Blue, luminescent light flared and dimmed along the dark cavern walls. Water lapped at the rock from the pool nearby and random drips echoed through the space. The scent of salt water and cool air drifted through my nose, closely followed by the alluring aroma of the Water God near my hip.

At my wrists and ankles, the water tentacles were cool on the surface but warmed under the surface from the magic within them. The tentacle inching higher up my thigh heated as it reached my core. I sucked in a gasp as the watery appendage slithered over my slick pussy. Suckers grew on the underside, rubbing through my folds. One of them closed over my clit, sucking and pulling at the bundle of nerves.

My back arched, forcing the tentacle along my spine to curve to support me. The one tipping into the front of my dress curled around one of my breasts, cupping and squeezing my flesh.

“Oh, fuck,” I groaned, hips rolling and head dropping back.

“Do you like that, rabbit?” Calder growled, breathing in a shallow huff.

I tugged at the binds on my wrists, needing to move and writhe from the delicious assault on my body. The tentacles shackling me in place kept me frighteningly still. A quiver of fear spiraled through my stomach from the thought at the same time the tentacle between my thighs pulsed on my clit.

“Yes,” I mewled out.

The unusual mixture of fear and desire was swirling inside me, working up into a storm. All the panic from being tied and suspended, wholly at the mercy of a dragon, made my blood course like a rapid river through my veins. My heart thumped like a drum trapped behind my ribs.

And my cunt wept with my arousal, making it wickedly easy for the tentacle to awaken the bliss in my core. While the suckers puckered and teased my pussy, the one on my breast did the same with my nipple. The tentacle spread over my chest, covering both breasts and kissing my nipples into stiff peaks.

Two more tentacles appeared, sticking to my legs and slithering along my skin. My breath hitched from the creeping sensation, but the sucker on my clit pulsing faster stole the air in my lungs.

A shiver cracked down my spine, and I clenched my jaw from the sudden rise of tension in my belly. Heat surged in the pit of my stomach, spreading like fire from my clit and reaching for my heart.

“Ah, oh god,” I gritted out through the violent pleasure.

“Yes, love, I’m here,” Calder purred, tone wicked and dark. His hands finally descended on my body. He pushed the dress further up my hips until it bunched around my stomach. Then he undid the top and pulled it down to reveal the tentacle spread over my breasts.

“It’s too much, Calder,” I complained, voice thin.

“It’s not, rabbit. You can take it.” A gentle hand smoothed over my temple. “In fact, I think you can take more.”

“More?” I squeaked, but a tentacle wriggling between my ass cheeks cut the sound off. The tip nudged at my asshole, making me slick from the wet surface.

“I’d like to fill all your holes, rabbit, and I’m going to.” The hand on my face dropped to my chin. He gripped my face, pulling it in his direction. A firm squeeze forced me to open my eyes.

“Calder.” His name was the only thing I could say as I stared up at him. Bound and wholly at his mercy, I had no fight against him or his whims.

I didn’t want to.

“Yes, love. You belong to me now and you will relinquish yourself wholly to me. In this place where I was born, you will accept all of me.”


“Yes, what?” he encouraged, sensing the vow on the tip of my tongue.

Without warning, the tentacle on my thigh thrust into my pussy. A second later, the one behind me popped into my ass. The suckers on my clit worked faster, distracting me from the body shocking jolt of being so inhumanly filled.

Unintelligible noises spewed from my lips. My entire body thrashed but barely budged an inch in midair. The tentacles on my body and Calder’s hand on my face were too powerful to escape from.

“Come on, rabbit. Use your words for me,” the dragon cooed in mock sympathy.

The tentacles in my ass and pussy curled in tandem. Each one withdrew from my holes and slipped back inside of me at the same damn slow and steady pace. It was depraved, erotic, and entirely sinful. But I loved it—the stretching, the wet squelching sounds, and the way my greedy holes sucked them back inside.

“I am yours,” I choked out word by word. Tears were gathering in my eyes as wanton heat unfurled in the center of my being. The pulsing power of an incoming climax radiated out from between my thighs.

“Good girl, Marilla. Now come for your god,” he demanded in a rough snarl.

The building ecstasy at my center snapped. Golden power rushed through me, surging higher and higher with each thrust of a tentacle in my body. Even as I quaked and screamed, those slippery didn’t slow, only adding to the pleasure and drawing it out.

“Oh, God. Oh, Calder!” My eyes rolled back into my head as my body twitched and seized.

“That’s it, rabbit. Look at you come for me. You’re so beautiful. You come like a goddess,” the Water God praised. “Now let’s fill up that last hole, hm? You’re not nearly filled enough.”

“What?” I gasped, eyes flaring open in time to see his heavy, thick cock pressing into my lips. Anything else I might have said died when the salty, masculine flavor of his dragon cock swept over my tongue. My jaw was stretched almost unbearably, and the back of my throat ached from the sudden intrusion.

The hardness of him infiltrated my mouth. My lashed fluttered, eyes drifting shut as I hollowed my cheeks on his shaft. I swept my tongue over the ridged length. With each thrust of his hips, I had to open my throat to accommodate his imposing size.

As if responding to Calder’s ferocious stroking into my mouth, the tentacles on my limbs tightened. My body was stretched out, pulled out, and utterly vulnerable. The tentacle in my pussy coiled deep, curling and twisting on every sensitive part of my inner walls. The one in the back moved slower just to tease me and remind me it was filling my ass. Suckers on my breasts were working overtime and sure to leave small circular bruises later.

And the suckers working on my clit worked in a frenzy. The buzzing pleasure from my holes being filled, paired with the erotic knowledge of what was happening, enveloped me in an otherworldly haze.

Another orgasm rippled through my body. My bones vibrated and my blood heated to a dangerous level. Even as I quaked and gushed around the tentacles, Calder continued fucking my mouth. Through my tears and flowing drool, I licked and sucked his cock like my life depended on it.

“That’s it, rabbit. Suck my fucking cock.” His head rolled back, wings trembling and tail quivering behind him. The lines of his body were my sole focus through my blurry vision. Each tensing, flexing muscles of his body made my cunt clench tighter.

His cock was too big. I was going to choke on it or drown in my own drool. But with all the sensual delight twirling through my insides, I didn’t care. In fact, I rocked my hips into the tentacles while swallowing dragon cock—craving more, needing more, silently demanding more.

With a roar, Calder popped his dick from my mouth. Long strings of warm saliva dripped down my chin and over my cheeks. I sucked in a deep breath of air. Rushed footsteps echoed on the walls and a passing heat warmed my sides.

My chest heaved when two oversized hands grabbed my hips, claws barely pricking at my skin. I lifted my head, watching as the dragon god settled himself between my thighs. His tentacles lifted me higher into the air, aligning me with his weighty erection.

One tentacle inside of me slithered out, popping free. I sucked in a sharp breath, realizing that he’d left my asshole gaping open—ready to be intruded again. The slickness from the tentacle and my layer of saliva on his cock made it easier for him to urge his cock into my asshole.

The tentacle in my pussy and suckers on my clit and nipples stole my attention from the painful entrance in my behind. Pitiful cries flew off my lips as Calder entered me one inch, one ridge at a time.

“Calder, no!” I screamed. Though my body was already melting for him, allowing him to push further.

“You’re doing wonderful, Marilla. You’re doing so good for me,” he purred darkly. “My little wife’s pussy felt so good on my cock I just had to feel her ass, too. Fuck, you grip me so tight. I’m going to burst.”

He was going to burst?! The devious dragon was stretching my ass with his insanely fat cock. If anyone was going to erupt, it would be me—and soon.

I’d never had my pussy devoured or my ass fucked until I met the Water God. And I’d certainly never been suspended and bound in the air while fucked by magical tentacles! It was enough to send my head spinning right off my shoulders and flying into space.

I loved it. All of it. The stretching, the pain, the teasing, and the body quaking pleasure. Even the bristling fear that lingered in the back of my mind. Everything added together into a storm that I couldn’t fight.

Calder thrusted into my ass, seating his full length inside my behind. My head fell back, and a strained groan knocked from my lips. He remained still, frozen in place and letting me adjust. The tentacles on my pussy and breasts continued pleasing me, helping me relax into the new intrusion.

The moment my muscles unclenched, he pulled out and shoved back in. That time, the water tentacle in my pussy pumped into my channel at the same time. It felt like when he was double teaming me with the tentacles, only bigger—much bigger.

His clawed, webbed hands almost circled entirely around my waist. Calder had his thumbs pressing into my navel and his claws on my back almost met at my spine. He was so massive; he made me feel small. Like a tiny glove perfectly fitted to squeeze his giant blue dragon dick.

Slick slapping sounds from our bodies reverberated on the wet cavern walls. His animalistic grunts mingled with my moans, spinning into lewd music in the air. The charged heat between us coalesced into something bright, sparkling, and addictive.

My skin was damp from perspiration. Fluid from the tentacles and my arousal leaked out, dripping down to my ass, where Calder slammed into me. Hitched, shrill noises escaped me with each slam of his hips into my ass, and stars exploded behind my eyes. I fought harder against the tentacles as heated, golden bliss battered my insides.

The suckers playing with my nipples caused a shiver to roll from my chest to my navel. The sensation boiled there, deep in the storm of my body. Pleasure cascaded from my center through my limbs, from the tentacle slipping into my cunt, bumping against my womb and the dragon cock fucking my ass. Paired with the sucker drawing on my clit and my body viscerally surged and exploded.

Everything inside of me shattered apart from the volcanic eruption busting within me. I cried out, screaming the dragon god’s name in an endless stream as I gushed and climaxed on tentacles and cock.

“Perfect. Perfect, little wife,” he grunted through a clenched jaw. “You fucking come so hard for me. You’re so tight, rabbit… so damn tight. I’m going to fucking fill your ass with my seed… I’m… I’m going to make you mine forever.” His wings snapped out, and his head dropped back. When he came, he growled, and a stream of fire erupted from his lips.

I felt the ropes of his cum painting my insides. Even as he came, the sucker on my clit pulsed, throwing me headfirst into another, longer orgasm. We came together, the Water God and I, entangled in bliss and crying the other’s name.

I felt like my orgasm would never end. As Calder’s magic released me, he caught me in his arms. My body continued shaking from the fading waves of heat. There was a vibrating purring in his chest, and I nuzzled against him, exhausted and seeking that sound. It was calming and made my heart swell even as my body ached.

Calder sank to the ground, holding me in his lap. His massive wings wrapped around us, blanketing us in darkness and blocking the chill of the cave. His impossible inner warmth and the strength of his arms held me tight, as if crushing anything negative from my body and mind.

His lips pressed into my temple, showering me with praise and affection. “You did so good for me, rabbit. Sweet, perfect little wife. I’m so proud of you, Marilla. You’re so strong and brave.” I sank into his purring chest, body lax and mind vanishing. I missed his last vow as sleep stole me away. “You’re mine forever, little mate.”

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