
I shouldn’t have been surprised when Hunter showed up at my house the next morning to take me to work. I knew there was no hope of getting rid of him now. Not that I even wanted to, especially after yesterday. He was perfect and I knew that he meant every word that he said. He was mine and I was his. I just had to figure out how to be okay with that and all his intense declarations of love.

I had once asked him to slow down at the bonfire right before he pushed me away. He had agreed. But that was then and this is now. I knew I was in it for the long haul and there was no wiggling free. There was no slowing down and no taking a step back. This shit was about to get fast and furious.

Hunter and I made small talk as he drove us to work. He had gotten me coffee from the shop where I first met Melody, remembering my order perfectly. I sipped happily on the warm java as we walked hand in hand through the lobby door.

My mood was quickly ruined.

“What the hell is she doing here?” I snapped at Hunter who nearly ran into the back of me as I froze in the middle of the lobby.

“I don’t know. I told her that I was accepting you as my mate.” Hunter said into my ear. I looked over at the receptionist desk and saw Ana watching us carefully. I walked over to her while Hunter walked towards Carmin.

“What’s going on?” Ana whispered.

“Hunter and I are together.” I explained. Lowering my voice, I added, “And I know everything. I know what you are.” Ana’s eyes widened to the size of grapefruits.

“You do?” She was trying to determine what everything meant.

“I know you’re mated with Miles, who is Alpha Hunter’s Beta.” I stated.

“Oh, so everything everything.” Ana nodded and I couldn’t help but laugh at her expression, “Then what is that bitch doing here?” She nodded towards Carmin.

“I have no idea.” I grumbled as I watched her and Hunter engage in a very heated conversation.

“Hey, Luna?” Ana’s voice sounded worried. I tore my eyes away from the duo to look at her, “I’m sorry about how I treated you when we first met. That was wrong of me.”

“It’s okay, Ana, you were nice to me when Hunter wasn’t. And, please don’t call me that, it weirds me out.” I laughed. Ana chuckled and nodded,

“Sure thing, Maizey.” Miles walked in then and gave me a huge grin.

“Luna! I’m so glad you’re in the know now!” He knocked his shoulder against mine before kissing his mate.

“Don’t call her that! She doesn’t like it.” Ana hissed at Miles.

“Sorry?” He looked between us, seeming confused. I just laughed and went back to eyestalking Carmin and Hunter. “What is going on over there?” Miles asked.

“I’m going to go find out.” I said, deciding that she had my mate’s attention for long enough. I stormed over towards them and grabbed Hunter’s hand. Carmin’s expression was murderous.

“Carmin, you remember Maizey, my mate.” Hunter looked pissed.

“You rejected her.” Carmin spat.

“No, I didn’t. I kept her away from me to keep her safe.” He argued.

“I’m sorry, but Hunter, why do we owe her an explanation?” I looked sideways at Hunter who was looking down at me.

“We don’t, baby.” He smiled.

“You don’t? I am supposed to be your Luna!” Carmin practically yelled.

“If you don’t lower your voice you’re going to be out of a job and a place to live.” Hunter growled. I didn’t even know that she worked here. “Maizey is your Luna and I was a fool to think anyone else was right for the job or as my mate. It was a lapse in judgment that will never happen again and I suggest that you get on board.”

“Is there a problem here?” Miles stepped up behind me.

“Not at all. Hunter and I were just heading up to work.” I said without looking back at Miles. Hunter nodded at me and wrapped his arm around my waist as we turned away from Carmin.

“You’re going to regret this.” Carmin snarled behind me.

“Did you just threaten your Luna and Alpha?” Miles growled, stepping in front of us.

“No, just her.” Carmin glared, pointing a manicured finger at me.

“She is your Luna and I suggest you change your tone.” Miles said.

“Whatever, I’m out of here.” Carmin scoffed and literally stomped out of the lobby. I wasn’t sure how she managed to stomp in her 6 inch stilettos, but she figured it out.

“I’m sorry about her, Maizey. I didn’t know she would pull a stunt like that.” Hunter grumbled.

“Well you should have. It’s Carmin.” Ana scoffed, “I told you that I didn’t like that witch.”

“I know, you all made that very clear.” Hunter sighed. I looked between him, Ana, and Miles.

“Really?” I was surprised to hear that.

“Oh yes, everyone hated Carmin and was pissed at me for pushing you away.” Hunter said with a frown.

“I still don’t know what his reason was for it, but whatever it was, it was stupid. No one deserves to be treated the way you were, Maizey, and no one has the right to reject his destined mate.” Ana snapped. Hunter flinched like she had stabbed him in the gut.

“It’s okay, Ana. I know why he did it and I forgive him.” I smiled softly at her and squeezed Hunter’s hand. I could tell he was grinned at me,

“Do you mean it?” He asked and I met his gaze, “You forgive me?”

“Of course I do.” I reached up on my tippy toes to peck his lips. He growled against my mouth and deepened the kiss. Wrapping his arm around my back, he dipped me passionately. I squealed and pushed him away.

“What are you doing?” I laughed, embarrassed at his PDA.

“Showing the world that you’re mine.” He wiggled his eyebrows devilishly. I shook my head at him and started walking towards the elevator.

“I’m going to be late.” I sighed.

“I’ll come pick you up for lunch.” Hunter promised when the elevator stopped on my floor.

He pulled me in for a quick kiss. I yanked away, already breathless by the time our mouths broke apart. He chuckled and swatted my butt as I ran from the elevator. I yelped but by the time I turned around to scold him, the doors had already closed.

“I’m sorry I’m late. I got held up.” I mumbled as I ran into the lab, breathless.

“Got held up with Mr. Greyback?” Frankie smirked knowingly at me. Of course, now I knew that Pen, Frankie, and Ryker were all werewolves of Satin Moon.

“What?” Vera, the only human on my team other than me, gasped.

“Our team captain and our boss are knocking boots.” Pen giggled and I felt myself blushing.

“Really? But he was always so….not nice to you.” Vera looked confused.

“Yeah, well, you know what they say about boys bullying the girls that they like.” I joked but Vera wasn’t buying it. “Anyway, let’s get to work.” I pulled my team’s focus back to our jobs.

At lunch time, Hunter shocked all the humans by showing up to take me to lunch. The wolves all knew about us since Hunter mindlinked the pack this morning to tell them all about me.

I wasn’t at all surprised to learn that wolves could communicate mentally. It made a lot of sense considering I often saw them spacing out with those pitch black eyes. All the weird stuff I had witnessed over the course of the last three months was starting to make a lot more sense.

When I returned from lunch, I had an army of questions to answer and a lot of accusing glares from the humans. The humans who worked on Gabe’s team all snickered at me as they talked behind my back about me getting Gabe fired. I chose to ignore them. Turns out, I didn’t have to worry about it because the wolves from that team set them straight real quick.

At the end of my day, I went down to the lobby to meet Hunter. He wasn’t there yet, but Ana was still at the receptionist desk. I stopped to talk to her. Soon, Miles and the man I remembered as Toby, joined us.

“I’m glad that Hunter finally filled you.” Toby said to me, “For the record, I told him he was stupid for hurting you.” He added.

“I was avoiding everyone from the reservation because I thought you would all be on his side. I guess I was wrong.” I laughed. The three of them shared a look just as Hunter exited the elevator.

“Ready to go, princess?” He asked, resting his hand on my back.

“Yep.” I smiled widely at him.

Everything felt so natural and easy with Hunter and his pack members. The memories of the last few months were already fading, taking the pain and loneliness with them. I truly felt at home in Hunter’s arms and surrounded by his friends. But, still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. It was like when you know you had a thought but suddenly it was gone and you couldn’t remember it. I knew there was something else that I was supposed to do or have, but I couldn’t figure out what.

“You seem distracted. Are you alright?” Hunter asked as we drove away from his building.

“Yeah, I just can’t shake this feeling like I’m missing something. I don’t know, I’m probably just forgetting something.” I shrugged. Hunter sighed and started to frown, a crease in his forehead popping out from worry.

“That’s probably Archer.” He mumbled.

“Your brother?” I didn’t understand what he had to do with anything.

“I told you that he’s your mate, too. You might be human but you still feel the effects of the bond. Now that you and I have accepted our bond, you’re going to start to crave Archer. He’s the missing piece.” Hunter explained.

“So, I’m just going to feel like this forever unless he decides to, what? Join us?” This was a little too weird for me. Two mates? What kind of Fifty Shades of Gray crap was that?

“I don’t know, baby. It’ll probably go away with time if he doesn’t want to stay around.” Hunter said, seeming very upset at the mere mention of his twin.

Suddenly, Hunter slammed on the breaks. He threw out his arm in front of me protectively, as if to hold me back in case the seatbelt failed. I gasped, my breath sucked out of me when my chest impacted with the seatbelt. I looked out the windshield with wide eyes. There was a gray wolf in the middle of the road.

“What the hell does she think she’s doing?” Hunter growled.

“She? Who is that?” I said in a shaky voice.

“Carmin.” He snapped, unbuckling his seatbelt, “Stay here.” He ordered me without a second glance.

He opened the car door and stomped out. The second he was gone, Miles and Toby were at my side. I almost screamed when they seemingly popped out of nowhere.

“It’s okay, Maizey, you’re safe.” Toby said to me through a crack in the window. Miles nodded at me before joining Hunter. I rolled the window down the rest of the way.

“What’s going on?” I asked Toby.

“Just stay in the car. I don’t know what Carmin is playing at. Some of your other bodyguards have the road blocked off already.” Toby said, not taking his eyes off of Carmin.

“Shift! Now!” Hunter bellowed at the small wolf, shaking the car. The wolf growls but does as she’s commanded. A naked Carmin was now standing in the middle of the street. “What are you doing?” Hunter’s voice was frightening.

“You can’t be with her! You promised me!” Carmin shrieked.

“What part of, she’s my mate, do you not understand?” Hunter snapped.

“I am the Luna!” Carmin stomped her foot like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

“You are about to be a rogue if you don’t bow down right now.” Hunter spat. Carmin’s eyes widened, fear finally registering in her face.

“Y….you c…cant.” She whimpered.

“Try me. Bow down. Now!” Hunter yelled again in an authoritative tone. Carmin hit the ground in one swift motion, like her knees had just suddenly given out and she no longer had the strength to stand.

“I submit, Alpha, I’m sorry.” She blubbered.

Hunter turned his head towards me and motioned for me to come. Toby opened the door and helped me out. I was terrified, but I walked over to him on shaky legs. Hunter put his arm around my waist and smiled at me, telling me that everyone was okay.

“Submit to your Luna.” He turned his fury back on Carmin. She didn’t dare look up.

“I submit to my Luna.” Carmin replied.

“You will stay here until we are no longer in sight, do you understand?” Hunter said.

“I understand.” Carmin nodded weakly.

Hunter turned dramatically on his heels, taking me with him. He helped me back into the car and Toby and Miles returned to wherever they came from. Hunter drove around Carmin, just barely avoiding hitting her.

“What just happened?” I asked once Carmin was out of sight and I was no longer trembling with fear.

“Carmin was questioning my command and yours. She had to be put in her place. If she acts out again, she’ll be exiled from the pack and forced to be a rogue. I already gave her more chances than I should have.” Hunter answered plainly, clearly still pissed.

“Why?” I felt a ping of jealousy rising in my chest. Hunter’s face softened as he glanced at me, picking up my hand and holding it on my thigh.

“Because I did this to her, I’m partially responsible. I knew she wanted to be the Luna and I took advantage of that. Then, I ditched her for you. I dangled being Luna in her face and then pushed her away like she was nothing. She is nothing to me, but that still wasn’t right. I have to pay for my mistakes.” Hunter said solemnly and I nodded, understanding.

“Is it wrong that I’m a little jealous of her?” I grumbled and Hunter chuckled.

“You don’t need to be. She’s nothing to me, as I’ve always said. But, I can understand why you feel that way. The matebond makes us a little stir crazy.” Hunter winked at me.

“I’ve never really been the jealous type before but now all I can think about is ripping her head off.” I replied casually. Hunter raised an eyebrow at me before laughing loudly.

“My scary little red.” He said in a low, husky tone.

“Yeah, well, you’re not such a big bad wolf like I thought. We’re both surprising.” I teased him, which only made him laugh harder.

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