes briefly and spoke with determination, “You will.

Natalie and Bianca had finished bathing and were preparing to go to bed when vigorously knocking


from the front door. The person on the other side sounded like they were going to knock until the door

broke down.

There was no need to wonder who it was.

Bianca turned to go to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife. She couldn’t help but mutter curses


her breath.

“That shameless…!”

Seeing this, Natalie’s heart leaped to her throat.

She grabbed Bianca and took the knife from her hand. Then, she shoved Ginger into Bianca’s arms


said, “Go back to the room.”


“I can handle this.”

Cedric had come knocking at the door at this time, and it was easy to guess why. She knew what kind

of person he was and didn’t want Blanca to confront him head–on.

Bianca’s face turned livid with anger, but in the end, she didn’t say anything. She listened to Natalie’s

words and returned to her room with the pic.

The knocking on the door was still ongoing, and it sounded more like someone was kicking it.

Outside, Cedric shouted angrily, “Natalie, come out!”

The neighbor across the hall had probably had enough and was the first to open their door, shouting,”

What are you making such a racket for?! It’s late at night!”

“Young people these days…” The neighbor’s voice trailed off, and then there was the sound of the door


Cedric’s expression turned even more frightening when he simply glared over his shoulder. It was clear

that his glare had scared off the neighbor.

Natalie walked over and opened the door.

She was met with a man who exuded a chilling air around him. At this moment, he was looking at her


His gaze looked as if a disappointed parent needed to discipline their child.

Natalie fearlessly met his gaze

“You’ve gone completely out of your mind, haven’t you?”

As he said that he reached out to strongly grip Natalie’s wrist and pulled her out. Natalie’s right arm

wasn’t in great shape to begin with. Now, being yanked like this, it was even more painful. She


and was dragged on her knees. The moment her knees hit the ground, a piercing pain shot through


Her face turned pale from the pain!

The man in front of her just glanced back at her for a moment before picking her up and carrying her


the elevator

Natalie pounded his back, her emotions out of control. “You lunatic! Let me down! Put me down…”

But her struggles meant nothing to the man. When he placed her in the car, Natalie was about to get


from the other side, but the next moment, a strong force on her ankle dragged her down.

Natalie struggled hard in the backseat, but the man pressed down on her. “Behave yourself!”

“Let me go!”

Her tone was frantic and angry, making the man’s expression even colder.

The driver wished he could abandon the car and run. But then he remembered Cedric’s orders. So, he

gritted his teeth and drove away despite the trembling of his body!

Natalie gazed into the man’s deep eyes. It was hard to know what he was thinking.

Then, Cedric said, “A pair of legs and eyes! She just wants your apology. It’s nothing excessive!”

A loud explosion seemed to occur in Natalie’s mind, and her world turned desolate, leaving her

standing alone in the bleak darkness.

It was as though everyone had abandoned her.

No matter what happened in the past, this man had always stood by her side.

Now, he wanted to take her to apologize to Isabella?

After a long, long time, Natalie came back to her senses. She looked at the man on top of her and said

slowly, I’m Not Going!”

“You don’t have a choice.”

“Even if I go to jail, I’ll never apologize to that woman!” Natalie shouted.

Of course, she wouldn’t actually end up in jail. She had absolute confidence in the police. But as for


She had once trusted him so much, and now she was extremely disappointed in him.


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