
“You smell delicious, princess.” I purred, kissing Maizey passionately. She giggled against me, running her hands up my back and drawing them back down slowly as she gently dug her nails into my skin.

“Do I get the same treatment?” I pulled away and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

“I was hoping you would find us.” She smiled suggestively and I nearly came undone around her.

“Oh, my little temptress.” I chuckled, sucking on her marking spot on the opposite side of her neck as Archer’s hickey. I added a hickey of my own to my side, “Let’s take you up to my room.” I picked up Archer’s shirt and shoved it over her head. It was big enough to cover her whole body. I cradled her in my arms and walked towards the door.

“Are you coming, Archer?” She asked over my shoulder.

“Of course, my love.” Archer pulled up his pants and followed us.

The three of us made it to my room in record time, I wasn’t about to waste a single moment of my mate’s arousal. I tossed her on the bed and she squealed, giggling at my roughness. I barely noticed Archer slipping in behind me and sitting on the couch. He was going to give me my one on one time with our mate first.

I crawled on top of Maizey seductively, pulling off Archer’s shirt and leaving her naked again. She demanded that I remove my shirt and I complied, also undoing my belt and dropping my pants.

“Do you want me, baby?” I asked, hovering just over her naked body.

“I want you, Hunter.” She responded, her eye’s fluttering between closed and open as she was filled with ecstasy.

I claimed her lips in mine for a steamy kiss before trailing open mouth kisses down her neck and across her breasts. I snatched one of her breasts between my teeth and sucekd on her aggressively. As her moans became louder, I pushed inside her entrance. She gripped my back, digging her nails in so hard I was sure she was drawing blood, but I didn’t care. Watcher was practically howling in my head with delight.

I gripped her hips, encouraging her to move with me. She matched my movements and I returned my hands to her breasts, kneading them as she bounced under me. I leaned down to whisper in her ear,

“Can I mark you, baby?” Suddenly, Archer was leaning on the bed on the other side of her head,

“Me too, little Luna?” He asked. All Maizey could do was nod.

“I need to hear you say it, princess.” I kissed her cheek.

“Y…yes. I want you both to mark me.” She muttered, gasping as a shivered tore through her. I knew that she was close.

I started kissing her marking spot, preparing her for the briefest moment of pain before immense pleasure took over. I felt my fangs elongate as Watcher lost patience. I sunk my teeth into her neck and I felt as Archer did the same on her left side. Maizey gasped and moaned so loudly I immediately released inside of her. I licked my wound closed and waited for her to finish before pulling out.

Maizey’s eyes were already going close, the activities of the evening draining her of all her energy. I pulled Archer’s shirt back over her and tucked her into my bed. I kissed her cheek and Archer kissed her other cheek.

“Sleep, my little Luna.” Archer said against her skin, but by then she was already lightly snoring. We chuckled at our mate before crawling into bed with her.

I looked over at Archer and mindlinked him.

“What did you do to convince her to let us mark her?” I asked.

“I didn’t do anything. She asked me when we were going to do it and I said whenever she was ready. I explianed to her that it had to happen during sex and that I knew she wasn’t ready for that, yet. Boy did she prove me wrong.” Archer chuckled in my head.

“I should have thought of that! Tell her that she can’t have something and of course she wants to prove that she can take it.” I laughed loudly through our link.

Archer rolled his eyes at me before he could stop himself and I raised an eyebrow, calling him out on it. He smirked and nuzzled his face in Maizey’s neck, refusing to look at me.

The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I groaned and rolled over, noticing that both my mate and my brother were missing. I sat up and listened for them. Instead, I smelt them. Maizey’s arousal warmed my senses. I grinned and Watcher growled in my head. I threw the covers off and hurried into the bathroom where I could hear the shower running.

Archer and Maizey were in the shower, steam rolling out of the glass doors and filling the room. Archer was leaning against the back of the shower with Maizey’s legs wrapped around his waist. I growled hungrily at seeing my beautiful mate dripping wet and naked. Archer had his face between her breasts while Maizey’s eyes were slammed shut. Neither one of them heard me undress and step inside the shower.

Maizey gasped as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. Archer glanced up at her noise but settled his face back on her chest when he realized it was just me. I started sucking on my mark on Maizey’s neck and she moaned loudly. Archer was pressed into her front, moving her methodically against him while she moved her hips with him. I soaked myself in the water and then pressed against the back of my mate. She gasped again as I poked at her butt.

“Will you let me, princess?” I purred in her ear, nibbling at her lobe and begging her to let me take her, too.

She looked at me nervously, biting her lip with wide eyes, but she nodded. I kissed her mouth openly, letting my tongue wander inside as I messaged her butt. I pushed inside her slowly and she winced in pain as she adjusted to the feeling. Archer slowed down his movements as he waited for her to relax. Her face filled with pleasure again and she started to moan. Archer and I echoed each other’s motions.

In no time at all, she came undone around us both and we joined her. Archer carefully set her down and she collapsed in our arms. We moved her under the waterfall shower head and rinsed her off. I grabbed a loofa and started to clean her body with soap while Archer was messaging shampoo into her red curls.

Once we were done washing her, we helped her out of the shower and tucked a large towel around her shivering body. She smiled dreamily at us, her eyes fluttering shut as she fought against her exhaustion. Archer picked her up and gently laid her back in bed. We kissed her gently and slipped out of the room after getting dressed ourselves.

“Let’s go to my office and finish discussing the details of our pack merger.” I said to Archer. We mindlinked our Betas and Gammas to meet in my office. They were already there by the time we arrived.

“The contractors informed me yesterday that they think your packhouse will be finished within the week.” I told Archer.

“That’s great. My pack members are eager to get out of the hotel and into their own space.” Archer nodded approvingly.

“I’m meeting the pack elders later today and once they have given their opinions and approval, I’ll call a pack meeting.” I said.

“Do you think the elders will give you any trouble?” Archer asked me.

“No, not with you as the new Alpha. They still see you as a family Alpha and respect your destiny to lead.” I said.

“I just know after what happened….” Archer’s voice wandered off.

“That was a terrible accident, Archer. Thea’s family has been heavily componsenated and we continue to care for them.” I sighed.

“They can’t be componsentated into forgetting that I killed their only child.” Archer grumbled.

“No, they can’t, but I don’t think they will be a problem. They won’t stand against me.” I said.

“I want to face them myself and apologize.” Archer said, surprising me.

“I don’t think that’ll do anyone any good.” I argued.

“I ran away before her funeral. I never got the chance to apologize and they never got the chance to yell at me. Will you at least extend my offer?” Archer’s expression was truly painful.

“I’ll personally deliver it myself.” I said.

“Thank you, brother.” Archer nodded gratefully.

“Do you want to come with me to the elders meeting?” I asked him.

“Whatever you think is the best option.” Archer said.

“You should come and address them yourself.” I suggested and Archer nodded in agreement,

“I’ll be there. In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that Maizey is ready for her Luna ceremony.” Archer informed me.

“Oh, she is?” I raised an eyebrow, surprised to hear this.

“She’s apprehensive about being worthy of the Luna title but she’s ready if we think she’s ready.” Archer explained.

“Of course I think she’s ready. She’s always been ready.” I answered honestly, “I’ll send mom to go talk to her, answer any questions she has.”

“That’s what I suggested. She seems to like mom.” Archer said.

“Alright, it’s settled then. I’ll go talk to mom and she can get started planning her ceremony. I know she’s been dying to. The meeting with the elders is in the conference room at four. Don’t be late.” I said to Archer as I stood up from my desk and walked towards the door.

“I’m never late.” Archer grumbled at me, seeming offended by my comment.

“Except for when you’re with Maizey.” I accused him, thinking about all the meetings he was late for because he was with our mate. Archer ignored me and I left to find our mother.

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