
Sunday morning, Evie, Elijah, Sawyer, Molly, Greyson, Jack, and myself all met in the dining hall for breakfast. I introduced Elijah to my brothers and we all engaged in some awkward chit chat.

As breakfast came to an end, I ordered Jack to patrol the borders and ensure that everything was running smoothly. I asked Greyson to head to the arenas and oversee any Sunday training that was going on. Training on Sundays was optional, but many of our elite members as well as the younger generation trying to make a name for themselves took the opportunity to practice in a less crowded arena.

Sawyer was on Molly duty, making sure that she didn’t jump out a window or something crazy while she wasn’t allowed to be with her mate. Evie and I took Elijah on a tour of the packhouse and the grounds. As noon approached, we were walking across the field that connected the packhouse outdoor space to the arenas and sparing area.

“This is like some crazy summer camp.” Elijah muttered as he watched a group of patrol wolves run across the path in front of us.

“Everyone is eager to do their part.” I said, looking over my pack proudly.

“What are they training for?” Elijah asked as we walked towards the largest arena. This arena was used for sparring matches and intense combat training while the smaller arenas were used for focus groups and skill training.

“Anything,” I shrugged,

“Mostly these days we just encounter rogues.”

“What are they?” Elijah asked.

“Werewolves who don’t belong to a pack. They’re just pests really, causing trouble. They don’t bother us very often.” I explained as I led Evie and her brother up to the viewing deck. It was just a small platform that overlooked the arena. Elijah leaned against the railing and watched the sparring match.

“Why did they attack at the bonfire?” Evie spoke up. I looked over at her surprised as I realized that we never discussed the rogue attack that forced me to reveal myself to her.

“I’m not sure, we’re still trying to figure that one out. We’ve tightened up patrols since then to make sure that you stay safe.” I assured her. Evie rolled her eyes at me,

“I’m not the only one who lives here, Noah.” Evie whined my name.

“I know that, but you are the most important one who lives here.” I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Wait, rogues attacked while my sister was here?” Elijah turned to face me with concern all over his face.

“That’s how I found out about Noah and the pack. It was only my second weekend here, they attacked while I was here attending a party.” Evie explained.

“She’s safe here, Elijah.” I said for what felt like the hundredth time. I couldn’t blame him for worrying about his sister’s safety. The idea of a bunch of 7 foot tall wolves running around the place where your human sister lives is slightly terrifying. Elijah resisted the urge to roll his eyes at me as he went back to observing the arena.

“Noah, I want to do that.” Evie’s voice filled the silence, earning a shocked look from myself and Elijah.

“What?” I asked her. She pointed towards the arena,

“I want to train, I want to learn how to fight.” Elijah was behind me but I could sense his tension even without looking at him if only because it matched my own horror.

“Absolutely not.” I answered sternly. Evie glared at me with her hands on her hips,

“What happened to not controlling me?” She snapped. I growled quietly at her,

“You know that’s not what I’m doing, Everleigh. It’s not safe. Besides you have no reason to learn how to fight, everyone here will protect you.” I attempted to keep my voice even and calm. She saw right through me.

“Great, so I’ll be the most helpless and useless Luna in the history of Lunas.” She grumbled.

“You will never be helpless or useless, you have plenty of other purposes other than being able to fight. The Luna doesn’t join the Alpha in battle, ever, anyway. She is protected in case anything would happen to the Alpha. Not to mention, no Alpha can think straight with their Luna on the battlefield.” I tried to reason with her.

“Fine. If you won’t train me here then I’ll just go take human self defense classes with some strange men.” She threatened me. I groaned loudly,


“I’ll let you think about it.” She smirked, her attitude completely changing as she bounced down the steps of the platform. Elijah stepped up beside me,

“You’re in deep.” He said, smacking me on the back.

“No kidding.” I grumbled.

“So does this mate bond thing make it impossible for you to say no to her?” He asked.

“Essentially,” I said in defeat,

“Unless it’s something that would put her in danger.” I added. This was a bit of a gray area. Either way, I’m pretty sure Evie wasn’t going to back down. So, was she safer training here with my wolves or with a bunch of strangers who, quite possibly, would be male? The answer was obvious.

“Is that why I feel like running over there?” Elijah asked, nodding back towards the house. I followed his gaze and saw Molly was speaking to Evie.

“The mate bond draws you to her, yes.” I laughed.

“Even though I’m not a….you know,” He gestured towards me, not yet ready to say the word werewolf.

“Every human feels the connection differently. Everleigh feels it stronger than any other human I’ve met. It makes sense that you would have a strong connection, too.” I explained. Elijah nodded, his eyes glued to Molly.

“Do you want to go talk to her?” I asked. Elijah looked between me and Molly,

“I don’t know what to say.” He sighed.

“Just treat it like a normal date, ignore all the pressure of the mate bond.” I said.

“Is that what you did with Evie?” Elijah asked.

“It’s what I tried to do. I’m pretty sure I sucked at it, but I did my best to make things as normal as possible for her so she didn’t feel overwhelmed or pressured; we moved at her pace. Molly helped her every second of the way, so she knows how to handle a human.” I tried to reassure him.

“Alright, let’s go.” Elijah sighed, giving in to his desire. I followed him down the steps and across the yard. Evie sensed me approaching and turned around to greet us while Molly grinned excitedly. Evie snaked her hand into the crook of my elbow, wrapping her arm around mine as she grinned at Molly and her brother.

“Hi, uh, Molly.” Elijah muttered, shoving his hands in his jean pockets nervously. Molly was really struggling to stand still,

“Hi!” She shouted. We all winced at her volume.

“Did you want to, uhm, get some lunch?” Elijah asked, shocking Evie. She looked up at me with a curious look on her face, accusing me of putting Elijah up to this. I shook my head at her innocently.

“Yes!” Molly yelled again. Sawyer’s eyes flashed black and I could tell he was mindlinking his sister. She slowly stopped bouncing, attempting to calm down.

“You’ll have to pick the place, I don’t know anything about the area.” Elijah said.

“Okay.” Molly clenched her teeth together to keep from shouting.

“I can drive.” Elijah offered. Molly agreed again and started walking towards the parking garage. Elijah looked back at us and we all gave him two thumbs up. He glared at us before turning his attention back to Molly.

“Should I chaperone?” Sawyer asked, watching his sister protectively.

“From a distance.” I ordered him. Sawyer took off after them without a second thought.

“That was unexpected.” Evie said from beside me.

“So is your sudden desire to learn how to fight.” I looked at her accusingly. She shrugged,

“I’m full of surprises.” She wiggled her eyebrows and started to run away from me.

“You’re going to have to do better than that, little mate.” I growled at her playfully as she shrieked and started running. I caught up to her easily, wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning her around, her feet leaving the ground. She giggled loudly as I placed her back down on the ground and claimed her lips with mine.

“Take a walk with me?” I asked. She nodded eagerly, grabbing my hand as we started to walk around the edge of the treeline.

“So, you’re really serious about this training thing?” I asked her. She started biting her lip and nodded.

“I don’t want to be helpless.” She said again.

“I don’t like the idea, Evie.” I replied honestly.

“Why wouldn’t you want me to be able to defend myself?” She asked as we continued to walk hand in hand.

“Because the idea of you having to defend yourself makes me physically ill.” I sighed. Evie looked up at me and offered a small smile.

“I promise that I will run and hide first and only fight if I have no choice.” She said, trying to make me feel better.

“You’re the most important person in the world to me, Everleigh, I can’t stand the idea of anything happening to you.” I pulled her to a stop and cupped her face in my hands.

“I know.” She whispered.

“But, I won’t stand in the way of what you want. I would like to request that you train here, under the trainers of my choice.” I said, compromising.

“As long as you don’t pick the Easter bunny and Cupid as my trainers. I want to actually learn, Noah.” She gave me an accusing look and I held up my hands in surrender,

“Fair enough.” I chuckled. She reached up on her tippy toes to give me a kiss before we continued on our walk.

“How do you think Molly and Elijah are doing?” Evie asked me after a while.

“Do you want me to mindlink Molly?” I asked. She stared at me for a minute, contemplating her options.

“No, leave them be.” She decided. We had circled the training area and were nearing the packhouse again when the patrol wolves mindlinked me, putting me on full alert. I quickly ordered Sawyer to return from his chaperoning.

“We have to go back to my office, Evie.” I said, blindly pulling Evie through the front door.

“What’s going on?” Evie stiffened beside me, sensing my uneasiness.

“There’s a member of the Council here to see me.” I explained.

“The what?” Evie stared at me dumbfounded. I couldn’t help but smile at her expression.

“The Werewolf Council. They oversee the packs. It’s mostly a bunch of stuffy old wolves who refuse to give up their power. They overreach way too much, but they’re pretty easy to just ignore.” I shrugged, trying not to worry my mate.

“Why are they here?” She asked, clearly worried.

“I’m not sure. Greyson is escorting him to my office now from the front gate. You should wait upstairs for me.” I said as we approached my office.

“You don’t want me with you?” She asked, pouting. Remi whimpered in my head at the thought of upsetting our mate.

“Of course I do, love, but the Council elders don’t approve of inter-species mixing, and they aren’t the biggest fans of humans.” I told her.

“You want to hide me.” Evie’s attitude changed.

“I don’t want to, but I think it’s for the best.” I said.

“The best for who?” She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. I grabbed her face again,

“Best for everyone. I couldn’t stand idly by if the elder discredited you even a little bit, I would rip his throat out through his stomach. It would be a big mess for everyone.” I smiled mischievously. I saw a glint of a smile in Evie’s eyes.

“Fine.” She grumbled but I could tell she wasn’t mad anymore. She kissed me and danced back down the hallway, heading towards the elevator. I watched her go, ensuring that she didn’t run into the elder in the process. When she turned down the hall to the elevator, I entered my office.

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