
A few months had passed since I found out I was pregnant. A werewolf pregnancy usually lasted five months while a fae pregnancy matched the humans at 9 months, so we weren’t sure what exactly to expect. I had regular ultrasounds to monitor the progress of both my babies. I was 3 months along but measuring closer to five. The doctors all predicted I had three more months to go.

Finn was even more protective than before and absolutely terrified of letting me out of his sight. Stone and I had become quickly acquainted with each other considering I wasn’t allowed to breathe without him nearby to monitor me. Apparently, Finn was planning a trip for us after the Luna ceremony but since finding out I was pregnant, he didn’t want me leaving the pack territory. So, it was postponed until after the babies were born.

Genny has been my greatest ally throughout the entire process. She’s helped ease my nerves and offers great advice on how to handle a panicking soon to be father who also happens to be the Alpha. She helped me set up the nursery and shop for all the necessities. The Alpha and Luna floor also had four extra bedrooms for the children.

“Do you know what you’re having?“′ Sol asked as we sat in the sitting area of my bedroom. This was the first time they were able to visit since the ceremony.

“A boy and a girl.” I smiled.

“Do you have names picked out?” Bay asked.

“We do, but we’re not telling anybody until they’re born.” I chuckled at my brothers’ frowns.

“We’re happy for you, sis, and excited to be uncles.” Bay grinned, squeezing my hand.

“Thanks, Bay. I’m happy you’re both going to be a part of their lives. The question is, will they ever be able to see where their uncles and mother come from?” I asked. Sol and Bay shared a sigh,

“We’re working on it, Marigold. We’ve carefully been gathering followers who agree with our campaign. People who never trusted the King and never approved of your exile. You have a lot of supporters, princess.” Sol explained. I was surprised by the news of people supporting and missing me. I always just assumed the people forgot about me and moved on.

“You’d better be careful that Father doesn’t learn about this.” I warned them.

“You don’t think I know that?” Sol snapped and raised my hands in surrender.

“There’s something we have to tell you.” Bay spoke up, changing the subject and easing the tension,


“The Alpha from Ireland paid Father a visit.” Bay said.

“Alpha Torrin?” I asked in shock. Sol nodded,

“Yes. He heard about what happened to Alpha Julian and he demanded protection from the King. He thinks you’re going after all your past Alpha masters.” Sol explained.

“And what did dear ol dad say?” I mumbled

“That he wasn’t aware of any plot against him nor any revenge fantasies of his daughter.” Sol replied with an amused expression.

“How diplomatic.” I scoffed.

“In reality, I think father is hoping that you go after Torrin and save him the trouble.” Bay added.

“Oh I’m sure he is.” I agreed,

“But, I don’t have an urge to help him with anything.”

“I wouldn’t put it past Torrin to try something, Marigold. he seemed really worried about what you would do. We wanted to warn you and your mate to be on high alert.” Sol revealed the true intentions of their visit.

“Trust me, Finn cannot be on any higher alert. He’s been a lunatic ever since he found out I was pregnant.” I sighed.

“Good.” Bay replied plainly.

“I can handle Alpha Torrin myself. He’s nothing.” I said defensively.

“And you’re pregnant and he’s a sneak. He’s dangerous, Marigold, don’t underestimate him.” Sol warned.

“So am I. Don’t underestimate me.” I growled.

Bayu and Solaris surrounded the argument and said their goodbyes. After exchanging hugs, they vanished back through the portal. I decided to go find my mate.

Of course, like always, he was busy working in his office. I pushed open the door, not bothering to knock, and grinned at my love behind his desk.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Finn smiled, closing his laptop and opening up his arms. I scurried across the room and threw myself into his lap.

“I missed you.” I moaned, nuzzling my face in his neck.

“I missed you too, love.” Finn’s voice was dark as I nibbled at his exposed skin.

“Are you busy?” I asked, grazing my lips over his mark.

“Not anymore.” Finn growled, grabbing my hips and propping me up on his desk.

In one large swoop, the desk was cleared of all its belongings. He laid me back and claimed my lips with his. He tugged my shirt over my head and rubbed my swollen belly while caressing my neck with his lips.

“You’re so beautiful.” Finn whispered, trailing his kisses across my breasts. I pulled his shirt off and fiddled with his belt. Soon, his jeans and my leggings were also on the floor.

I ran my fingers over his tattoos, causing goosebumps to decorate his flawless skin. I studied the dark markings, committing them to memory as I had done a dozen times before.

“I love you.” I muttered as Finn covered my body with his.

“I love you.” Finn echoed me.

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