A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 538

Before leaving, the doctor glanced at Arielle and mouthed at her. Let’s talk outside.

Although Henrick did not notice, Arielle saw that.

She went to the waiting room with Henrick and found an excuse to leave. Then, she saw the doctor waiting for her at the entrance of the hospital.

“Are you Ms. Moore?” the doctor asked.

Arielle nodded. “Yes. I’m Arielle Moore.”

The doctor glanced around before he said, “Let’s talk over there.” He then walked toward the garden of the hospital.

Arielle followed him to a corner before they came to a halt. “Ms. Moore, my name is Andrew Collins. Mr. Morgan ordered me to inspect Cindy Moore.”

Arielle nodded and greeted him. After that, she asked in confusion, “Dr. Collins, is there any problem with Cindy Moore?”

Andrew shook his head and answered, “There’s nothing wrong with the patient. However, we found out that she’s pregnant.”

Arielle widened her eyes in shock. “Pregnant!”

She wasn’t having motion sickness; she’s just pregnant! She’s actually pregnant? Whose child is it?

It was the first time Arielle failed to control herself. However, she was lucky that Andrew was on her side.

She took a deep breath to calm herself before she asked, “Are you sure about that? She’s almost fifty years old…”

“According to the preliminary examination, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood of patient has increased significantly, which indicates that she is pregnant. However, since Mr. Morgan has called us personally, I’m going to do more precise tests on the patient.”


After several seconds, Arielle questioned, “I-Is there a chance that there’s a mistake with the result?”!

Andrew pondered about it before he answered, “This index is high. It can also be affected by some medications. However, if an ultrasound is done, the result of the test is 100% accurate. My staff is now taking her for B-scan ultrasonography.”

Arielle murmured her assent and added, “I understand. Please inspect her thoroughly.”

“Yes, Ms. Moore.” Andrew nodded firmly before he turned around and headed back to the hospital.

As Arielle watched Andrew leave, she fell into deep thought. If Cindy’s truly pregnant, that’s going to be bad news to me. Henrick doesn’t have a son, and he looks down on women. He’s going to wait until the baby is born to do anything, even if there’s proof that she cheated on him with Matthias. I can’t wait until the baby

is born. This family has to fall apart in order for me to take advantage of them.

Arielle shut her eyes and prayed that the result was wrong. She hoped that Cindy was not pregnant.

A couple of seconds later, her eyes flew open.

She suddenly remembered the surveillance cameras in the psychiatric hospital.

In the footage, Matthias had Cindy drink something every day. It looked like some sort of herbal remedy. Could that possibly affect the result of the medical checkup?

Arielle clenched her fists, suspecting that Cindy was faking a pregnancy.

This is probably her trump card. If this is true, Cindy’s really smart. However, the truth will be revealed eventually. By then, I won’t have to do anything for Henrick to end her life. Henrick hates deception and betrayal the most. Not only that, but he’s an incredibly prideful man. It will be the end of Cindy right after I expose the proof of her cheating on Henrick.

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