It wasn’t natural to climax so much. And it was absolutely unnatural to fuck a dragon.

Yet that’s what I did, repeatedly.

And Heaven forgive me, I couldn’t get enough.

I blamed it on a never-ending flood of adrenaline and the divine pull of Calder’s aura. Even when he took me back to the seashell palace and laid me gently into his oversized bed, we tangled into one writhing, rutting beast of sex again. He had me coming on his cock until I not only saw stars, but my spirit had ascended my body and soared through the constellations and celestial dust.

So, maybe he did know how to please a woman.

Noon light drifted into the room, lazy dust motes danced on the midday breeze, and the perfume of the distant ocean wafted through the bedroom. With my face pushed into the pillow and my ass in the air, none of my surroundings mattered.

I’d woken from the sensation of being flipped onto my stomach. With one languid stretch, I’d arched my back and presented my bare ass for the dragon behind me. I’d yelped and shivered at the sudden feeling of a thick wet tongue gliding through my slit. One of the split ends slithered into my entrance while the other curled around my clit.

Calder went easy on me after our vigorous consummation the night before. Instead of harassing and assaulting my pussy, he went easy on me, gently lapping at my folds and sucking my clit. His tongue carefully fucked me until my juices were dripping down his face.

The Water God hooked his claws under my hips to go deeper until my knees were barely touching the mattress. He hummed with his mouth sealed over my sex, sending wicked vibrations echoing through my center. Both ends of his tongue plunged into my pussy, coiling and filling my insides up. My stomach went taut, and my limbs shook from the rolling bliss gradually spreading in my core.

Picking my head off the pillow, I angled my face over my shoulder, boldly watching the dragon eat me from behind. His wings furled forward, cocooning me from the sunlight, and his tail thrashed behind him, whipping over the edge of the bed. The sight of the god on his knees burying his face in my pussy like a starving beast devouring his favorite meal drove me wild.

“You taste so good, rabbit,” he murmured against my pussy. I whimpered, quivering helplessly in his hold. A rumbling chuckle escaped his lips before he sucked my swollen, sensitive clit into his mouth.

Then he growled, digging his claws in, mashing his face into my pussy, and attacking my clit with hungry greed. He licked and sucked and nibbled with his teeth, as if he really could devour me.

“Ca…Calder, I’m so close… I’m going to—”

“Come for me. Come for your god,” he snarled before licking my clit in delicious circles. He ate me with an enthusiastic violence that was thrilling and sometimes startling.

The tight rope of tension in my stomach snapped. Stars exploded behind my eyes as white-hot fire ruptured through my core. A gush of wetness flooded his tongue, and he readily drank me in, swallowing every drop leaking from my pussy.

“Get on your knees and beg for my rain.”

Tremors were still shaking my body when his hand snapped out and fisted in my curls. He yanked me back, wrenching a gasp from me as my body twisted around until I landed on my knees.

“You’re so easy to move around. My new wife is the perfect little toy for my cock. You take me so well,” he praised, caressing his knuckles over my jaw. “Now do you want to suck my cock, rabbit?”

He tightened his hand in my hair, forcing out a mewled response. “Yes, please.”

The Water God’s heavy, thick cock brushed against my chin. Precum beaded into a pearl at the tip, and my mouth watered to lick it off. His salty-sweet ocean scent pulled me forward. He arched a brow, expected and aching.

My tongue darted out to swipe over my trembling bottom lip. Calder’s chest heaved, excited by the sight of my tongue so close to where he wanted it. The moment I parted my lips, he nudged the head of his cock into my mouth. The salty, masculine, feral taste of him swept over my tongue as he speared into the back of my throat.

A draconic growl tore from his chest, followed by a hiss of pleasure. He was too thick for my mouth, but I swallowed him, whimpering and gagging. He forced his cock deeper until I couldn’t breathe, and tears streamed from the corners of my eyes.

I braced my hands on his thighs, tickled by the warm texture of his scale-skin against my palms. His cock continued pushing down my throat, ridges bumping over my tongue. My cheeks ached and my jaw burned from the effort of sucking his girth, and still I pushed my hands up to his stomach, loving the feeling of his abs tensing beneath my fingers.

I was nothing more than a woman praying to her god, reverent and on my knees for him. Calder had a cock meant to be worshiped, and I needed to taste it, suck it, feel it inside of me. He forced his dick so deep that my tears blurred my vision, and his heady taste swept me away.

“That’s my good little rabbit. You suck my cock so well,” he breathed, watching me with fire in his eyes. He held my head, urging me forward and back. The sounds of pleasure breaching him were all the encouragement I needed, growing feverishly desperate to pleasure him.

I hollowed my cheeks, swept my tongue under the shaft, and hummed in the back of my throat, letting him feel the vibrations on his cock. Sucking hard, licking carefully, and teasing the pale blue vein on the side of his dark member.

I was choking on his cock, swallowing every impossible inch of him. My vision grew dark from the lack of air and tears. He continued to plunge into my throat. Thick streams of drool leaked from my mouth, dripping down my chin and onto my bare chest.

“I’m going to come in your mouth, rabbit. I’m going to spill my seed down your throat and watch you drink all of it.” My lust burned brighter from that illicit promise.

The wet suctioning sound mingled with my lewd gasps on his cock was vulgar and obscene, but I loved them. They made a renewed rush of arousal weep out, coating my thighs.

A coarse, grating sound of relief spilled from his lips. His hips jerked and his heavy cock pulsed on my tongue. The weight of his cum shooting into my throat caught me by surprise. It was so warm, thick, and mouthwatering. More drool and spittle sputtered from my lips, sealed to his shaft as I struggled to swallow every drop of his seed.

With a grunt, Calder popped me off his cock. The odd sensation of his length sliding from my throat made me dizzy. He swiped a hand over my chin, admiring my glistening, swollen lips bruised from being face-fucked by his dragon cock.

“Beautiful, Marilla. You’re such a good little wife,” he praised. Then his lips pressed to mine in an exhilarating kiss. It was electric and sweet and warm. I kissed him back, earning a pleased groan as he devoured my lips, tasting his cum on my tongue.

I wanted him to fuck me again. Regardless of how he’d torn me in two through the night, and my pussy ached, I also wanted to be filled. That gnawing, erotic hunger had stolen into me and seized my senses. No matter how many times he made me come, I wanted more.

“Calder,” I breathed, voice low and husky with intent.

“Oh, rabbit.” He clicked his teeth, noting the desire pooling in my eyes. Likely smelling the need weeping from my pussy, too. “Do you want me to fuck you again?”

“Yes,” I pleaded, shamelessly.

The dragon tipped his head to the side, staring at me with something I couldn’t place. Something that made me warm.

“You’re sore. If I fuck you again now, you’ll be crying with pain for the rest of the day once your orgasm fades.”

“A little overconfident in yourself there, huh, fishie?” I teased.

He side-eyed me, pupils narrowing as his lips kicked up. A scoff rolled up his throat before lightly shaking his head at me. “You amuse me, Marilla.” Then he cupped his massive hand over the back of my neck. “But, as much as I enjoy consummating our union, you will heal today before I fuck you again.”

My bottom lip jutted into a pout before I could bite it back.

Calder swiped his free hand over my lips as if trying to steal the upset from my expression. He tutted, brows creasing. “Ah, rabbit, don’t look at me like that. I’ll be back to fucking that tight, sweet little pussy soon.”

“Then what will we do today?” Then I shrank into myself, remembering he was still more than just a man—he was a god. “Unless you’re busy today with more important—”

“Nonsense,” he cut me off, pressing a swift kiss to my mouth. “I’d love nothing more than to take my bride somewhere special if she’s up for it.”

My face heated more than it had at the prospect of fucking a dragon. The light in his eyes, looking at me as if I were a treasure, thrilled me. Warm ribbons of delight coiled around my ribs before binding to my heart.

“Yes, I’d love to. Where would we go?” There was still so much of the island to explore, but I wasn’t sure I could walk far without limping.

His clawed fingers delicately tugged through my hair to cradle my hair. The sensual curve of his lips made my knees weak and my insides quiver.

“Somewhere deep, dark, and wet,” he smirked. “Somewhere only the Water God can take you.”

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