A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 262

A new message showed up on the screenIt seems like you dislike mpresent for youThatstrangethought you hated Shandie.

Arielle balled her hands into fists, then replied, “Who are you? What are you trying to do?”

There came another message shortly after the previous one: I think you’ve misunderstood meMsMoorewas simply trying to help youbut it appears / caused you some problems instead. I’m truly sorry about that.

Without waiting for Arielle’s reply, a new sentence popped up: MsMoorewhy donyou consider joining our team? I commend your skillfulness in hacking.

As soon as Arielle came across the word “hacking,” all she could think of was the recent explosion of the building. She narrowed her eyes and answered, “You’re the one who’s trying to kill Vinson.”

Another line of text appeared: Arenyou a clever oneMsMoore? How about joining usIsure youll become one of the worldhighestranking hackers in no time,


a normal computer with no cybersecurity software to protect her from malicious attacks. Thus, it had been a piece of cake for the experienced hacker to infiltrate her computer.

She rebooted her computer and coded an intermediate firewall to prevent the hacker from invading the system again.

The firewall she programmed was not only strong, but it could also immediately lock on to the attacker’s IP address if he attempted to hijack her computer again.

If that happened, she could finally uncover the mastermind behind these malicious acts!

After setting up the firewall, Arielle dialed Vinson’s phone number. A few seconds flew by before Vinson answered the call. “Hello? Arielle?”

Vinson had just woken up. His deep and husky morning voice was sensually magnetic. Arielle was distracted by his alluring voice for a short while before she managed to clear her thoughts and mutter, “The person who was attempting to assassinate you tracked me down.”

especially under my guidanceHoweverif you choose to refuse, then you become our enemy

Arielle turned down the offer without the slightest bit of hesitation. “I’ll never work with some underground hacker who doesn’t even dare reveal their identity to their recruits. If you have the capability, you’ll challenge me openly!”

Promptly, a different message emerged on the screen: Don’t reject us so soon, Ms. MooreYou have three days to consider this carefullySee you again in three days.

Arielle was boiling with rage while she spat out icily, “Don’t you worry about looking for me because I’ll come for you, you cold blooded murderer!”

Yet, the computer shut down automatically before she could finish her sentence.

“Dang it!” Arielle cursed, irritated by the unknown hacker’s influx of uncertainty into her life.

She had not expected the hacker to find her here. It would seem like he had tracked her down so easily because she was using

“I’ll wait for you at the entrance.”

Arielle washed up and got changed hurriedly as soon as she ended the phone call with Vinson.

The housekeepers were still cleaning up Shandie’s room, and Henrick wasn’t home as he was purchasing the necessary items to prepare for Shandie’s funeral.

Therefore, Arielle went to Maplelake Manor without announcing her departure from home.

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